"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

… Never said it did.

You all sure love to read stuff that isn’t there, and make up nonsense in order to get angry over it and argue.

Quite the phenomena honestly.

Well then, I guess there isn’t a problem. And you can just quietly let it happen.

I’ll concede that it may not have been what you meant to say, but I’d like to again point out:

You responded to someone saying that MMO does not mean you’re going to be required to play with others by saying:

If you want to continue claiming you never said it, then you’re either trolling, gaslighting people, intentionally obtuse, don’t want to admit any fault, or maybe you’re just not that great with words.

It’s also becoming increasingly clear that you’re completely missing the points in my responses and arguing against irrelevant or partial information, so I’ll attempt to clear that up, though I suspect things will still be ignored and you’ll double down some more.

My entire argument stems from the definition of MMO. It ONLY means that there are a lot of players capable of being on the same server, in the same world, online at the same time. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

I pointed out FFXIV as an example of a game that offers solo content.

You seem to have gotten really hung up on FF and the content that you have to be in a group to complete. Cool, there’s content that you can’t complete without a group - that was never the argument.

It was my mistake to try and clear up your “Wrong. Uninformed.” information by explaining, multiple times, that the 4-player dungeons and trials, while required to continue the MSQ can be done with NPCs and therefore can be considered more solo content. A fact you seem to want to avoid or intentionally ignore to make your response look better.


Then what was your point? Aint no one reading that wall of text bud.

Reading is hard, is that really what you are going with here? If you don’t like reading using a forum probably isn’t the activity you want to do. If you prefer shortform text there is always twitter.

~~ Basicly the same argument as it’s an MMo go play a solo player game.


Guess I need to dumb things down…

MMO not mean required play with others.

FF is only example. Game has solo stuff for people.

Your definition: Wrong.

Me done. You enjoy “win.” Not worth time if no read.


No one thinks this. They think that you aren’t getting BiS gear without avoiding end game content in this particular MMO, and that’s fine and how it should be.

Not a single thing of what you just said is accurate in any capacity.

Again, don’t feed that particular troll. He isn’t worth your effort, nor the breath. He can’t admit he is wrong, and will fight tooth and nail to argue about it all. Best to ignore him. He’ll go away eventually, like every other troll.

Yeah. I had a strong feeling that was the case, but there’s usually that slight uncertainty and moments you question it.

Either way, I at least got some amusement from him admitting “reading is hard” and getting called out for it. So not entirely wasted time.

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How is saying solo content exists not tied to the argument that solo content shouldn’t be added. You are arguing that there should be no solo dungeons because the game is an mmo, I am saying solo content already exists in the mmo, and in fact exists in every mmo. So unless you think there should be no solo content, the argument that mmo’s shouldn’t have solo content makes no sense.

You could argue it’s a slippery slope argument in reverse but it is not a strawman. Solo content is a thing in all mmo’s so saying it shouldn’t exist alongside group content makes no sense.

No I’m not.

Not even close to what I am saying.

Ok, explain because when someone said the ai dungeons sounded fun…ie single player dungeons you said

“If you want a single player game go play a different game.”

So if you are not saying we shouldn’t have solo dungeons, then what the heck did that mean? Sure sounded like you don’t want single player dungeons or even content because it’s an mmo.

You also said in response to this: Sadly a lot of players seem to think MMO means forced group content. They twist the definition of MMO to try and force this narrative.

You said: “Uh, yeah. That’s kind of what an MMO is. It doesn’t mean “Single player online game.””

Which is literally saying all content should be forced group content. You are saying MMO’s should be forced group content right there. So maybe you are just not explaining your stance well here.

What are you trying to say?

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Well Done! The OP has it straight.

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Oh, no, sorry you are correct, I misread your comment. Carry on.

So you are against all solo content in an mmo? or just solo dungeons?

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Socialization is good. But forced socialization is bad. Extroverts force that on introverts all the time. They drain our social batteries and take chill people and make them uncomfortable. Introverts can be very sociable, but they are so on their terms and it’s 1000 times more genuine.

And YES, I say the word “forced” because when you hold some one’s method of game progression hostage you are effectively forcing them to hang out with you in order to get what they need. Thats like being "asked to listen to your bosses’ awful jokes or having your mother ask you to go shopping with them. You know it’s not a real choice, you know you would rather gouge your eyes out with a rusted grapefruit spoon you know if you say the word “NO” it’s not going to be accepted as a real answer. It’s a fricken FORCE!

There are some players in this game that LOVE having domination power over other players ability to gear. And much like a needy Mother they think NOTHING of holding stuff hostage for attention.

If I want to hang with you I will… If I don’t why in the Frikken heck do you have to take my loot hostage?!


Many MMO’s have solo content and player housing as well.

No one talks in groups Discord, guilds and communities are social.


MMORPG doesn’t require grouping or playing with others. And you can be social without ever stepping foot in group content in this game - in fact 90% of socialization happens outside group content…no one talks in it, unless you’re in a friend group or guild group. There are plenty of MMORPGs that don’t follow the EQ model. Wurm Online for instance - even seeing another player is rare.


It does indeed, the only communication in groups are mechanic instructiors and can I have your loot whispers.

People only socialize with people they know or met somewhere in game randomly. With Discord you can socialize outside of WoW.

Guilds and communities are the social aspect of WoW, if you’re looking for conversations in game.

I really don’t know what people are really looking for when they say “social”, but I’m very careful who I talk to online, you have to these days. You could be talking to an under age minor or Jack The Ripper.