Wow is peak P2W

That’s a decent theory, but I imagine the age of the game, the popularity of the genre, the aging fan base, and the recent scandal are all bigger weights in that particular scale.

But only blizzard knows for sure.

Because they choose to be.

Cyclomatic complexity.

Two steps means ^2 paths to the end.

For example. Let’s say my job pays me in ducks. Then, public opinion says paying people in ducks is wrong. So instead, jobs pay currency, and one of the ways you can use that currency is to buy ducks.

Is society appeased? Well, yeah. You could spend that money on whatever you want. But you buy ducks anyway, because you like ducks. Now that’s your business.


Not the Mage Tower :rofl:

When? Carries have been sold since before AoTC existed

As we just found out, If you do purchase that, you will be banned and have the reward/kill credit removed from your account.

My guild used to sell Kael/Vashj/Illidan kills to finance our SWP progression. Boosting is wows oldest profession.

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Gonna need a source there chief

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So pay for currency.

Which you may then pay to people who didn’t have to buy something but instead have the team to do the content to take you along for an achievement/chance at gear.

I have real trouble with labeling a system P2W when it requires people to do all the heavy lifting. No one is buying some item with cash from the game’s shop that gives them an advantage over people who do not have it. There’s no items you buy that boost your stats and speed up your recovery. Just gold, that you pay to someone you hope is good enough to get you what you want.

Whether that’s a good thing for people to do in a game is up for debate, although, really, it’s one of those things that is extremely hard to stop. People can organize things out of the game, so it’s going to happen, sometimes you need to provide some form of allowed path to limit the damage that these services can do if people have to break the rules to do them.

Same as the token. It’s probably the most effective way to fight 3rd party gold selling services and the messes that they bring in, as a sanctioned option will be more enticing to more people who don’t have to worry about a ban than the option that encourages hacking of accounts to make a quick profit. Lesser of two evils.

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My running joke is I suck at shaman (any spec). Something about it did not click with me.

I can pay for the best gear…and still be bad with it.

This debate will never end.

But they got an achievement! Some care about this. Some don’t. I personally am the latter.

they got the mount! Yes its a mount. It looked cool, had spare gold. It was bought. how some think here. the mount is not symbolic of deeper meanings. its…a…mount. game already had/has 500K+ mounts from vendors. this becomes a logical extension to that for some.

What the zovaal mount will be for me. I deem 500k a fair price so will look for those deals. game has mounts same price if not more. But I don’t want to buy those lol.

edit: my gold made in game fwiw. $40 of real money? hell no…

No, you’ve just gotten good value for your money.

Guilds were accepting gold to run people through instances to get gear and
mounts since they had the very first instances on farm. I guess it was P2W
this whole time if you go by your post.

What theory? If you exploint addiction and the need to fit in for MTX you will make more money than a slowdrip sub alone. It’s simple economics and exactly what’s going on. The space cases on these forums kill me. :laughing:

Attack me all you want. I’m not the one who came in and Sherlock Holmes-ed a conclusion out of 3 buttons and a facedown bubblegum wrapper.

You really thing that the blizzard is killing their own game and it’s so obvious that anyone can see it, which means they’re doing it on purpose or they’re so inept as a group that they can’t see the damage they are doing?

And you want everyone to just swallow that conclusion as common knowledge, no need to prove it. And you call me a space case.

Getting a Gladiator carry and being a 1400 player wouldn’t make you better than a 1600 player

you players keep using that word p2w, I do not think it means what you think it means.

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This is true. Even if people pay to win they can’t increase their skill that way. But they will have superior gear to the people of their same caliber who didn’t buy boost. A pretty irrelevant problem for people who made it past 1800 rating I guess?

I think you are over exaggerating OP

Not gonna lie who cares about ahotc or ksm they both don’t mean much of anything. Especially ksm, that junk is entirely irrelevant.

Also stop making these trash threads that add nothing new or interesting to the argument on wow token and p2w. Seriously either you are just another parrot that listened to a youtuber and now thinks he knows everything about the situation, or you are just doing this for easy attention.
Stop it, get some help.


I wouldn’t call the game pay to win, but I just found myself spending all my hard earned gold on legendaries in order to keep up with the new 9.2 item levels. Now I’m broke and will probably need to buy a token to refill my bank because I’m used to having some leeway. And yes it’s frustrating. And I have 30 characters and all have legendaries to upgrade. Needless to say I feel restricted in my play now.

Ill repeat this again:

The problem with the conventional term of “pay to win” is that its inherently based on “you spend money to get an advantage” whether this is from the company’s store itself or from the player market.

Games like WoW and FF14 are not pay to win by design, but have a market where people will RMT for currency or buy boosts.

Games like Lost Ark are pay to win by design because they have mechanics where you can buy things from the store that benefit your gameplay or reduce the grindiness. Think of like any F2P mobile game.

So realistically; anything with a player-based market is P2W regardless if intended or not.