It’s also easier and just as cliquey as WoW is. None of which has anything to do with FF14 not being a 100% soloable game.
A huge portion of the game has solo content for players, way more than WoW does.
Did I say it was?
I admit I may need to clarify, but what I was saying is FFXIV is an example of an MMO that has options for solo players, not that it was something you could solo endgame. You can get up to the endgame content without ever needing to group up.
It’ll be the same with wow. Raids and BIS gear won’t be solo content. Normal dungeons are not what I would call endgame content, either.
Delves are as close as Us solo people will get. Up to heroic raid gear with it. So you know, people are still going to froth at the mouth.
You mean all the rep grinds you can do for gear? WoW has that. It had it before FF14 even. Better yet other MMO’s had it first.
Palace of the Dead and all of its alternatives? WoW stole that. You might even be able to level in it if you hate yourself enough.
Dungeons you can solo? Alright WoW doesn’t have that yet but neither did FF14 until Shadowbringers (And that was 2019 when the game released in 2013). WoW’s adding it now so they see the value.
But you want that sweet Alexandar gear? You probably still need a group. Hey guess what? WoW has the same problem in some of it’s content.
FF14 is just as solo as WoW is. Go do some older content.
After your change in your post, I can safely say you are the exact reason people want solo content and not have to deal with grouping up with people like yourself. Telling people to get off their high horse for not wanting to deal with your level of toxic is just asinine.
These forums are full of posters like this. Some of the most toxic people I come across in gaming are on these forums.
They’re dinosaurs in their thinking when it comes to MMOS. Many of them are using video games to fill some kind of void in their real lives sadly.
That’s exactly what you and whoever else need to do. In all facets of this game. You can’t accept that some content is inaccessible to you because you don’t want to deal with the woes of other players.
Well guess what? I don’t want to invest the hundreds of hours into Monster Hunter to beat the RNG for bis. That’s a choice I actively make and I don’t hate the game or demand the devs change things for it. A lot of people are the same.
You’re not a majority. You’re an explosively annoying minority exploiting forum presence to make a ruckus (As many of the players do here with any extreme). Blizzard threw you a bone and now you want the whole shebang.
Well go ahead, get your soloable gear. I just hope you’re ready to watch the game fall apart because the difficulty curve doesn’t exists anymore, and players will always choose the path of least resistance. A resistance that forces you to play with 4+ other players to perfection to get the best gear in the game.
Wait a second here, aren’t you making their point for them here? If players take the path of solo gearing over grouping up, then isn’t this what the majority of the players would want then?
People that want group experiences would seek them out regardless of the rewards.
This would be you. You’re in the minority.
Ahh, yes. Resorting to insults and flaming. That’s fine. Just another for the ignore list. Have a fantastic rest of your day ‘friend’.
It’s funny because if it’s true now, it wasn’t in the past. In fact, it was the Raiders in raiding guilds that were against any solo content. Solo players wanted the option to group, with strangers easily because they couldn’t commit to a raiding guild schedule. LFR was a blessing to solo players because we could experience the content and not get harassed for not being top-tier players.
It’s also funny because these Raiders, admonishing us for our lack of social skills, had not the slightest interest in our social development. It was all about control.
M+ is in the same boat.
That’s some major projecting.
Very insightful comment.
It doesn’t make any sense because if a person doesn’t want to group, why in the hell would you want to group with them? Smooth brain nonsense. Let solo people play solo better, if for nothing else, then to keep them quarantined and away from you.
Very insightful reply.
And like that, ignored forever. People like you are the problem that is being solved very soon.
Thats a lot of words just to say; “if you don’t like it, don’t play it/use the feature.”
Those RPers!
Options are fine with me. Personally, i may use the solo group to learn the dungeon and test out different specs. Once i know my way around, being in a real group is hopefully more fun.