Op, only one this hurts from this are the gold sellers for dungeons.
lol…you get the impression they REALLY do believe that running mindless dungeons over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over is the ONLY thing to do in this game lmao
If that were the only enjoyable thing to do in WoW, I’d have quick about 3 months in lol
If you dont want to group up and do group content in a game balanced around group content thats fine.
Just dont expect top gear from doing easy content.
And there it is!
Was wondering when this dead horse would pop up.
I think I should interject here that, while others may take it further than I have, I never, ever expected “top gear” from “easy content.” If normal, AI dungeons take me relatively seamlessly into delves, which then feed my progression through delves… that’s a whole, self-contained game. I’m good. It’s probably awesome in open world content too! I’m good!
I’m not going to say that “only M+ players and raiders need M+ and raid level gear,” as I do expect there to be some overlap with upper end delves and mid level raiding and M+, but like… really, there’s such a thing as “good enough” gear, and it’s well below mythic raiding and high end M+. Waaay below.
That’s because these people think that the only thing in the game is 'get best gear. Do M+ forever. It’s all there is". These same people say the game is boring too, when they do one singular thing, maybe two on repeat and don’t actually DO the things in the game.
I’m not too worried about Follower Dungeons. Having witnessed just how bad they are in FF14, the average wow player doesn’t have the attention span to sit there watch an NPC take 10 minutes to kill a boss that 5 players can kill in 20 seconds. They’ll be there for the very and I do mean this, the very few that will use it.
same thing…IF that was the best part of WoW, Id quit.
Getting gear should be the result of playing a fun game…NOT a placebo to keep you playing a crap game.
If M+ and raiding WERE my end game, yeah…I’ll go play ESO. lol.
Mog hunting is never ending. THAT is my end game because it puts me all over the game world, including current content
Welp we found our psychic.
Ill be using it, along with my bud.
Some people are just trolling, other people actually hate the concept of people enjoying this game in a way they don’t.
It’s just more nay-sayers who think they know everything. I ignore people like that because frankly, the devs wouldn’t put something in the game that a good number of people didn’t ask for. Just not how it works
You must be new to WoW then…
Nope. Been playing since 2004. Thanks for thinking you know though, thanks! It seems your psychic nature has failed you again!
I mean just pointing out the obvious. But if you have nothing to refute then I can move on.
Yes dps meters like act are “technically” against the ToS but they aren’t blocked you’ll just have an extremely high chance of suspension if you are using one to call people out.
I have soloed since 2004. I have put thousands of hours into game play. I stopped raiding in WoD.
I just couldn’t handle the nastiness of people in groups. I have paid my 6 month subscriptions for almost 20 years.
Go play a different game you say. How dare you make that comment to anyone. Esp. to people paying actual money to be part of the WoW World.
I ran on the PTR. It dropped a boe for mogging. Even if thats all I get Id use it. lol
I think that poster hasnt actually tried it on the PTR, lol. I was doing WAY better with the AI group than most real player groups
No it doesn’t, and no it doesn’t…
Not anymore! Bwahaha
From your posts here so far, it is clear to me you are just trolling and have exactly no idea what you’re talking about. Because yes. If you are CAUGHT using a dps meter in FF, they can and will ban you. Watched that happen in real time in the past. So at this point every opinion you have going forward is invalid to anything having to do with this thread. Enjoy that ignore list, friend.