Wow it didn't last very long

Its an mmorpg you walk and fly ro places. We already have portals to literally everywhere.

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It’s always amazing that people like you can’t just stay silent. You have to jab the wound and inflict pain. What do you do for a living?

Just bait and switch, something blizz is good at.

Come on keep on forum pvping about a game you dont like. You are my favorite type of person. You cant just quit and be happy somewhere else.
, you need to come and cry.

I wont even asl for your gold, because I know you will be back to complain yet again

You said that to yourself. I only said to play WoW Core’s pillar games.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. After 18 years I’ve decided to permanently leave wow. It’s been a nice ride, but it’s time to move on. I’ve spent all my gold so don’t ask. adios…


…but can I have your copper?

I can’t agree more with this. I came back to retail…AGAIN to play with friends who quit already, and now regardless of whether or not I like the game, there isn’t a reason to play.

Meanwhile, I also got dragged back to classic AGAIN…and stuck there because that is where the people are who socialize. There is almost nothing to do in classic, compared to retail, and yet we are online just hangin out…doing boring af things but having fun.

I’m not sure why but I’ve also made a bunch of new friends in classic, and can’t seem to do the same in retail. I swear its because the retail content is too sweaty that there is 0 time to have meaningful engagements.


Agreed classic is basically really simple, you just need more people to hit the numbers to kill the boss. That made for some really fun interactions. Now many people just run M+ and don’t even raid anymore. That kinda killed WOW in it’s original form. Those days will be missed.

WoW has changed in an attempt to appeal to a different audience and attract those players. It worked, but now Blizzard doesn’t really know how to keep that new monster they created satisfied.

Can I have your mushroom hat?

Fun fact, the human brain is designed to only find a new stimulus engaging for so long, it’s only natural that a game that has done the same boring routine of grind grind and more grind over the last oh… 6 years of its existence would eventually not only cause most normal functioning brains to find it dull…

But if Chinese water torture is any indicator eventually it’d even be TORTURE. A human brain can only remain sane for so long while doing the same thing over and over and over again, in fact… that’s Einstein’s opinion of what is insanity IS.

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I’d say many wow players have changed over the last 20 years as well. Wow has been attempting to change with them.

Blizzard has been trying to convert its mostly casual/solo player audience into people whose preference is difficult/group content since Cata.

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It’s not been working hence delves were born.

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Delves have been designed to cap those players’ progression at a level that is intended to funnel them into mythic+.

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Nice try, Blizz. you wont catch me! eer… I mean… They won’t let me in! :frowning:

At this point I just want the leveling experience to be fun again.

There’s is a ton I want. But that’s something that I actually think blizzard can give me without pissing off the rest of the playerbase.

Delves to me are just trying to replace what leveling used to provide (and blizzard doesn’t seem to realize that)

I really don’t feel like blizzard was trying to appeal to anybody.

Blizzard kept propping up raids despite several clear signs that raiding wasn’t all that popular, and clearly not worth the money blizzard was putting into it.

But instead of reallocating that money towards something the playerbase actually wanted like PvP they just doubled down on raiding.

Absolutely not. I could actually get to max level in SL and enjoy PvP for a bit.

But in DF and TWW I can’t even get 2 levels in without falling asleep.

The talent tree rework and bringing flying back are DISASTERS. That have completely ruined the game for me.

It looks better but its all the same with different skin, dungeons , m+ , raids and rep nothing new