"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

I have used many addons in ffxiv since the day it came out. You are clueless.

Their official stance is addons are not allowed.

The unofficial stance if you don’t talk about it they don’t care.

It’s like fight club.

Good for you? Want a cookie? I hope they catch you then and remove your toxic self from that game as well :smiley:

In it’s heyday, the only actual solo content was leveling and professions and purely solo players topped out in blues.

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Depends on if you considered PvP solo content or not. I got some purples in Vanilla but my gosh that grind was insane.

Requires more than one player by definition.

Since we’re talking about AI content, it doesn’t make sense to include easy access group content in “solo” as one actually doesn’t require other players.

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PvP was a bit different then dungeons but I hear you. A lot of folks in the BG’s just spent time to themselves grinding away. Only reason I had to ponder it.

You’re the one who is toxic. I’m just chillin lmao.

Whatever, as long as they keep the best rewards to challenging group content.

Hardline stances never win an argument.

If you have a point to make, make it with evidence and logic and reasoning. If you’re just parroting what some influencer on some streaming platform says, you’ve already lost the argument before your first post.

That being said there’s definitely upsides and downsides to this. Upsides are - it lets people enjoy the game they want, on their schedule, without embarrassing themselves in front of others. I might be more willing to tank for an AI group than real people, for example, because the AI group is less likely to mess me up and make my life miserable by making unnecessary or unwanted pulls. In fact, that’s generally a reason why I only tank for my friends or guild.

On the flip side there’s genuine concerns that LFD/LFR has made people more toxic because there’s less consequences for their actions - that you experience greater loss for being a jerk in a smaller community than a larger one. That removing the grouping element even more may cause people to lose any social skills required to connect with others. But this also disregards the issues people have with playing at odd hours, where it is often near impossible to assemble a proper realm group unless you’re on a massive realm.

Me? I’m happy with options. I like playing with people, but sometimes I’m not in the mood and would rather play by myself. Is that really so bad? That’s my take on it.


What more do solo players want? You guys are getting single player queued dungeons and delves. Soon it’ll be solo raids and everything else. It’s okay to do some things solo it’s totally fine, but making the whole game revolve around you guys is a bit unnecessary. There needs to be some form of social interaction. Now sure, I don’t care how you play the game, I don’t care if you don’t talk to anyone or if you talk to everyone. I just don’t want WOW to be this single player game. If you want single player then go play Genshin Impact.

The upcoming delves are supposed to top out at Heroic Raid gear level… I am good with that.


I agree

I think it’s terrible how much raiders and mythic+ players get. I’m so happy that solo players are getting a bone thrown to us, hopefully it’s a sign of more to come. All play styles should be celebrated equally.


honestly i think it’s messed up that blizzard has designated your accounts for solo play only and you can’t do group content. they shouldn’t do that. you pay the same sub as we do! i would start a petition tbh

I disagree; let’s look at it this way for a moment.

So, we have one player who is grinding out PVP and is working very hard to obtain a certain rating.

Then we have a person who just does WQs and hardly logs in but wants to have a high ILVL.

Do you think every player should deserve a high ilvl and cool rewards? Sure, I think cool rewards can happen to everyone regardless of content but it shouldn’t be similar to those who are grinding out PVE or PVP content, it’s not fair that way.

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False equivalency, and you are also pointing out the exact problem. You are stating what World players have to do the content we have and comparing it to the content others have. Which is exactly the problem. A problem that is being addressed Delves are suppose to be challenging new content that fleshes out the World players path some. You’re logical assumptions are based on nothing ever changing, while arguing to make sure nothing ever changes. It’s paradoxical.

effort = rewards this logic makes sense to me.

You don’t group you don’t get a reward, this logic doesn’t make sense to me.

To help you understand imagine if the shoe was flipped. And you are the one that had minimal content and difficulty scaling, raids had mediocre loot that the path of progression died out quickly on. Would you remain playing the whole time? OR would you like the World players stay subbed only until the content ran dry. You see you are showing the exact problem. All your argument is simply proving there is an issue in the way world content is handled.


I bet follower dungeons are popular for about a week.

So you have AI helpers and don’t have to group. Take away group coordination, competitiveness and playing socially with friends, and it just becomes a repetitive single player experience.

It’s the group dynamics they give it replay ability.

Probably a pretty expensive development effort, and good AI is probably going to require some compute. Most likely a lot of money for very little gain.

I’m not saying solo players don’t deserve content because obviously, everyone should have something to do. I just don’t think the whole game should revolve around them. The game needs socialization it’s what makes the game fun, I am not paying $15 a month for the game to turn single player. I think it’s nice to have single-player content from time to time, but we shouldn’t turn WOW into everything being queued-based. Why even play an MMO in the first place if you don’t want to socialize? Is it to make the game feel less lonely or what?

Yes, but you have a choice. Either you do it or you don’t. I don’t see what’s wrong with grouping up with people. Sure, it’s toxic sometimes, but often, people don’t even say anything.

You are right you are not, but on the same hand there is people that have played this game for ages and are slowly moving more and more into the solo player realm. Should these people just move on and quit the game? Should all the money they put into the game mean nothing? Is your dollars more important then theirs? This is why equality in all content is the best method. Equally difficult, equally rewarding, equally updated.


There is a simple take on this.

MMO means Massively multiplayer online, which means that it is a game with potentially a lot people playing it. That is it. Play it alone, play it in groups, play it how you like. Anything else is merely sophistry.