Wow is peak P2W

to me, in my experience, the issue isn’t really about someone buying a token and selling it in the AH. it seems to me to be more about elite, experienced players perceiving some kind of threat from that transaction. now, i don’t boost in any form, but i also know, again from my experience, how aloof, judgmental, and shi**y experienced players can be, and often are, toward inexperienced players like me. so, to me, if a player wants to boost to 50 or whatever it is, go for it because you’re not going to get any help from the people who could, if they only chose to, help you learn.


If it’s any consolation, having low of any of these still means you’re crap.
(maybe even more so)

I’ve been playing MMOs since UO, I’ve seen the P2W you describe, this isn’t any different there is just one extra step.

The fact that real life cash is being exchanged for any gain in this game is ridiculous and just bad practice for MMOs.


The good players aren’t complaining about boosts. It’s the bad players that are complaining.

The OP parses greys in normal SoD.


Why is it also some sub 50 post count person all the time? I mean come on already, we see through this crud man!

Just stop with the P2W threads. This game is FAR from it.

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It’s just bait by salty players


There are only a few real constants in life. People always need to blame someone for their own shortcomings. If these guys would just join a guild, they could get all those achievements for free.

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Thank God, you’re alive. Some of us thought you were slain by the alans.


It’s already been explained multiple times to you how it actually isn’t pay to win.

It’s 100% different.

Real cash isn’t the only way to purchase carries therefore your opinion is mute.

Lee playing WoW being pay to win for your lack of success in this game.

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That would require people to socialize and take acceptance of their mistakes.

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Since when are MMO’s social!!!

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Thanks, I needed the laugh.

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Lmao, the guy who has only hit 2200 rank in arenas talking about my lack of success? When you get good let me know.

2353 is higher than 2200.

You have 0 rating.

Come back when you get good.

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Bruh your best achievement is 2k in 2s and 1750 in 3s

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hahahahha every time dude , they care so much about the P2W aspect because they are not good enough , everybody in the game are obviously boosted by tokens ^^

everybody is ready to burn 500$ for glad ^^

SWtoR is looking at you kinda funneh…

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I never claimed to be good, you just act like you’re some great player and you’re mediocre at best at 2200 lol.


1750 is over 500 below my highest exp.

Imagine trying to save face after getting clapped that hard.


Yeah, you’re acting like you are god’s gift to WoW players and only 2200. You’re here insulting everyone on their playing ability and you’re mediocre at best.

Instead of going after the arugment you go after the player, typical tactic when you’re losing.

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