"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

FFXIV has TONS of forced group content.

No one said that WoW is “Exclusively only multiplayer” either, get real.

You’re a solo player until you actually join a group and most tasks cooking, crafting etc are also solo tasks until you make something for someone. So the game although a mmorpg is actually geared towards solo play until you join a group / raid or interact with others.

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Actually True

Big reason I hated that game was the forced group content. Waiting in line to simply level felt bad as heck. (had to finish certain story points to make level break points) I needed a vomit bag to play that game because some of the core philosophies was so disgustingly bad they was unredeemable.

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I’m convinced that the folks who insist that MMO stands for near constant grouping won’t go to the grocery store if they don’t have a party of five.


You know those two people always blocking the Aisle gossiping while you want to get in and get your shopping done?

Well… that would be them.


GW2 solved this issue with equipment templates which holds the gear in tabs located in the equipment window instead of your inventory you can swap between in less than a second anywhere. It was a relatively new change too and thank god since having 6-7+ builds you swap between in that game wasn’t uncommon.

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Going solo when at times some runs are very toxic so this is a vacation from toxicity

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Yeah it was crazy, especially when you worked nights and played at off hours. Nothing like waiting for 40 minutes for a dungeon queue back to back for three dungeons in a row to progress the MSQ…

It had a lot of good parts, but there were so many small things that I just could not stand in that game. Whoever designed the map system should be put in an asylum for cruel and unusual punishment I swear.

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You replied to:


You are quite literally saying MMO means you will be / should be required to take part in forced group content in order to play the game. This is demonstrably incorrect, but you seem hellbent on dieing atop your hill.

TONS of optional group content. The majority of the main scenario can be completed solo as of earlier this year, including the 4 player dungeons and trials; because they give you NPCs. Plus, the story can be skipped to get you up to the latest expansion stuff if you really don’t want to go through the older stuff.

Back to the points; the NPC dungeons in wow will be the same exact thing here. Normal dungeons with normal dungeon loot. Don’t worry, your hours-of-raiding badge won’t be invalidated by someone opting to run with NPCs. Added plus: the solo players will be able to go at their pace without dragging down your jump skip speed runs.

Delves, on the other hand, I can’t say for certain, but I don’t imagine they’d give much better than LFR (maybe normal) difficulty ilvl raid gear in the great vault. Just because it’s a vault row doesn’t mean it’ll be amazing ilvl gear (AND will be one piece per week). But again, you can still walk tall knowing you’re better than all these solo players you seem to hate because you’re getting heroic and mythic pixels that far outshine what they get.

I’m leaving this off with one final note: why do you honestly care so much about these features being added? Blizz isn’t going to add solo content that will disincentivize / invalidate M+ or raiding by giving BIS gear for arguably easier content. Harder content will continue to reward better gear. Leave the solo players to their lane that’s not truly affecting you and move on.


No I didn’t, not at all. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing. Maybe try finding a new hobby besides getting mad in video game forums? It is expected that one should have to group for a lot of the games activities, such as dungeons, raids, pvp, world bosses, etc.

Wrong. Uninformed. The first dungeon in the game is a requirement for the MSQ, as are most dungeons. AND entire raids… soooo… lol

Quit being so disingenuous. No one cares.

There is something about you two I don’t like

You creep don’t reply to me with that garbage

Social interactions in a mmo should always be encouraged the problem is when you have a game like wow with some activities that aren’t very accepting to certain people. You can’t blame the people who can’t get a group to do X they might not have friends, time and guild can be quite a hit and miss and all of that. Another problem in wow and probably other mmos is that to do certain activities the player needs achievement, experience etc and to get that experience the player has to do said activities. It’s a vicious cycle that can be really hard for some players to even get into.

For example I’m an older player and me playing a game is all about learning and get to experience the game. When you have a raid encounter and you do it with a pug people expect you to know the encounter(even day one), no mistakes a single wipe and people start crying. What has happened to this community? I’m not a player that looks up a video on how to play a game I play it. That’s how it should be, it has nothing to do with “wasting” time but rather the balance of the encounter and mechanics within the fight itself.

I get the feeling that if they alienate people like me, who may have started to play with friends but those people all quit, that they will just lose money.

I joined with a gang of RL friends but now they’re all gone and I have never really fit in with people I only met online.

I am beyond thrilled that next expansion will cater to me right down to being able to duo delve with my brother who’s the only person I still play with, when his busy schedule allows it that is.


Blizzard should just make a single player Warcraft game. Come one Blizzard, why have you don’t done this yet? Easy money. You like money, don’t you Blizz?

Boom, solo Warcraft.

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Lmao, how to make a troll reveal itself.

I am so confused. I have not seen people complaining about delves or follower dungeons at all.

Where is this happening?

That’s what they’re doing. Ever since the days of CRZ, the game has felt more like a single-player game. Getting bots to do some group content with is the logical evolution.

The frustrating thing about a lot of the CRZ stuff was that you saw a lot of people, but they weren’t in your communities. So far all intents and purposes they were already NPCs. (Rude NPCs, but NPCs nonetheless.)

Yes, they’ve improved grouping functionality with cross realm guilds and such, but the guild concept is largely a dead thing since the streamlining of many aspects of the game.

Yeah, but I mean an actual single player Warcraft game. Why haven’t they done that yet is beyond me. Would be easy money.

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It’s headed that way. MP will be entirely optional eventually (to see all the content.) People will be able to do dungeons, raids, world quests/bosses, etc. Why make a strictly SP game?