Wow is peak P2W

Yeah I mean, if you hit 1800 in S2, your pvp ilvl is only 10 points behind 2400. In all honesty, that difference isn’t massive.

The problem with WoW is Blizzard offers the outlet to do so by allowing gold to be sold for real life $$. In FFXIV it is explicity against their terms of service and people get banned for buying gold.

So WoW is allowing people to pay real life cash for a currency they can use to get a huge advantage in the game.

FF14 rarely bans RMT buyers – the reason why people dont exclusively call out FF14 for it is because FF14’s endgame doesnt involve gil (gil is basically a dead currency outside of housing). SE realized a long time ago that it was better to outright ban the botting and selling end rather than outright banning players who buy gil in terms of profit.

P2W doesnt count for legality at all. WoW and any game with a player-based economy will always be P2W by definition.


RMT boosting has been around for many years and will never go away. People do it for many reasons but I suspect the primary reason why people do it now is simply because blizz has placed far too many hurdles at end game that take too much time and have too much RNG.

There was a time when leveling up was a big part of the game. Now, leveling is all but completely deleted. Replaced by systems at end game that account for roughly 30% of player power. People ain’t got no time for that nonsense. So now you just buy a carry. Simple. Flexible. Effecient. No drama. On your time budget, not a guilds etc etc.

I wouldn’t say buying tokens is p2w LOL. If u actually took a small amount of ur time u can acquire a decent amount of gold easily. Effort is what it takes. Everyone eventually had to work there way up to be at the top.

If you think that this is peak P2W then you must have never played any other video game, ever. Without getting into the age old debate as to what the definition of P2W is, WoW is not even close to being one of the most egregious when it comes to paying to win.

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This is not peak p2w. You have to actually find boosters and still go through the content to get the best gear ect. You don’t just buy a token and everything appears in your bags.

Their are many games out there where you can literally swipe and buy all the best items in the game without doing any actual content, ontop of being able to buy boosts for doing the content.

That statement wasn’t seen enough. If boosting fits your description of pay to win, then every single game ever made fit that description and it loses its meaning.

You can buy gold from gold farmers in FFXIV, ESO, NW, SWTOR, GW2, etc. What’s your point? You do realize by your theory then all mmos are p2w right?

Thank you though for another unneeded “WoW is P2W” thread when you have ZERO clue what P2W actually is.

It’s funny though how worried you are about what other people do and how they play the game vs worrying about yourself.


I’m gonna quote something I wrote in another similar thread that precisely describe what you represent and the depth of your thought process…


You have that backwards.

I only spend gold to buy them from ah to play for free, I appreciate the players that are selling them.

You still can for the most part, it’s also easy to see if someone paid their way if you really wanted to. Maybe you should just make friends instead of trying to judge people off these silly achievements.

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You would actually have a point if the token didnt exist.

they did no such thing

I goes further than that, the meaning they give to “P2W” makes the whole concept irrelevant to name because everything can fit that definition.
In their twisted definition, the shed I bought for my backyard fits the definition of P2W because I don’t need to win anything, I just need to get ANYTHING AT ALL for money and then someone else can unilaterally define it as “getting ahead” in some manner.

It is as if WoW only value was determined by “gear and achievements” and everything else had no value.
Reaction time, strategical analysis, knowledge of the game and mechanics are evacuated completely of their speech as they meant nothing.
They think WoW as a rock-paper-scissor game where you can pay to get a rock and claim it beats paper because you paid for it.

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I don’t live by achievements to enjoy the game.

And can anyone really win in a MMO?

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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So is it that fact that you can buy gold P2W? Or that you can use gold to buy boosts/carries P2W?

Because Classic doesnt have the token and suffers from a large amount of similar issues with boosting.

Any gold purchased with real world currency for boosting goes against the ToS in classic.


Yet it still happens. Is Classic pay2win then?


There is a logical fallacy called false equivalence. look it up.

Peak? We are not being slightly hyperbolic there?
I could list 50 games that are way worse and over 200 if we are talking mobile