"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

AI dungeon helpers has me more excited than the next expansion. You know that old content you cant solo because of scaling being wonky? Here turn on AI dungeon buddies to get 4 more things to help you steamroll that old content!! You know that Eonar fight that is a PITA to beat? Let the AI buddies handle that mechanic for you while you lick the wall and wait or mop up the mobs down below.

Oh an the best part, i have never healed in WoW because i dont want to waste others time while i learn. This helps with that.


sadly it will only be available for dragonflight dungeons and possibly onward if they carry it forward.

With any luck it could be something you can toggle for old content in the future.


I think with how we are able to choose our leveling paths after our initial experience and we are stuck to the dungeons of that expansion we choose, It would be wise to allow for this. Sometimes its difficult to get into older dungeons simply because nobody is there.


That simply means massively multiplayer online game. In simple terms for you to understand. Lot of people play at one time.

It has no context of grouping, raiding etc. Those just things a group of people do together


I wasn’t trying to “gotcha”.

That’s been explained to the clueless one several times. They aren’t able to comprehend that their toxicity is why people want the solo stuff to do.


They’re also gonna be nice for catching up on missed patches, because they’re not gonna bark at you for watching dungeon cutscenes and going through the dungeon at a less-than-breakneck pace like a real pug will.


You do know that (next patch), the only dungeons using the AI NPC are the 8 Dragonflight Dungeons and only in normal mode. We might see it expanded for the War Within Expansion. If you know Blizzard’s history, old content tuning will NOT be for a long while.

I did a few dungeons in WotLK classic and I can tell you it’s definitely different there. The run starts with buffing the party, summoning tables and whatnot, and then ensuring everyone is tip top shape before the tank makes the first pull. It’s literally night and day.

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Funny thing is WoTLK is what people consider the easy content, it’s when the game started to become easy. TBC heroics and normal was by a fair margin more difficult as was cataclysm pre-nerf. WoTLK oddly enough is actually the expansion that begin the AOE clearing thing. I guess though in comparison to todays, it’s probably slower.

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Gunna be honest I didn’t read the whole thing but I wholeheartedly agree with this statement:

I’m honestly really excited for npc heroics, I think I’d be more open to tanking Mythics if I had the ability to easily practice by myself.


Oh man i’m so glad you responded to my post, you’re the exact person i was referencing! I been reading through your post history and oh boy man, you are definitely a person who would use others and toss em away once you were done. You definitely got anger issues, insecurity issues, and so much more. People like yourself and there are a lot of people like you are the exact reason i hate going into pugs.

Its simple, MMO doesn’t mean i have to play with you, i just have to tolerate that you’re in the same game with me. If you don’t like people with different opinions then go to a echo chamber. /shrug


Yup, until key/raid time I spend the most of my time working on professions, questing or mog/mount farming solo. MMO barely applies to the open world, much like in irl most of the time in the open world you’re doing your own thing.

Wow that made me go look up my original character that I haven’t played since 2011. He had 611,664 total kills of which I had 75,568 Honorable kills and 26,442 where in World combat as a Protection Warrior.

Of my 7,017 deaths, 3,470 of those were to other players, 1,716 in dungeons, 1,934 in raids and the remaining split between fatigue, falling and fire and lava. And to figure I hate PvP but my idiot co-worker wanted to play on a PvP server. He quit a month into the game from the toxicity and I stayed for 7 years on that Alliance dominated server.

-<Side Note>-

I left WoW because they announced MoP an Asian themed expansion of which Ever Quest 2 just had an adventure pack Asian theme and didn’t feel like playing another. Couple that I went from Wrath (56k health) to Cataclysm (325k health) much like how I went from SL (92k health) to DF (821k health). Both are Dragon expansions go figure where they increased damage, healing and health along the same reasoning.

I feel like most people don’t understand the problem that high-end players have with solo content in wow. Let me try and clarify.

I do not care at all if there is solo content in this game. That content isn’t for me–I don’t want to do it. But I am in no way harmed by you having a fun time, so I don’t have an issue, in principle, with the content existing for you to enjoy. And I genuinely hope it’s fun and that you have a blast.

However, and this is the important part, rewards design can ruin this completely and make your fun thing actively hurt my personal gameplay experience.

If high-end loot can come from Delves, then I have to do Delves to gear optimally. I don’t have a problem working hard for gear (I’ve run around 60 keys so far this week, I have a vault full of myth track options, plus cleared all of normal and most of heroic in a 6-hour raid schedule). And all of it (ok maybe not all of it, I’m looking at you BRH) was fun.

But if I could get a 480 weapon by digging up Disturbed Dirt all over the Dragon Isles, I’d have to be doing that to try and get it. That’s extremely unfun. It’s also brain-dead easy. Rewards from content in this game need to scale with the difficulty level. I don’t want to add another chore to the list in the form of content that has, historically, been terrible (i.e., Islands and Torghast). I worry that the rewards designers will inflate the rewards in Delves, making them the de facto gearing choice for everyone. I can hear it now, “bro why do keys when delves are so free?”

One of the great things about wow is that there is an endgame for everyone. It’s just not reasonable to expect that /cheering Nozdormu should give you a BiS trinket. And it really seems like a lot of people (not speaking of you specifically, but I read this on the forums a lot) feel a sense of entitlement to loot in this game. Loot is not given, it must be earned.

I am here to play a massively multiplayer online role playing game. That means, I am here to play with my friends. And I have made so many deep and lasting friendships through WoW. Playing alone is antithetical to what WoW is to me–if my friends stopped playing, I’d have no interest in playing whatsoever.

I would encourage anyone who plays to try and find a guild that does some coordinated content at whatever level you play at and try and make some pals. I promise this game is better with friends.


  1. Rewards need to scale appropriately with the difficulty of the content.
  2. Rewards should be exclusive such that nobody has to do multiple forms of content to gear (i.e., I shouldn’t have to cap delves and keys and raid for vault each week)
  3. Many players, myself included, enjoy group content and don’t enjoy solo content. I’m sure Blizz has all kinds of stats on keys run, etc., that demonstrate that. So please do not design a system that incentivizes me to do solo content that I probably won’t enjoy–I’m happy running keys and raiding. I don’t need more to do!
  4. (not directed at OP specifically) Find a guild and make some friends. They’ll all be weird, just like you. It will enrich your life, genuinely.
  5. I hope they make content for WoW that you enjoy. It seems unlikely that we should be in a group together, because we play the game very differently, and that’s ok! I just don’t want to get stuck doing the content you enjoy any more than you want to get stuck doing the content I enjoy.

Counter points to your TLDR:
1: Fully Agree, if mythic plus +20 can be qued with AI it should be as hard as pugging into a group, except your group mates know what you’re doing. So if you die to anything, it instantly resets the boss fight or the mob pull. So the AI never carries the player and its up to the players skill to get them the rewards that match their skill level.

2: You don’t need to raid to gear up for dungeons and you dont need to do mythic plus to gear up for raids. These are options, forcing yourself to do both to gain an edge or for faster progression is purely optional. Same with delvs. Its an option, doing all 3 is just you forcing yourself to progress faster than default. On that point though Raiding reward systems need to be reworked, mythic plus is way more rewarding than raiding.

3: Again its optional and every form of content has its own unique rewards from pvp glad sets and pvp mounts / pvp titles, to mythic plus having is own mounts and titles for its own content, where raids have its own titles and mounts as well. Delves will be the same with its own titles, and cosmetic rewards. Would you want a pvper who got 2400 rating to automatically get all the rewards / achievements from the mythic raid of the season who never set foot in the raid to begin with or is that unfair? Same concept.

4: I’m night shift, other people have weird shifts too, No one wants to be beholden to other peoples time commitments. If I wanna take a 3 month break from wow and go play ARK Ascended during that time, 9/10 times imma be guild kicked. Or I lose my raid spot because i’m taking a break from wow for a little bit. Its punishing while being in a guild or a team within the guild if you wanna do anything else with your free time other than wow. Solo cures this problem ten fold. But at the same time I fully agree with you, solo content shouldn’t trump group content it should share its rewards based on difficulty. If you do a mythic raid with 19 other bots and do the mechanics like you should, you should get the same rewards if you did a mythic raid with 19 players who did the mechanics right just like you.

5: Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, being able to respect that like you are is a great way to cause a great and welcoming community that benefits not just the socialization of a MMO but the game itself with more people playing which means more funding for blizz to do more for the games we love.


I really wouldn’t worry about it. I believe the delves and AI stuff are not gonna be the holy grail that people are expecting. We are still a ways from Alpha and Beta for War Within. Sure the devs made a bunch of promises, but things can change. I’m still waiting for the promised Dance Studio. I’m gonna just wait and see what happens.

You’re really addressing different types of people here. It’s less about solo content and more that the people looking for solo content aren’t looking for the hyper competitive race of raiding, M+ and arena.

I’ve said they should really have two modes for the game. One open world sandbox where it’s highly competitive for the boys and one which is instanced, perhaps solo which exists just for people who want to quietly farm pets, mounts and such. Different people looking for different content can all be accommodated.

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That one was so bad, it was actually on the box. How they got away with that without getting it for false advertisement is beyond me. You can’t just put things on the box you don’t have on the game…but except it seems like you can.