Wow is peak P2W

I am just a humble spectator here and i am bad at the game…But i would like to point you to this comment you posted. Which you called out someone else out and told them to get good, ANNNNNNND it IMPLIES that you claim to be good.


He called me out on my lack of success first actually, when he isn’t that much more succesful himself.

You remind me of the Bryce Hall meme where he never claimed to be a fighter.


Never made that claim. Also if you’re going to use my rating atleast use the correct one which is 2353.

The only person I “insulted” is the OP by pointing out their grey parses in normal.

Bruh I have dismantled every argument you have made and you’re the one who attacked my rating first.

Pot meet kettle.


Trolls get bored when the servers are down.

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There is a mobile game where you can give 1 character +2 to all stats by marking it as your favorite and doing 40ish battles with it.
For 9.99 a month you can give +2 to all stats to 5 characters.
You typically battle with teams of 4-6 characters at a time.
That is P2W. You get an advantage for cash, and if you don’t pay money you will never get the same advantage as someone who does.

WoW is P2W-lite at best. Anything you can buy that increases player power can also be earned. It is also indirect buying of power. You also rely on others who can already clear the content without paying for it.
That’s a whole lot of extra steps to still be behind the people who do the carry.


That is what I replied to, you attacked me first.

I merely replied showing that you aren’t even that good yourself.

Which can be done without buying tokens with real money.

That’s not even an attack.

Yet I’m actually successful in this game.

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Yes it clearly is. I’d hardly consider 2200 succesful. You aren’t that good and have very little leg to stand on when you’re in this thread insulting people for their abilities (OP and I), instead of their actual arguments.

It’s not. It’s making an observation.

I don’t really care what a sub 2k player complaining about pay to win considered successful.

There’s also more to the game than just pvp.

I can link logs, raider io, and check pvp that disproves that.

Also you’re hiding your main which means you don’t have anything credible to show.

I haven’t insulted anyone but the OP. Also I already dismantled both of your arguments and at this point you’re clearly caught in your feelings after being embarrassed.

I hit higher than 2k, thank you very much, even your link proves that. I haven’t even really tried PvP since that season because its boring.

It will always look like weakness when you choose to attack the character instead of the argument, learn from this.

No, we are blaming blizzard for incentivizing, and actively participating in P2Win, you are strawmanning an irrelevant point. Nobody cares or voices frustration about the minority buying game time with gold.

The same system could be available without the $20 purchase of said token… this is simply a cash grab leveraging boosters and gold sinks.

Only Activision/Microsoft shills love defending this.


Thanks to the arguments in this thread, at least we now know that Lost Ark is not P2W.

You hit higher than 2K in twos which is a bracket that does not matter. You are sub 2K in threes

I already dismantled the argument and then made an observation. At this point you’re trying anything to save face.

2K in twos which mattered at the time and had rewards just like 3s. I never bothered much with 3s because at the time only one friend and I were playing and haven’t really PvPed since.

You both attacked OP and myself, you didn’t dismantle anything, you chose to go to name calling after losing the argument.

I can make random made up statements too!

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Keep making excuses. 2s rating has never mattered or been respected. You hit 2k once and then haven’t been able too since.

Bruh your arguments were dismantled to the point you tried to insult my 2200 achievement :joy:

Reading comprehension. He’s saying the wow token’s main use is to buy ksm, ce, aotc, pvp/glad, leggos, showing that it is pay2win by all definitions.

I really wish folks like you would spend a week playing a game that is actually P2W before making threads like this.