Wow is peak P2W

Some work off the premise that number means something more.

You will see my 2100+ and bow down in awe and worship me like a god(dess) you mere 1800 or non rated!

Not how this works for some. Like me. I see even a non-rate play better than a 2100 I will follow that non-rated’s lead. They have their head and butt wired right and I see a better chance of win there.

That was a lot of words used to backpeddle. His point stands though. The token sales for gold/p2w far outweigh sub sales.

I expanded on my comments since you said I didnt “address his quote” - so I addressed it. Thats hardly ‘backpeddling’. And since you felt I was being insulting, I moderated that. Get a grip.

And if you think that they make more money of the $5 or whatever it is from token sales than they do from their monthly subs, then please give me a financial breakdown on that. No, seriously, I’m interested to see it.

lol $5. Go look at their profit from WoW for any QMR or fiscal year. Then look at their MAUs which also include Hearthstone, OW and HotS (maybe diablo, idk but they don’t separate WoW from the others, to pad metrics). It’s very obvious. You’re arguing a moot point. Respectfully, you can see from my perspective how you’re basically feedback noise, right?

Ah, so it was bad for me to be ‘insulting’ but its ok for you to insult me?

Gotcha. You wont mind if I use the Ignore thing will you?

Have a nice day.

You’re welcome.

The whole point is to challenge this frivolous claim that WoW is a P2W game, not defending P2W. You didn’t pay attention.
I’ll quote this as many time as it need to be quoted.

There’s just no way around the token “problem”, if there is one. People have been buying gold since the beginning. Blizzard now gets more of that money and they can offset some of their subscriber losses. I’d have an easier time buying this argument if gear is what made players good. They absolutely throw gear at you in this game and the majority of players just aren’t very good at it.

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I agree with everything you said there, big time. A way to get more subs is to create a better game, but we’re not going in that direction. I don’t think they’d want to do that anyway because server costs are astronomical, so there is overhead on that instead of just selling more pixels to fewer game buyers.

bro, I see your condescension, and your 400 word essay on self delusion. But simply put, you pay for gold to win at achievements, titles, vetting metrics, etc… the game is pay to win.

Honestly, I think that ship sailed. There’s so much more competition for the MMO dollar and I just don’t think it’s as popular a genre as it used to be. If you combined what we estimate the current population of the most popular MMO’s currently available, that number wouldn’t be higher than what TBC or Wrath had.

It doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t try to make the game better of course.

Wow isn’t pay to win. Try to keep up man.


I see how you’re trying to convince yourself of what you’re saying, you’re only hurting yourself man. Why do you keep going? It’s ok to be wrong buddy

To be fair, I am in agreement with others that it has been strongly promoted p2w for this expansion. (Which is another good determent for a lot of people/players)

How so?


I haven’t even looked into crafting one. I heard all the massive complaints. I heard after each patch they need to be upgraded… we didn’t have any of this in Legion. We had an over abundance of legendaries but we were not shelling out gold (wowtoken currency) for materials to craft them (final patch we could craft) or upgrade them with no visual reward expect more player power…

The only reason I feel Legion got away with the start of making legendaries not looking so legendary anymore… think of like Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest (literally changes you into a dragon form, along with a boss looking staff) or Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker etc. Is because we got an plethora of weapon skins for artifacts. So there was compensation and incentive.

Which promoting the player gap through player power was a bad mistake to begin with. When we see raiding has hit an all time low. I’m not sure how key participation has been doing… or just endgame participation in general. (I’ve never felt such a big gap)

I’ve been against these “borrowed power” systems in any type of form. (Which means legendaries for this current expansion.) For a while now. Azerite power held no visual reward either anyways

When there is no reward to carry on into the next expansion or other future expansions. I do not care to grind (participate as much) or spend the gold.

Now since I opt out of P2W formula… this makes it so there is a lot of the game I cannot participate in on a competitive level. (which is ultimately more difficult/challenge endgame) As the advantage to the people who are paying 2 win will be on the top of the charts. WoW has been heavily P2W this expansion and it could be just one of the many deterrents I mentioned earlier. (It did receive the pet name systemlands/borrowed power before it even launched.)

the 235 legendaries are dirt cheap. if you don’t want to try, fair enough, but don’t act like it’s some brave moral stance.

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where can i buy my mythic carry and get 1st in the race to world first?


Pay 2 Win implies that people who spend real money are in a better position than those who don’t. This is simply not true. While it is true that you can Pay 2 Be Average, you cannot Pay to Win or be on top.

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Hell no. Joining a guild you gotta get in their crappy discord and listen to them burp, cough, and vape into their mics for “social bonding”. You gotta install their ridiculous addons and WA modules that make your game look and sound like baby’s first unity asset flip. You gotta deal with all the drama, who need which loot more, why we carryin GM’s two mistresses who doin 840 dps, kathy and georgia’s baby both puking up blood so we gotta pug priests tonight, 5th new tank this month quit again because his Romanian ISP is out for the year. Guild content is why paid carrying exists to begin with.

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At least you are admitting it is P2W.

I don’t know what your definition of cheap is… like half a mil gold like some ridiculous prices for mounts Blizzard implemented? Or cheaper than that? I bet our definitions vary.

Yes, pay to even be average (Wow… truth). To have everyone on same playing field. Instead they promoted a player gap.

Which I feel was completely intentional. For reasons stated above. ^

Everyone understands there needs to be a grind in a videogame, but as I stated in my first post in this thread. The player gap has NEVER felt so big. (with different systems… all contributing to player power )

Yet this all backfired and hopefully the company realized without caring about the average joe. It has hurt everyone. Including the people who sell carries. More importantly the community and now lack of it.

Again as I originally stated this is just one of the reasons people were discouraged from this expansion. Statics of endgame participation are proof.

On the brightside we were able to get Tier armors back…yet I have read a lot of feedback of people disappointed in how they look. Still I appreciate getting back to the basics of visual rewards…

i’m not doing anything of the sort. they’re made by players and sold by players.