Wow is peak P2W


Mistakes don’t vanish in guilds/corps/clans lol. Key is to find a place that laughs off goofy errors and to laugh it off yourself.

I don’t know the name of the tank in one my wing 1’s boss 2 eye fights who brought the 2 baby eyeballs together. As chat was saying please…stop…NOW!.

For those who have not had this pleasure the 2 baby eyeballs when next to each other pulse out a wiping aoe. the pulses come quick too…

Pug run…name not remembered. In a guild, people will remember that lol.

Except you have absolutely zero evidence this is true.

It’s no different than if I claimed the vast majority of wow tokens were used to buy game time. We have no evidence of what the wow token is being used for.

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Open up the wow store is there anything in the store that can make u be op in raid dungeon pvp?

The wow tokens players buy and use for carries is not blizzards fault
Wow is not carring ur toon.

On top of that if u pay for ur io or gear in raid,dungeons and pvp if u join a group and u don’t know what to do ur gunna fail…so how is that winning?

If ur paying for carries for gear ur just hurting urself in the long run

Pay to win means u don’t need skill to clear high end stuff

using gold to purchase a carry is far from P2W regardless of where the gold comes from.

The raid boss isnt being killed anymore, its loot is just being diverted to one character. They didnt get anything by simply paying money, the raid team still needed to put the effort into killing the mythic/heroic bosses and the character still needed to go through the instance.

Basically. I bought 2 tokens in the past. For gold reasons. Hated being poor on wow start. 1, For the Alliance! 1, For the Horde!

That and I know carried who are burning wod and then legion gold.

2 expacs very good to them money wise. Made money in bfa now sl too.

500K…not really missed in the wallet. Lucky them lol.

AH prices for level cap high end items would like a word with you.

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i hear adding 2 + 2 is difficult for some people…

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We know because we’re not pretenders here. We play the game. We see the price of a wow token today, and how it inflates, and we know what the expensive stuff is. You are only offering feedback noise on the topic, at best devil’s advocate. Two very rich pieces of irony there.


Yes, you can make a lot of MTX money off people who pay to finally fit in somewhere, and this industry will gladly take that money. In the case of wow, that profit does not translate into a great game, which is why, idk… there has been a mass exodus?

Except, you’re not doing that.

People that are paying for boosts are basically handing their keyboards to someone else.

It’s no different in my mind than handing someone a 10 spot and your controller and saying “Get me past this part”.

That’s not them “giving you power”, that’s just them playing the game for you.

Source please.


kk, so you’re pretending the boosting that blizz banned last month never happened. Got it :+1:t5:

Show me where I said they never happened.

I didn’t say that at all.

I’m simply telling you that it’s not “Buy gold, gain power”.

It’s “Buy gold, give gold to another player and ask them to play for you.” You may or may not gain power from that. There’s no guarantee that you will be more powerful after all of that.

It’s pay2win. That’s why they officially banned boosters last month. Doesn’t matter how much you pretend, or how many extra words you throw in, it’s pay2win :laughing:

WoW is pay to win.

It takes two steps.

1 - Buy a token
2 - AH it.

Then, get gold.

LOTS of gold.

For RL money.

Literally two step pay to win.


It’s literally not.

Pay2win is where the company gives you a button that says “Pay X dollars, and get X boost”.

You will not find any buttons anywhere on the Blizzard website or in the game.

People have found a way to get other players to play for them to get them through parts of the game. That has nothing to do with Blizzard. That’s also why they got banned, because they were doing something Blizzard doesn’t support, nor do they approve of it.

If Blizzard DIDN’T ban people for that, MAYBE you would have a case.

Pay x dollars.

Get x gold.

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200k is not “lots of gold”. Used to be. Several xpacs ago.

You’re still missing several steps. And those missing steps make it NOT pay2win.

I feel like more of these posts show up after Lost Ark released lol

Can I get world first CE ? If not then it’s not pay to win

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Two step pay to win.

How does two rather than one steps deny the truth?