Wow is peak P2W

Thats not false equivalency. I am asking if you think Classic is pay2win because it offers all the same things but without the token. Your argument hinges on that buying currency is pay2win – but pay2win doesnt take into account ToS or violations. If buying currency is pay2win, then FF14 is most definitely P2W because there are gil buying services like any other MMO.

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3rd parties operating outside of the ToS is not the same as blizzard explicitly implementing it the game.

So then WoW is not pay 2 win because boosts/carries are operated by third parties. Oops, there goes your argument.

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the wow token does not exist in classic. You cannot buy gold via the wow store in classic and then use it to skip content.

Doesnt matter anymore – you’ve already said that since gold buying is handled by third-parties, then its not pay 2 win. So why does this not account to carries/boosts which are directly handled by third parties?

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because it will get you banned.

Well they either buy them for game time or for bnet balance. Either way, so what? I spent a bunch of gold on tokens and bought Diablo 2 with it. Super rad!

Not those third parties, the other third parties. The third parties that are required to make their argument work is fine, the third parties that show it’s 100% cap don’t count. See the difference?


Someone is buying them. A lot of someone’s. Because the market exists. I’ve never had one take longer than an hour or two to sell.

Nice goalpost move. Your argument cannot be both WoW is P2W because of third parties offering services – but also WoW Classic is not P2W because of third parties offering services.


Ohh so it only works 1 way then?

People arguing that it isn’t P2W because you can’t buy power directly from the in-game shop are being shushed because the extra step after the token sale don’t matter.

But YOU can make the point that the extra step of going to 3rd gold seller DOES matter.
Because something TOS something.
Got it!

So the situation is quite the same BUT blizzard is not the one profiting/administrating the token.

Then tell me this are we better off with:

  • Tokens?
  • 3rd party Gold sellers?

Because make no mistake, if you remove the token, there’s a pretty good chance that we would see them make a comeback.

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A pretty good chance? Classic was the prime experiment to show that it thrives.


it amuses me that people who just recently started playing have no clue that tokens used to not exist and the same exact thing happened without them.

part of me thinks y’all could care less about that fact and it’s just about stirring the pot.


Its not, 3rd party services simply existing does not make a game p2win. Using real world money to gain an advantage does. Blizzard having a wow token accomplishes this.

two things can be true at the same time.

Yeah exactly. I mean obviously the OP is confused. The argument about whether or not the game is P2W is supposed to revolve around the people selling the token. The ones effectively buying gold. Not the people buying the tokens for gold! That part of the transaction is entirely awesome for the consumer! Play WoW for free or get free credit for a store? That rules!

Really, lets refer to your OP then:

There is a huge 3rd party racket before the Token even existed. And your focus is primarily on the third party boosting services that are advertised. So realistically – is the token the P2W aspect or the services the P2W aspect?

Remember, currency doesnt mean anything if you dont have anything to use it for. Youre desperately trying so hard to say that the Token is P2W rather that its a symptom of the boosting market thats existed for over 10 years.

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I agree, problem is: Blizzard couldn’t catch them efficiently enough.
Sometime they got lucky and catch some but those were sword hits in water.

So instead of going after the gold sellers (which would have been an endless endeavor) they targeted the player base. Queue the “token”.
Gold sellers now had a “competition” that their customer wouldn’t get ban for using.
Do the math

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You know when you say pretty good chance but the way you say it really hints that it’s gonna happen?
Well that :joy:

3rd party services are a problem. But this is not about them, this is about token makes them a feature of the game, not a ToS violation. Nice red herring.

What do people use the gold from the token for then? Does Blizzard directly sell boosts and carries now?

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