Wow is too casual friendly(warning unpopular opinion)

This was something I hated. Having to go to their site and register your character. Having to use an online guild currency to get a chance at getting gear. Some people would get more gear than other because they would get more currency than you for doing the same role… which didn’t make much sense to me. I could understand tanks and healers getting more currency to obtain gear faster…but the top dps would always be top dps if they kept getting the loot lol :joy:

Later I was lucky enough to join a guild that actually went off drops and rolls. The only stipulation was being apart of the guild for x amount of time and participating in guild raids/bgs x amount of times. There was no online site to register for or dkp currency to monitor armor/weapon drops. Felt like night and day and that made me happy.

Oh that’s wonderful for you! I’ve never gotten anything higher than a 400 from one…

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You want more difficult content, there is more difficult content. Use your brain and do it, unless you want to whine about something that has nothing to do with your “hardcore” content.


Well you could step up our game and go clear mythic. That would be pretty hardcore that not many people can do. I’m not sure a 100 Alliance guilds have cleared the latest raid on mythic yet.

While I will not be playing it you’re right classic cannot get here fast enough. Then we can say go play classic, and you really can.

Bruh wr have xmog now. If you make LFR sets uglier people will just mog them.

The idea that sets being uglier is in anyways a balancing feature is laughable. The reason why all the difficulty sets look the same except for coloring is because it makes the art teams job easier. When they design a helm they need to account for how that helm is going to look on every playable race. It is much easier to design 1 item and recolor it 4 times than it is to make 4 items. I also just prefer it that way. I like having different color options for my Dawnbreaker. It let’s me match it to different sets I might have.

No Raiding =/= No Progress

Subscription numbers wouldn’t have been so high during Vanilla if there hadn’t been other engaging content other than raiding.

The biggest challenge will be getting to 60 without losing your mind. Raiding? No the raids are not new. Everbody has done them hundreds of times. Snore fest if you ask me. The only think challenging will be assembling 40 people who can stay connected and pay attention at the same time.


I’m all for challenge.

Vanilla WoW isn’t going to be challenging in 2019. It’s going to be less challenging than it was back then but immensely more tedious.

We’re all going to try it out - not all of us will stay for the weeks of leveling, grinding, yawning, and the rustic (old) graphics. Some of the more “HARDCORE” fans will.

Yes, I want more challenge in retail WoW, but making it a tedious grind (like it has been) damages 2019 standards of gaming.

Give us Mythic Warfronts that provide adequate gear and PvP Warfronts that give us PvP gear. PvP vendors, too.

OP, is this an alt or something?

A lot of people mistake “inconvenient/tedious/time-consuming” for “fun” and/or “hardcore” and/or “challenging.”

OP is one of them


Yeah no im not into causeing myself pain plus your on the wrong forum anyways sir.

I agree well said!

A lot of people mistake WoW for a MMO or FPS kinda game instead of the MMORPG it was supposed to be.

Dancing while fighting is not part of an computer style RPG. Neither is developing a player twitch skills while playing.

Having your character level its skills IS part of a computer style MMORPG game. You know, an online version of D&D (the original RPG). In D&D the roll of the die determines your fate, not your twitch reflexes.


A very dusty alt

If u don’t like the actual state of WoW u can wait until Classic release and go away, Trust me we won’t miss ppl like u at all,

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“progression” is subjective. What you call progress, I may not. And vice versa. Stop trying to dictate how others play/enjoy the game, and you’ll probably get far more enjoyment out of it yourself.

I solo’d almost my entire time in vanilla, and thoroughly enjoyed my time spent.

I don’t get the hype for a 10+ year old content vs months old content which is now oh well to each there own i guess.

I love that gif!


right back atcha friend. See, we both win in this situation :fireworks::sparkler::firecracker::tada:

Me too! Kitties!

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