"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

What? Their competition is definitely relevant. This is such a brain-dead take.

This is the main reason why Blizzard is bleeding away players to their competition.

People are leaving, how is this good for you?

And what facts, data or evidence do you have to back up this claim? Mage Tower was loved by the player base.


I am a 100% disabled Vet and I haven’t played for, ever really… Not exactly but I want to come back. I keep a sub, I got a baby girl, I’m disabled so I don’t play extremely well, I try but I’m busy and I’m always overwhelmed or knocked out of enjoying myself whenever I get to content I’m not familiar with and never get the chance to explore or enjoy. I will absolutely benefit from this and so will the community because I will WANT to engage after I’m acclimated and the community benefits because I’ll be proficient, or at least a hell of a lot more than I would be otherwise.

Negative comments and behaviors don’t sting or upset me, it’s not a question of feelings, what it does is kill my motivation to play. Why invest in becoming part of a community that you’d rather not be a part of or don’t see yourself fitting in with? Look, I can find good people, I do, I’ll find a great group, talk to them, get on discord and make friends but unless they all stop what they are doing and help me get through the content to join them (as I’ve never found a group that was at my same early level), I have to get through a long period of pugs and matchmaking that just destroys my motivation before I ever get to play with them.

Point is I see nothing but solutions with these features. It will produce more late game players with more confidence, knowledge and proficiency. They’ll be invested in the story and more willing to go through the horrors of breaking an addon virginity, learning currency systems and participation schedules.

I’m very supportive of this, especially because the mindset behind them is the antithesis of community gatekeeping which massively dissuades new players from getting involved. I’m almost proud, as far as I can be for a game with which I have little more than a passive investment, but I do have an interest that has steadfastly persisted and kept me peering behind the curtain only to drop it and walk away when met with sneers, shouts and thrown bottles… But now it seems that persistence will finally pay off and I can take the VIP hallway around the curtain and come out on the other side without ever having to risk my very vulnerable face catching a gatekeepers bottle.


The game is almost 20 years old. It doesn’t have an unlimited amount of players queuing for everything anymore.

And yes, solo players contribute to this game in ways you probably wouldn’t even notice. You really think it’s just the raiders doing all the crafting for the pots/enchants/gems you buy on the AH?


The only brain dead take is thinking how other games are designed should affect how blizzard has designed their game.


Participation numbers go up and down every patch cycle.

The complaints about content being too hard with,

Proving Grounds
Mage Tower
Brawlers Guild

and their subsequent nerfs to the ground and or changes to cause it to be irrelevant.

You always got a comeback don’t yah?

I’m glad I haven’t made a video game part of my identity.

Keep pumping that Raiderio score, it might matter some day lol.

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You mean someone responded on a game forum?

You’re funny if you think this game is my identity.

I play this game casually. Not my fault im not terrible at it.

Very good post. I agree with you. I’ve played long enough, and had enough life experiences. (6 years in the Army too. Hoo-ah!) I’m not going to get in some pissing contest with other players. If people can’t act like decent human beings and act somewhat maturely, then it just isn’t worth the time.

There are a lot of good people in WoW. I don’t view the AI assistants as a replacement to human interaction, but there are a lot of people out there that don’t want to play WoW as a competitive MMO. The bots will give them more to experience.


The social or suffer types don’t get this.

Its not jsut this game. Many mmo’s get people with this mindset.

Eve has people who don’t like the solo bears in empire too. What do they do for us!

Umm, they buy that 100+ mil isk item we non-empire residents
(pvp’ers basically) would not use most of the time.

I make loyalty points to buy very nice gear. That I sell to solo carebears. I’d lose it in pvp at some point. They have money, I need money. Deals are made.

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It is mate, you just haven’t made the connection. I have watched you trash talk people on these forums for years. You need to find a better outlet for your rage.

So many elitist players don’t get that solo types or more casual players are paying subs, making crafting items, buying tokens, ect ect… Everyone is connected in the game in some way, having more options for players is a win win for everyone.

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Youre confused. I dont have any rage, especailly over a video game. I dont sugar coat things and people tend to not be able to handle it.

The Warcraft community on the forums is what really solidified me not wanting to group outside of PUGs. This was after 15 years of playing wow off and on since Vanilla right before BC. I’m not even wanting all of you toxic folks to change. Just let me play the game without having to deal with you.

I have no reason to spend real money on a sub anymore. Why? Just to check what’s “new”? I can do that with the PTR. I really just want to go back through old content at my own pace(yay for getting old and casual!). I don’t even care to gear for current content anymore unless its buffing my power to do old content. Going on 4 patches behind for BFA, still can’t do mythic or a lot of the heroics solo. Yuck.

I just want the missing xmog/pets/mounts. You can nerf the gold drops into the dirt. I don’t care about that. But when the community itself is the biggest turn off for the game as a whole and NOT the developer? Give me a reason to spend money. Esp since “whats up coming” for TWW isn’t attractive hardly at all(oh boy, “therazane” reboot!) and i won’t be buying it, since DF was a buggy mess on launch(i’ll wait till next year). More so since ActiBlizz has zero intention on making any type of offline play during all of their extra maintenance during my play time(no kids and quiet ftw).

It wouldn’t hurt anyone at all to let the community at least solo old content.

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Hmmm. I will have to go look into that. I’ve not been on discord since the guild broke up and am not familiar with that. Honestly, I’ll have to go refresh on it since I am not great at it. Thanks for the tip.

If I wasn’t allowed to solo Que rated pvp or LFR, I honestly wouldn’t be playing. Most people who feel this way I feel are playing classic.

Okay buddy, just keep making a fool out yourself.

Says the guy trying to tell someone how much rage they have

You’re welcome to but stop expecting this game to cater to solo players, it’s not designed for solo players and it never was.

Obviously WoW won’t go solo player, as much as that would be beneficial to plenty, but at the very least it should stop trying to make the few traditionally solo experiences into group ones.

From Cata to Shadowlands, the outdoor world was like 95% soloable outside of a few rare spawns, world bosses and world quests. DF went HARD on trying to make the open world group content, and all it did was kill a lot of solo player’s motivation, especially when the content moves on and you’re left with over a dozen systems that no one can do on their own, and if they can, it takes ten time as long.

Outdoor/solo players quite simply can complete a lesser percentage of their content this expansion than any of the six prior expansions, and that’s a big problem. It’d be like raiders suddenly needing to complete pet battle achievements to progress through the raids. It’s mixing different playstyles that were never mixed to this degree before.

All right buddy, just play a single player game :pinched_fingers:

You have more posts than you do achievement points. Your opinions on what the game is/is based on is exactly invalid here until you aren’t hiding behind a secondary account. Is that toxic to say? Maybe. But I’m not here hiding. I actually you know play the game. It’s this weird concept, I know. Solo things are there, and just because YOU don’t do them doesn’t change that fact.

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I would rather prefer to do group content, with friends if I could. But as time goes on and real life takes priority, here I am with a night job and only able to play late while my friends are all active during the day.

This pretty much leaves me with limited options to make progress, some of which are gatekept by the community based on what I feel like doing. So seeing solo content added to the game, is a godsend opportunity for me to get things done for when I can’t get into groups or queue times take a while. Follower dungeons is a good start, since I have plenty of alts to get caught up. If they could expand this to older dungeons as well, then I’ll be satisfied.