Given the track record of the devs on their promises, I’m not gonna hold my breath.
Typically speaking I don’t consider things at Blizzcon as a promise more of a “here is the concepts we’d like to do” Kind of deal. So your sentiment is a good one to have.
but the box…thats too far.
No one took them to task on that, so it’s water under the bridge. Would have been nice if they followed through, I’m kind of sick of my Tauren “Peanutbutter and Jelly tTme” dance. Would have loved to have my Tauren dance like he was in a mosh pit.
Where is the T in MMORPG? I don’t see TOGETHER anywhere in that…
Wait, hold up. What about a dance studio? I don’t remember this.
It would always be inherently easier to play solo in this situation. You no longer need to deal with anyone else’s misplay–assuming you’re a good player, you would always be able to ensure success by doing the mechanics yourself, since the AI, presumably, wouldn’t mess up and cause wipes. I don’t think AI teammates would ever make sense in difficult content.
Take for example me as a resto druid main. I don’t have a kick readily available to me. The AI would have to properly kick every critical spell to avoid deaths. And it will never mess that up because it wouldn’t be possible to complete the content if it did.
That removes a whole layer of difficulty by itself. And this is only one example. Reacting to the rest of the group is a big part of the game that this just removes.
Everything is option, but it’s not really optional. You’re 100% not raiding at a high level without running keys. Maybe you could manage in a group that runs normal or heroic, but I would challenge you to find a CE guild that doesn’t run keys. Moreover, being the guy that can’t be bothered to put in the same effort as the rest of your group feels terrible for everyone involved.
I agree that m+ is far more rewarding than raid. Raiding often gives better loot, but m+ gives way more loot. And that’s why it feels absolutely required.
I have no problem with titles and cosmetics coming from Delves. I don’t PvP, and I don’t expect to get the rewards that come with PvPing. I also don’t need to PvP in order to raid because the gearing system (usually) does not force me to. I’d like to have similar feelings about solo content.
That all depends a lot on the group you join. If I wanted to take 3 months off wow, I wouldn’t get gkicked–I’d also keep playing other games with my guild. Not everyone has the time to do organized group content, sure. But if you don’t have time to play WoW, this might not be the game for you. And that’s ok–it’s not the best game for everyone.
I absolutely agree that we need to support different kinds of players to keep the lights on at Blizzard. If only the high-end PvE community played WoW, the game would be in maintenance mode very quickly. Similarly, if Blizz changed the focus away from raiding, which is probably the highest quality content they make, the game would suffer as well.
My focus, ultimately, is about not catering one group at the expense of the other. I think that can be achieved by limiting rewards in easier content. I never want to have another Torghast, where everyone is required to do it to progress their character, it’s easy, and feels just like a chore.
My main chat pane in WoW has all player chat disabled except guild, party and Bnet tells. I only party with people I know (and that’ll get even more hardline with the features that spawned this thread), and my guild and Bnet are comprised of RL friends.
Some people may still play WoW to meet people, for me it’s a place to hang out with people I met here years ago or met outside the game.
Nothing about playing an MMO requires that you allow everyone’s words into your chat pane, especially in modern WoW which can be played almost entirely via open world content, and soon in AI-partied PVE.
Oh please, don’t be so hyperbolic here. I don’t blame people for being anti-social in WoW, it has one of the worst online communities in gaming.
Yes, this.
Solo players are usually just people who don’t actively socialize in an MMO and just prefer to stick to themselves. They rely on the queues to get content done.
Second only to LoL at this point. Pretty sure.
Um, you might want to look under your character name on the forums. I think your character is turning blue from holding its breath.
Have at it. Player retention for retail requires anticipating the absolute lowest common denominator and designing for that. I gueas im just surprised anyone would want to run a dungeon with bots. Sounds even more boring than dungeon finder
MMO only means that there’s a massive amount of players online (or capable of being online), on the same server, at the same time. That’s literally all it means.
Other MMOs offer solo content, as well. FFXIV is the best example I can think of off the top of my head - even with the forced dungeons / trials in the story, the game can be played entirely solo to endgame content; they also have Palace of the Dead which is designed to be played solo or with a group.
Let’s not forget WoW has already had some of its own solo content. Torghast and Mage Tower exist. Now they’re just adding it so normal dungeons, at the very least (which hardly ever matter for gear, anyway), can be done solo without an OP class or build. This is a good thing. It means those players you probably despise for failing mechanics have a way to practice the mechanics or get their one-and-done run in so you never have to see them. It’s not like they’re ever going to intrude on your normal, heroic, or mythic raiding, so why do you even care?
If you truly believe “MMORPG” means you should be forced to group up to play the game, then by all means; play by your convictions and never level solo. It’s an MMO, after all.
I’ve told this to everyone that responds to that dude’s posts here. He has been explained that countless times at this point, and fails to see the flaw in his way of thinking. Just one of the people that wants to be super toxic and still have people forced to play with them. It’s coming to an end, and they are terrified of that, so they are simply lashing out however they can.
I couldn’t be bothered to read the whole thread so I didn’t even see much in the way of people making the same points, tbh.
That’s fair. There is a lot of posts here at this point.
… little realizing that such behavior and attitude is one of the (many) reasons that some choose to NOT group up, some even going so far as to not even consider joining a guild other than their “bank” guild.
Getting back to the subject, however ---- The only time I would like an assist is when I run into a quest that says, “Suggested players (3).” At first I would sit and area broadcast for anyone that had a couple of minutes to spare that wouldn’t mind giving me a hand. But after sitting, sometimes for up to 15 minutes (drinking coffee to pass the time), I give up and just tough it out, doing the death run a couple of times before finding a routine that let’s me take the mob down. I was (sort of) hoping that delves would be an option; but, alas, it doesn’t appear that’s the plan Bliz has in mind.
No problem, though; I’ve dealt with more severe problems, I’ll be fine doing what I’m doing.
I agree and most of those people against it are snarky jerks that power game normals anyway.
I think 9/10 of the majority of this forum is just a loud minority (or a web of hyper hardcorist alts) and Blizz is finally seeing that mechanically. The verdict on the maturity of the story/narrative after DF is still unclear though.
Sigh. FF14 end game content is not solo. You either group up for that sweet bis/gear/mount, or wait for the next expansion (And still need a group for some), or never get them.
Seriously, where is this idea coming from that FF14 is a solo game? Even the raids require 23 other people. Raids. You know how many people ran the Nier stuff despite it being a 24-man instance? That’s right, even you solo folks.
FF14 has a way better community than WoW, though.