You are falling to this again, stop for a second. Nobody is suggesting world quests as they are or them themselves give high end gear. People are suggesting things like delves to actually have difficulty settings to give different rewards based on those difficulty settings equal to the difficulty they present.
I know where you’re coming from, here, and believe me I get it.
This actually is a major reason why I play on Moon Guard - every other server feels like a graveyard to me and it’s very difficult for me to find social interaction if I go to any other server. And trust me, every other realm I’ve played on literally feels dead. It’s depressing. So I get this - completely.
I think the solution to this problem is to do something similar to this. Find a realm, and a community, possibly a guild - that’s active, and big. A lot of them die out eventually, and it’s a shame, but you can find a new one. I hope eventually Blizzard makes realm transfers cheaper in order to alleviate the dead-realm-syndrome thing that’s been happening lately.
Seems like pugging already turned it into the antisocial game.
Dungeon Finder killed any sense of socialization in the game and that’s been a thing since the end of, Wrath.
By this point, most of the game’s content can be experienced without ever communicating with another person. I don’t know why people are acting surprised now. Just accept it and move along.
No it didn’t, that’s just a delusion that older players pushed when WOTLK dropped RDF… some people just aren’t social.
More options are always better. People sometimes treat socialization like it’s a god given requirement in MMO’s for content.
You can kid yourself all you want, but most people play the game as a solo game. Fill the queues up with bots and most people wouldn’t know the difference.
I think people forget how adaptable and versatile games are. It’s like everyone wants games to follow a cookie cutter mold that they have in their heads of what those genres should be.
Yeah, I personally loathe the dungeon finder. It killed socialization and it killed accountability/basic manners. Prior to it, if someone was toxic, they had better be in a guild, or they weren’t getting groups because word got around the server.
I don’t care if people are quiet in a dungeon. It’s the toxic ones that made me quit healing them. They just were not worth my $15/mo, nor my time.
So to have a choice between “might be toxic” and an AI group to finish off my quests? I’ll take the AI because they aren’t toxic.
You are the type of person that people wish to avoid.
Yes, I played FF14 since Heavensward and I still haven’t joined a single guild to this day. No other reason because everything I want from the game(story and the golden saucer and side quests) can be done solo, que up system and doesn’t need a guild.
Having said though it’s been quite fun interacting with people during those activities but leaving at just that.
I have a love hate relationship with it.
dislike the toxic behavior it created.
Like that it made dungeons easier to get into instead of spammin in the capitol for a half hour or so to get a group going. Then if someone left…flying back to do it again.
You’re all upset that you can’t force people to play with you. That’s hilarious.
I once heard that people that talk the strongest often are the ones that can do the least. I wonder if you can even carry that kettle. Where’s your main at?
You don’t even have to force them. Press Find Dungeon button - accept queue - oh wow suddenly there’s people playing with me, who knew? It’s like magic.
Like I said, you could fill the queues with bots and most people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. For all you know, that’s already a thing. It would be laughably easy for Blizzard to incorporate.
Queues do not make the game less of a solo experience. It reinforces it.
Actually you have a point there. There’s been some groups where I’ve suspected they were all bots anyway.
yep, everyone has probably been playing with neuro sama. AI has been a thing for awhile now, it’s just getting more recognition now.
Besides there is actually a real scientific theory. (No joke look it up) That we are all AI agents living in a simulated universe anyways it’s called “Simulation Hypothesis” or “Simulated Reality Theory.”. So how is it any different?
Okay, you got to sit down and ask yourself why are you getting anxious.
- Can this person actually do anything to me aside from calling me names and just being nasty?
- Why am I getting worked up over someone I am likely never gonna meet again?
- If they get really derogatory, why am I not using the tools provided to report the person?
I ask these to myself all the time, and in the end. Those jerkwads don’t matter and it not worth the effort to please everyone if they are gonna throw it back to you.
Anticipation, it’s what makes anxiety so bad it creates extreme levels of stress. Perhaps you handle it easy but that is you, and the same solutions don’t work for everyone. The issue is that these people that act this way to people provoke the fear of it happening again and have it possibly be direct to them. This becomes more true for individuals that have a need to feel as if they are performing up to par with their team and not letting them down. The moment itself isn’t bad, it’s everything before it. All the moment does is validated the anxiety and keeps it from going away by facing it as one would normally do.
The root cause is the people that behave that way, and unless Blizzard takes a harder stance on it, it’s going to be difficult to get people that face this particular issue to get back on the saddle.