I used to have crippling social anxiety, at some point you really need to ask these questions to yourself. Relying on others to do it for you is not the answer. It has to come from you.
But why? Why are you getting that level of anxiety? Who are you trying to please?
You have to be selfish. Screw those people. Are they paying for your subscription or game time? This is a video game, not paid working environment.
That feeds into the problem, and why Ghandi said an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. If you become part of the problem all you do is spread the problem to someone else and nothing is solved. Probably why things got so bad because people do get tired eventually and if they are capable shed every inch of their decency and become purely selfish.
You have to ask yourself at that point, if you are only here to serve yourself? Why not just play solo?
No it doesn’t. I see this excuse from substance abusers all the time. They won’t admit they, themselves need to remedy the problem, relying on outside parties to do it for them doesn’t work. Those people have an agenda.
You have to “pick your self by the bootstraps”. No one is gonna do it for you, and expecting others to is a waste of time.
I don’t care if you want to play solo, but don’t blame others for something you need to fix yourself. Stop making excuses.
And I know you never ask yourself “WHY do I let these people bother me?” YOU are letting them bother you. It has to come internally.
Man, I’m not out here trying to catch strays. I think your picture would be clearer without such broad strokes. I love M+, i love pushing keys and gaining power and seeing how far we can get – and I love the fact that we’re getting more solo options. Just because someone enjoys something you don’t doesn’t make them your enemy.
I’m not, I never said that. It’s okay to care, but don’t let those people control you. You are NOT in an abusive relationship.
Is it that life threatening if you do? What’s gonna happen if it does happen? Are people gonna actually die? Is the world gonna gonna go belly up? Are they gonna come to your house to beat you up? Or are they just gonna get salty and call you names? You don’t need those people. I have walked away from those people many times, and probably will do so in the future. Nothing life threatening has ever happened, ever…
Between you and me, I’d rather not disappoint strangers if I can avoid it, and it’s not even because of them getting salty or calling me names, it’s just me feeling guilty when I ruin someone’s day, even if it’s something really minor. They don’t even have to come after me for me to feel bad.
Granted, I don’t have a huge fear of pugging with people in LFD, I do it a lot, but there’s certain things I won’t do. Tanking being prime among them. I simply don’t tank the way a lot of people seem to want me to, and so I’ve pretty much convinced myself it’s better not to, to save both myself and them the headache.
I learned a real long time ago not to bother with opinions of strangers. If they get disappointed, that’s their problem. What are they gonna do about it?
Same for me , but I do it anyways. I enjoy tanking, I relish the chaos on my Pally.
If they get whiny, I laugh at them. What are they gonna do? Kick me from the run? I get near instant queues on my tank, and 99% of the time, we have killed the first boss already, so the deserter debuff doesn’t kick in.
The only thing that threads like this do is justify my feelings of dislike towards everyone else AND myself. Such a waste of time. Don’t make an echo chamber.
Find others who want to play alone and make a guild called “Social Distancing” or “Socially Awkward” or something like that, people can join but expect nothing.
–<You’ve taken 174 points of damage from wall of text>–
When I last played World of Warcraft 04-11, I use to run pug dungeons and pug raids and would spend lots of cash on repairs and hours to complete things. I came back to WoW a month before Shadow Lands and honestly when I tried dungeons, I was turned off by them.
People would speed run and not even let a new player try to learn their role (I was a resto shaman). After that experience I switched to an Enhancement shaman and never looked back at my favorite role I been playing since 99 (Ever Quest 1 & 2 as well as Healing Sorcerer in SW:ToR). It also made me not want to group for certain content because I had a bad experience, didn’t want it repeated and didn’t want to ruin another person’s experience.
I finally did do some group content stay in normal dungeons if forced for a quest and just tried my 1st LFR which to complete the quest it’ll probably be 4 weeks before I can by which time, I don’t need the rewards. Even in those normal groups I see tanks pulling entire areas and not waiting for others in the group that might lack the experience. The 1 raid I’ve done I did my best to not make it harder on healers by using some my own heals and totems.
Been trying to finish the Fryakk raid but no one really excepts people that aren’t in their guild or have a good Io whatever that is. So, when they come out with AI companions like Ever Quest did, maybe I will get to do more dungeons than I currently do. And the guild I am in is a guild of just me. I did that because I got tired of the whispers to join guilds with weird names and allowed me to have a central bank for my crafters and gatherers.
I’m going to be the one arguing this. I probably always will be. It’s completely weird to me that people log into a game that is team dependent, then decide to play alone. While I’m at it, it is also weird to me that people pay for a dungeon looter and then proceed to never touch a dungeon. I don’t even think this “solo delve” will make those people play. Everyone knows WoW is dungeon and raids and the amount of mind tricks some of you will go through to make the game anything but that is…astonishing.
idc. if you ppl weren’t so horrible to most of us we wouldn’t want to play alone or with ai. im 100% cool with it. if you want ppl to play with then stop being toxic.
now all these years you guys say “find a guild, find friends, make your own group”
lol we are via ai and you’re having a fit. bye lol that’s why i ain’t playing with you. go play with your friends/guild/group ok lol.
And thats ok…and you clearly missed my point.
Some in here seem to believe that the ONLY thing to this game is doing M+ or raiding and NOTHING else is enjoyable. Therefor they run their ignorant mouths at everyone who ISNT doing that…or doing group content hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
Its asinine for ME to think you dont enjoy that…as asinine as it would be for YOu to think that THAT is the only thing ANYONE ELSE CAN enjoy about this game
What makes them my enemy is their coming in here running their vile mouths at myself and others when we say we DONT like group content in their precious MMO’z lol.
That was the point.
We are tired of the spam threads… this isn’t a game that’s meant to be purely solo, yes there are solo aspects and if you want to stick to just those… accept those rewards. Having an opinion that differs, isn’t toxic… it’s crazy that everything is toxic to so many people because it doesn’t agree with their sensibilities, when did having a difference of opinion become such an issue for y’all?
Not sure of the entire line of reasoning of that one, but YES…IF you feel you CANT keep your end of the bargain in group content then NO, you shouldnt be running it if it causing continual problems for other players.
If Im doing half damage constantly and ruining someones key, then I shouldnt be getting involved. Especiallly if I have no desire to get better.
its RUDE for me to bring my lack of performance to someone elses run and screw it over for them.
omg…wait…you mean i DONT actually have to click the thread and open it?
Lord. All this time I thought it was a requirement.
huh…and yet somehow many of us manage to do just that. lol.
no…whats toxic is when the M+ sorts…who are easily figured as failures at what they do based on their many posts…come in here to foam and rail at US for liking our SOLO game and liking the idea of MORE solo content being added.
Youre not required to come here bashing those who dont want to play your M+ thing…
Read the thread title, lmao.
when you all start ATTACKING people who talk about enjoying the SOLO aspect of the game…THAT is when it became an ‘issue’ for us.
Seems VERY simple to me.
lol? you can have an opinion. who cares if we get more solo options… IT’S OPTIONS. im tired of ppl in game being jerks and more ways to avoid is nice and still able to play the game.
Even to this day I try to force myself to heal 5 mans.
I love it. Im very good at it. Im good at getting a noticeable amount of DPS in while Im doing it.
but players…oh the players. lol.
Its an odd feeling when you love doing something to help others, but the others are making you hate others and interacting with them in any way.
“love thy neighbor”
while your neighbor is spray painting racist derogatory graffiti on the side of your home for giggles. And yes, I had it happen. Im suppose to love them while theyre giving me every reason not to. And when their behavior has agitated me, somehow I am the one in the wrong.
same crap in this thread and in this topic every time it or something like it comes up.
uh…because they act like a bunch of self serving spoiled entitled children often enough that I dont want to like them anymore?