There isn’t anything “wrong” with it other than you have to do things a certain way and a certain pace or you’ll get kicked.
Let’s say you want to actually explore the dungeon. No group will tolerate that, nor should they. They’ll remove you. But that denies you the opportunity.
Let’s say you want to go after a special optional boss that’s out of the way and a massive inconvenience for everyone else. Sometimes people are nice, sometimes they aren’t. People are not on your schedule, and if they don’t want to do it they shouldn’t be forced. Being solo helps with that.
Let’s say you like going slow. Some people actually do. Maybe you’re expecting a major package in the next 30 minutes and want to shoot some dungeons down real quick but you don’t want to inconvenience 4 other real people. Nobody else is on your schedule; they won’t tolerate that - and - nor should they! But if you are solo, it isn’t a problem - there’s nobody there to inconvenience.
These are just a few things. There might be more.
Long and short of it is, AI is going to tolerate your whims and quirks a lot better than random people will. An AI is going to be equally as fine with you if you go light-speed and pull the entire dungeon in a single pack or carefully CC and kill one mob at a time. They don’t care. They’re not programmed to.
Whatever they do with their money is their choice; I am not their mother paying for their subscription, so I don’t care what they do. If they want to quit they can that is their choice, and if they want to believe the money they’ve put in means nothing then let them. What you determine to be nothing is up to you.
If you come to the realization that you’re wasting your money on a game then that is okay, but calling it a waste spending $15 a month or saying it was all for nothing is wrong. It was never meant for nothing, because you still have the memories you made and everything else, it just means you’re ready to move on with your life and ready to find something better.
You’ve proved nothing within that post.
wow is not even an RPG any more.
Can they be programmed to move out of the bad stuff?
Nothing to prove, didn’t need to prove anything. It’s a statement that other peoples money has the same value as yours and there is people playing that want the world content expanded. Hence why all content paths should be treated as equals.
That is actually extremely easy to do, just need to have it detect when taking damage and then have it detect the damage source, if the source is from a list of pool damage types move until damage stops.
Okay, so let me get this straight, you want a high ilvl for doing the easiest content in the game?
No, what part of
Equally challenging, equally rewarding, and equally updated went past you? IF the content has the same challenge should it not have the same rewards? It’s not impossible to design challenging content for things other then full groups and raids. .
I haven’t pugged in a long time (healer) but ah, that sounds so nice.
You know what? Yeah. Give me the best things in the game for solo content. Just to make people like you froth at the mouth because you don’t get to tell people what they’re worth anymore. People like you are the problem. Always have been, always will be.
But why do we need this though? Why do we need to change the whole game to revolve around you? We shouldn’t just turn this game into a anti social game where nobody talks to each other about how to do a certain thing or people helping each other out. Do you want AI guildmembers to? Or AI friends?
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It wouldn’t revolve around us, it just wouldn’t revolve around you either. Equally means it doesn’t revolve around anyone. I’m not saying the content I enjoy should be top place, it shouldn’t be better then what you have available it shouldn’t be special. Just equally updated, equally challenging, and equally rewarding. How is that somehow revolving around me?
Do you not agree with the concept of effort = reward?
Yes, you think this in theory, but what do you think most players would rather do? Would they rather wait for their guild members to get on or wait for people to sign up for pugs, or would they rather do solo? Yes, you’d be right they’d rather choose solo because they don’t want to wait. That’s what the game will turn into, people will slowly realize that group content is useless when you can do it on your own.
What i’m reading here is that you have a fear that people prefer solo content and only do group content because the solo content isn’t available.
No, what I’m saying is it isn’t equal to the way you’re making this out to be. You don’t care how equal it is, if it works for you then you don’t care. Because why should you care? You don’t care for doing actual content in the game because well you haven’t even tried it.
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I don’t think it’s about gatekeeping so much as videogame tribalism, the idea that there is only one right way to play the game, and anyone who is not playing the game right is doing life wrong.
That isn’t my perspective but if it was, I have to ask how is that any different from yours? It’s currently working for you and you don’t seem to care because of that. I think we should come to an understanding that most things you can say about the other point of view you can actually say about your own as well. So why try to use it as a way to invalidate another’s opinion?
I don’t get why you’re so upset.
People will always congregate together. Most social folks will only use the solo AI bots to pass the time between actual social interactions. One way or another people will find an excuse to spend time with one another; it’s infinitely more enjoyable and the fact that forums exist for every game including this one is a testament to that.
It’s not a solo RPG, but there are plenty of solo aspects for the people who refuse to play with others. The solo aspects that are available are there for you to use… just another spam thread/troll thread to push a narrative that has no real point or argument.
How is it different from mine? It’s because I am paying monthly to play an MMO I am not paying for the game to be this dead graveyard of anti-social people. Not to mention, why should I bother working harder than a person who just does WQ just to get the same reward? Sure, you say equal content but how equal is it when solo players are saying it’s too hard to the point where it’s like lfr?
Yes, this fine, I have no issues with the follow ai dungeons I’m just talking in general here
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