Wow is peak P2W

Just take the L and walk man. Nothing you say will change reality. You need a new angle or maybe a new hobby.


In a sense yes, they broker it and get their cut of the $$ if you zoom out. The token is a proxy for boosts.

“In a sense”. Its a simple yes or no question, not a “well its like” question. Is Blizzard directly selling me boosts and carries?

If you zoom out that far, everything is pay to win. Time to cancel literally all games. GG, we had a good run guys.


The distinction is useless if you can’t or are unable to effectively and accurately apply the TOS to the ones infringing upon it.
Facing that fatality, WoW had the get creative with their handling of the problem.
You seem unaware of the previous situation WoW was in before the token and the tools/resources available to Blizz to fight it.

I’m fully aware of the shady websites you can go to and buy gold. it comes with both in game and real world risks.

Alright: lets do a hypothetical – if there was no boosting or carry buying, would buying the Token still be P2W? If so, how?

Which is worst then? Them or the token?
And if you want to get rid of the token, what’s YOUR solution to prevent the gold sellers to come back?

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I don’t have a total solution to the latter but there are many steps blizzard could take on the back & front end to protect the games integrity/minimize the issue.

I maintain there would be far less boosting if tokens werent a thing. Many other steps can be taken.

Boosting in classic pretty much disproves this. Also, I was selling illidan kills, ZA bears, etc. as far back as BC. There’s was that viral Craigslist thing where a woman dated went out with someone just so they’d buy her epic flying.


Nice grasp. Store mounts aren’t pay to win. If you honestly believe this then you’re moving the goal post to fit your narrative.


Didnt you spend a couple of posts stating that Classic wasnt pay 2 win because of the token not existing – even though it has rampant boosting issues?


You think that in the 11-12 years before the Token they didn’t try to solve this problem?
What do they have now that they didn’t then, I understand that the technology evolved but even if they had something that could miraculously deal with it, what’s the incentive to remove something that:

  1. Essentially works at doing what it is suppose to do (so basically don’t fix something that isn’t broken)
  2. Bring them revenue on the side

Good luck passing that decision trough the board of directors.
They’ll never approve giving resources to find another way to solve something that is already solved.

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I don’t know if you’re doing it on purpose or not, but by trying to shove what might have been a legitimate complaint into a box it doesn’t fit into, you’ve just alienated people from your cause. Everybody hates P2W, so you try to shove this issue into the “P2W” bucket to garner instant support. Instead, you’ve found that words matter and definitions are important.

Intentional or not, it’s intellectual laziness. Instead if making and supporting your own points, you attempted to piggyback an already existent established opinion.

If you’d simply made a case against boosting, that would have been way better.


I am still going to defend that you’re wrong.

Buying a boost you’re still not winning anything, you don’t get much of anything because RNG is still a factor on your loot table. Not only that, so lets say you buy a boost…ok now you spent that gold, ok…so either you spend more real money to get gold or you farm like the rest of us and play the game…you’re still not winning anything.

Ok so you get AOTC…ok…big deal? It means nothing, you don’t get a player advantage by having it, you get an ego stroke at best.

So then you pay tog et KSM…oook, same thing as paying for raiding and loot runs, you’re not gaining anything over another player that they cannot do themselves, chances are that if you’re buying a boost for KSM or AOTC then you’re a terrible player already and that also you’re not winning anything by having all the best in slot gear anyway because you’ll still be a terrible player.

So I stand by the fact that I cannot see what anyone is winning when they pay real money for this stuff. If anything these people buying boosts and paid runs are the same type of people that fall for a call from the IRS saying they have a package signed in their name and all they need to do is give them their credit card number for pick up.

Not winning anything and quite frankly failing at the most simple of tasks.

I feel like there’s a tinfoil hat-ish explanation of the actual pay to win games paying people to make these stupid posts to get people to tune out whenever someone throws that around so that potential customers don’t pay attention when their predatory behavior gets called out.

I almost spewed my coffee on the monitor on your first sentence, OP. Do I even need to spell out why this is such a damned silly thing to say?

But I will repeat what I always say because it bears repeating - if you think removing the token would remove gold buying, you are a bit naif. Gold buying existed prior to the Token, it exists now and it would continue to exist if it were removed.

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you quoted him, slung some insults, then didn’t address his quote. Kinda telling that you have no argument. WoW makes more money from selling tokens for gold than they do from subs.

They werent really insults, more statements on content. As I said, I didnt think it needed explaining why the first sentence was silly but hey, Im happy to expand - making a flat generalisation without any proof is silly, any way you look at it. But if you think ‘stupid’ is insulting Im happy to cop that and change it to silly.

As for being a naif (which means naive and is hardly insulting) I see that as being quite accurate. It doesnt matter how much money they make, they are a business and are entitled to make money so we can actually keep playing the game. If the end result means that people like me can play by earning gold ingame, that is a positive that far outweighs any perceived negative of them making some dollars of the sale.

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People obviously don’t hate p2w because look at all the people like you who defend it to the death in these threads. p2w is obv very much ingrained in this game.