Wow is peak P2W

No, what you’re doing is advocating for the removal of a service people use for legitimate means because of how a subset of peoplee use it.

This would be no different than if someone argued they should remove M+, Raids of all kinds, or rated pvp because after all, THEY are the leading cause of boosting. Without them in the game boosting would cease to exist.

Therefore, let’s all advocate they remove m+, raiding, and rated pvp. After all, you say the reason you want the wow token removed is to stop boosting right?

Okay, let’s stop it at the source.

Oh wait, that would negatively impact you so you don’t want it even though you don’t buy boosts? My bad.

Now you see why people who use the token for legitimate means, like me, argue against you and other people trying to remove it so passionately.


That was a lot of words to present an off-topic, false red herring argument. Not sure why you quoted me since you did not address my quote, and instead went in a completely different direction.
The game is pay to win, self-explanatory.

I can tell by your talent build. Not my style though, ty

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say?

It’s not though. Anyone with any decent common sense can see that.

Tell us you have never played a pay to win game without telling us you have never played a true pay to win game.

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How is it relevant to the discussion? You think a snapshot of my character last time it logged off is significant in what were talking about?
Truth is, your out of your depth, you can’t argue what I said because your position is empty and based on a false premise. So you resort to “Ohh your character build is trash LeL”
This toon was left alone since before 9.1, get a grip.

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Dude doesn’t even raid and is talking of pay to win.

His logs are also lol

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lmao. Literally reciprocated your snide remark in the quote. Advice: don’t get offended so easily, especially since you try to dish out so much :joy: sorry, what’s wrong with my logs?

You’re trying to make this a personal thing, again because you can’t argue the main subject.
Argue against the point. In depth. Here I’ll link it to you again.
Let me highlight the exact thing that was wrong in your response and that I addressed in the first 2 sentence of my post before you even commented on it.

Caps and strong character empasis mine.

lol. People literally buy tokens on next paycheque and pay me gold for ksm. That is p2w, frend. Your copypasta that you’re obviously very proud of is nothing short of delusional. And you get offended easily xD

I don’t even remember actually talking to you, but replying to your unprovoked insults. Sorry, but I have a boyfriend.

Can you carry them alone? No, you need a critical mass of decent player to do that.
You don’t get to that critical mass until a significant amount of the player already went through the available content and now have free time on their hands to do carries.
That means that the people buying the carries are already way behind the rest of the community.
So the gear they potentially got (not even a sure thing) didn’t put them ahead of anyone because they were behind all along, ergo not a “win”. They’re paying to catch up.
Carrying them didn’t make them win anything, there is not contest for KSM or achievements and even if there was the date they got it on would show that they were massively behind a truckload of other people, not ahead.
You keep trying to paint it as “simple really” but you’re not offering any rebutal to more in-depth arguments that show that it is anything but simple.
Trying to paint P2W as simple a black or white issue (as your doing) is as intellectually dishonest as trying to say that the conflicts in the middle east can be explain as “X is good, Y is bad”.

Are you seriously trying to flex on some orange mythic 15 parses that don’t have logs?

Lol bragging about mplus logs based on the time :joy::joy::joy::joy:

1: still not pay to win

2: what about people who have the gold in game without tokens

3: learn what true pay to win actually is.


I mean, you brought it up to attack me I guess, not sure where you were going with it, unless you’re backpeddling now? :+1:t5:

paying to win is… pay to win, bro. p2w is the abbreviation, nothing more.

I was taking about your raid logs.

Generally grey parsing players blame tokens for their lack of success.

Yet you aren’t paying to win. You’re paying to catch up.

Pay to win requires an advantage with real money over players that don’t generally cia buying items from the store with insane player power.

The token and buying boosts are neither.

So again you are wrong.


I’m not going to enable your continued dilusions, but I will address your idiocy: I haven’t raided since before you started playing wow, kiddo, so check logs again. Notice my rare realm first title? Maybe you’ll see this is my first sub since summer 2021, too. Work on your sleuthing especially if you’re going to try to use it to talk trash. :+1:t5:

You mean you can’t counter facts?

You haven’t raided since vanilla?

You mean you’re green/grey logs in heroic SoD?

Nope. Do you want a cookie?

How would I possibly see that? There isn’t a tracker on warcraft logs.

Talking facts isn’t talking trash.

It’s ok to be wrong. Just take the L and move on.

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