I’m grown and WoW hasn’t aged like a good wine or cheese. It’s molding and we keep getting serve the same barebone slop
That wholly depended on your class and spec.
Also, no. The ZG rep piece is not better than aq 40 or naxx gear.
I think delves are a metasolution to a number of issues that doesn’t fit any of them well.
- Preseason gear for raiders and keypushers;
- Achievements for raiders want want to something else to do when the rest of the guild is raid logging;
- Farming delves thousands of times throughout the expansion will keep the casual solo players out of mythic+ so they won’t bother the real gamers there.
you’ll be back in season 2 /shrug. This game isn’t really meant to be played for the entire season.
Did that scene take place in the vestibule of Waycrest Manor?
That’s the issue. Blizzard is no longer developing this game like an MMO. MMO’s are a small genre in the big picture of videogaming. They don’t have the potential to get lots of new players, because they are niche. They try to keep the players they have addicted by keeping them busy enough that they will look forward to logging in every day to feel like they are making progress. Blizzard wants wow to be a seasonal game more like diablo, where you have to reroll periodically when they churn the meta. They are still clinging to the idea that esports is the answer.
If a 1-2 year game is meant to be played for a few weeks and then sends players elsewhere to find some other game to play, people who actually like the MMO genre will be looking for a real MMO, not a tiny esports lobby game with a cult following that Ion is envisioning.
SL was trash. You don’t even play this game. Sit all the way down son.
I don’t play TWW because it’s the same as DF and DF was horrible.
I did try DF. It was the worst WoW expansion I ever had the displeasure of purchasing.
Shadowlands is literally better.
TWW is not so good or not so bad, it’s been proven already. There’s like 2-3 post everyday saying its a barebone expansion
I canceled my sub and recommend anyone who is not having fun also do so. you get a chance to explain why & I suggest you max it out. M+ being redefined and rewards moved has pretty much killed that game mode for me. I don’t even want to run low keys to gear alts. so in turn I don’t really play any alts. professions feel worse because the patron system emulated the worst kind of people, the ones who provide nothing, & removed profession shards as if we wouldn’t notice. its directly worse & more expensive to invest into being a crafter. the lack of any new and meaningful collection achievements has killed that for me too. the current max mount achievement is 500, I think ive got 700 now & stopped running things for mounts. i read an article that someone had collected 1000 but the max achievement is 500. they are designing this game so that as many people as included in every achievement that there are no chase rewards. adding just one wouldn’t be enough, they need to add a 600,700,800 and probably a 900.
Like I said. Sit down son, you’re embarrassing yourself.
Lmao if I did play people like you would just say “why do you play the game if you don’t like it? Herp derp”
Not playing and paying to trash talk the game is even worse. Sit down.
Easy and accessible? True. Fun? Lol. All the fun has been sucked out of the game to make this a single player mog/collectible farming sim. But I guess everyone has their opinion, I loved WoW, most people want Farmville.
Paying to trash talk the game is a fun time.
You know what’s NOT worth 15 dollars? TWW. You couldn’t pay me to play that trash phone game made for mentally challenged babies.
Well…. Bye…
/10 chars
that’s because they broke the expansion into 3 pieces, so this expansion is tiny
I play with my friends, we kill raid bosses together. So far we’ve killed 6 on mythic and are working on 7. It’s a fun time…