"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

Then why are you trying to hide your hoofs?…. Hmmmmm I see that bow

Want to reroll a worgen real quick?

Why? Because you are about to howl at the moon of course.

-logs into dwarf- /rude

Only time will tell, and that’s only if it does get expanded in the future. There is always the chance, and it’s a good chance, that these things will be abandoned by the second patch like every other alternate path they’ve tried giving us in the past like Island Expeditions and Torghast.

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for Follower Dungeon possibly, but for Delves not likely unless they are under utilized or otherwise determined that the population that enjoys the content at the intended and required challenge level to reward progression style gear is too low to justify the allocated resources. In which case they may abandon it, but I suspect there is enough who will be content with the new path it should be enough to justify it’s existence and resources used.

Lolz this thread is still going. The general mindset of gaming is for fun and entertainment , if you want to develop relationships there are other sites for that . if ppl are playing this game on an off chance to meet their soulmate , DON’T .If you want friends make real ones that are dependable all the time . This is soo basic geez

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You do the most trivial content the game has to offer, are you really sure that you’re in any place to tell anyone that their opinion isn’t valid?

Idk, visions bit the dust. If anything I’d give expansion of follower dungeons a better chance of happening that delves sticking around, just going off history.

Maybe, same time that was a time period where literally everything bit the dust. It’s difficult to gauge exactly what could stay or not based on the past like that. Although I wager visions was statistically unpopular as it’s something they said they learned from which is code for, we made a booboo.

True. Ideally they find some solo activity that sticks one of these days, but I’m not sure how they’re going to solve the difficulty/rewards issue.

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By doing the work and not caving. If they are role agnostic as they say then they will need to do the work to make sure for each role they are appropriately challenging. The balance likely won’t be right for every single spec right away but eventually with time and effort it will get there. It will be important to listen to feedback, but do their own internal testing based on the feedback instead of just listening to the masses. I don’t think we should get good rewards for doing easy content, but I do think challenging content with good rewards should be available to us. This simply means its going to take some patience from both people like myself, and blizzard until it’s done right.

More of a place than you. And this isn’t my content character, so you know. Try again “friend.” Regardless, as far as I’m concerned, the fact you’re hiding means you have nothing actually worthwhile to say, and therefore are not worth my time, nor further effort on posting.

Oh, so here we are in the same boat but only you’re allowed to not post on your “CoNTEnT CHaRaCTEr”.

This is so weirdly ironic.


You sure? Or is it your lock who is only 15 ilvls ahead of this one?


I’m all for the game having a stronger focus on needing to interact with other players, unfortunately the average players you run into at this point are generally insufferable and have a strange sense of ego over a video game. That said, I do also think solo content is incredibly important for pretty much any video game even if the games core focus is multiplayer.

The follower dungeons giving normal dungeon loot is perfectly fine. As it stands now, normal dungeons have next to 0 purpose in how the dungeon loop currently works and getting into one past like the first week of the expac takes ages. Since dungeons are SUPPOSED to be part of the story usually having simple access to them for casual players and new players to learn these dungeons and experience the story more seamlessly is a good thing.

I’d comment on Delves but I genuinely don’t know how I feel about them yet cause it sounds iffy to me on paper in terms of being “challenging” solo content but then they mention puzzles.

Rewards design is what allows this to happen without polluting the experience of either group with mandatory content they don’t want to do.

Put heroic raid gear in delves, and I’ll have to do delves until I surpass that ilvl threshold. Same if the rewards are higher.

Players will always take the path of least resistance for acquiring power, even if that path isn’t fun. I would love to see more gear splitting in the game, i.e., bonuses (potentially very big bonuses) that work only in the outdoor world coming from outdoor or single player content. Just turn them off in raid and keys, and then I don’t have to farm that content. but for people who want to play solo as their end game, they can get lots of power that applies to them, all without ruining my gameplay loop.

Yeah I think some time ago the suggestion I made was to have gear to have content specific bonuses that would eliminate the necessity of doing things you’re not interested in doing. Like people who just do WQ can grind WQ to get gear with WQ bonuses on it. Same with M+, same with raiding, same with PvP.

The problem with having one gear set is that people will do like you’re saying unhappily grind delves to raid. So that clearly doesn’t work.

Maybe the gear itself is the same but some component on the gear changes to be content specific. Like a socket or a gem.

I’ve made similar suggestions in other threads before as well. I think that you then go back to the complaint people had about having multiple sets of gear in their bags because they Raid and PVP.

It’s kind of a situation where there will always be one group or another upset about it:

  • Group A doesn’t want to feel forced to run content they don’t like

  • Group B doesn’t want multiple sets of gear taking up space in their bags

That’s an interesting idea.

Gear in bags needs to go away IMO. While we do have the ability to link gear to gear sets the problem is if you do lots of content you’re going to have lots of gear sitting in your bags all the time.

There should just be a wardrobe you can interact with in town that when you want to use or keep a piece of gear you can add it to the wardrobe under the slot icon, then configure it for a gear set. So when you run raids you switch to that wardrobe, when you want to run delves you switch to that wardrobe, etc.

Gear which is vendor trash would just sit in the inventory like anything else ready to sell. But gear you intend to keep and use for awhile shouldn’t sit in your inventory like it does today.


it would be easier just to make the gear content specific and change with the content.

in vanilla I had tank gear, pve gear and pvp gear , down to rings and trinkets.

just have the gear change and don’t worry about who does what when.

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For anyone interested in this thread’s OP’s impressions on follower dungeons, here is my review as a player that absolutely loves this sort of feature wherever it pops up!


Tbh it may get me to consider an alt of I can run dungeons with AI.

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