Wow is peak P2W

Go play a million other games where every upgrade everything THING you do can be bought in the store. Where people invest 100 grand into their character while KNOWING noone will ever beat them. At least here I WILL catch up in time. Stop crying and go play one of those games. Every other post on forums is about wow tokens and honestly its annoying.


Agree to disagree I guess. The guy that needs a pvp carry isn’t good at pvp. Gear won’t change that.


lol imagine thinking you “won” a marathon by paying a better runner to carry you across the finish line



Pay to win games have items in the store that can only be acquired by paying real money for it.

Anything that’s in this game can be acquired without using any real money. Therefore it’s not a pay to win game.

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Or any other mobile game.


Please, explain to me how people are using blizzard balance to buy legendaries.

Your original statement was that people who buy tokens for game time are the minority.

You can’t exchange those tokens for gold. You can only exchange them for game time or blizzard balance.

And if your intention was the tokens you get gold for, the people redeeming them for game time aren’t even part of that equation.


Imagine thinking gaining character power for real life cash isn’t paying to win?

Did their character get stronger? Yes
Did they do so using real life cash via the store? Yes


Actually it doesn’t.

The token is only paying for convenience. There is zero guarantee nor is buying a token required.


Go play hearthstone to see the difference, that is Blizzard’s most aggressive P2W they have and that is pretty tame in context to a game like Envoy.

If you don’t like tokens then here’s a concept, don’t use them.

Not every single person who uses tokens uses the gold for paying for runs.


What? You cannot obtain the store mounts without paying cash, so your entire point is moot on that.

When you use cash to buy character power, you’re paying to win, which is what happens in WoW, just through one additonal step of using the gold to buy said character power.

This has literally been called pay to win since the dawn of MMOs - the exchange of real life money for character power. Whether it be buying gold from gold sellers, or buying gold from the developers, or buying actual power directly from a store.

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“Pay to Win” is defined by directly paying the developer real money in exchange for in-game advantages. As soon as other players are involved, it is no longer pay to win, because if paying someone else to play the game for you constitutes pay to win, then literally every game ever made is pay to win, and the term means nothing. By that logic, doing your big brother’s chores for a week in exchange for him beating Akuma for you makes Street Fighter a pay to win game.

Boosting is not pay to win. This is not saying that boosting is okay, or healthy for the game, or any other kind of value judgement on the practice. It is saying that it does not meet the definition of the term, and broadening that definition to make boosting fit into it renders the term so universal as to be meaningless. Boosting being bad is not contingent on it being defined as pay to win. If you want to have a conversation about boosting’s effects on the game’s health, we would all be better served by just having that conversation without trying to shoehorn a buzzword into it.


Even if wow is or isn’t “p2w” i am curious to how it effects you personally or why you even care so much


You take $20 dollars, get ~190K gold, and then do not have to grind for your leggos. (minus soul ash/cinders, which you can also, use to the gold for. You get to skip the work needed and blizzard gets their cut.


You can buy a $500 driver, but you still won’t be a good golfer if you don’t know how to play. You can spot those people as easily as you can spot a carry. I wouldn’t get so worked up over this. Without knowing anything about your progression, you’re a better player than anyone that is buying carries in every measurable way.


Yes you can. I bought 5 tokens off the ah at Christmas time, converted them into a battlenet balance.

Bought the flying ship for myself and the flying pig for my kids. Had enough left over to transfer 4 of my guys and only had to pay about $8. Maybe $10. Don’t recall the exact amount.


I mean it can be quite annoying in arenas when you’re mediocre say 2000 ranked and constantly going against people who have a 3000 ranked partner and just crashed his rank to carry people.

False. Store mounts aren’t tied to player power. You have no gain aside from the appearance of the mount.

Also I have earned store mounts just by paying for my subscription

So again wrong.

Those upgrades are neither guaranteed nor are they required to use the token. I have multiple friends with gold capped accounts that can buy any carry they want without ever using a token.

That alone means it’s not pay to win.

Along the fact that blizzard isn’t supplying the carry service.

Delusional people calling something pay to win doesn’t magically make it pay to win. Play a real pay to win game and then come talk to me.


You are completely ignoring the question.

How is someone who is buying a wow token with gold, using that token to buy legendaries?

I understand what you mean, I’m just trying to get you to understand that your entire first post makes zero sense.

What you’re doing is essentially blaming the customer for the store running out of food, rather than the store for not ordering enough.

This doesn’t change the fact wow isn’t p2w though. 0