"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

Why does it have to be offline? Does it really matter?

Let’s them just go even more hog wild on the customization. Because it’s an MMO they’re still constrained by making things balanced for either pvp or group content so one class/spec doesn’t completly dumpster on everyone. Same with gear.

Also because it’s an MMO the game is both focused on keyboard mouse tab targeting and running on old spaghetti code that hampers both what they can do and what the world looks like.

Making a single player game they can use a new engine, get rid of things like class restrictions, just make up a completely new story since there wont be old expansions or quests around, bring in a different kind of combat like Action roleplay you see recently.

Plus it would be a good PR if the game is amazing. Could potentially lure more people back to wow.

I think a good comparison would be comparing Skyrim and ESO or Fallout games and 76.

So you want Blizzard make a brand new game using the Warcraft IP? Okay, I vote using the Unreal Engine. Some of the stuff I have seen from there is beautiful.

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personally because of the very crap we’re on about in this thread, lol…hateful, mouthy, vile people who attack others just to do it.

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Disable chat, quite simple, turn it all off. I even think there is an addon that does it. But you have to resist the temptation not to turn it back on and check what has been said.

Blizzard gave you the ability to customize the game for the playstyle you want, and they are adding new stuff for the solo crowd too.

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I’d like at some point in time to have an offline version but not yet, I like the online multiplayer aspect just want it to be more solo viable. When the game sunsets or gets closed down I’d hope it would instead be turned into an offline version. Vile people I encounter are easy enough to ignore so long as I don’t have to group with them to get what I want done.

Okay, I get it. You let your feelings override the reality of something. Kinda weird, but okay ., you do you. The rest of us will operate in reality despite our feelings.

To be fair, we all do that. Everyone, humans in general are guided by the perception of self. (We view the world from our self outwards) So when we look at something we see it and judge it based on our personal feelings, emotions, and experiences. Some people have the capability to be more removed and that typically takes either practice or a medical condition but it’s not the norm.

I can tell you your reading comprehension skills are bit lacking, and that’s not even what I was saying. You singled out one part of a sentence and ignored everything else, to twist it to validate your so called “argument”.

What you did was in bad faith, and bad form.

Again, you are a hypocrite for telling me my way is not the correct way to play and yours is.

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And thats why we’re here, lol. Talking about how much we love incoming solo content.

Dang. I woke up and there was over 100 more posts here than when I went to sleep. NAIR, they still frothing at the mouth?

have you ever pondered the paradoxical reality of that? Here we are communicating with the people we are so desperately trying to get away from in game, but willingly communicate with them in the forums, sometimes even attempt to get them to communicate with us in return by responding to them.


Oh, only some real popcorn-worthy posts. Like someone threatened another forum user to have them “disbarred” (whatever that means) because they … yeah, get this … used the “ignore” button. Oh, the tragedy!

That wasn’t a joke? I thought that was a joke. Because some of us (guilty here) argue in a manner of logical debate or attempt to at least, making it seem much more stiff and lawyer like.

I just assumed they was memeing.

Some of us, over the years, have learned to recognize when feelings and emotions may be influencing our perceptions, and have disciplined ourselves to take them out of the equation and achieve a higher degree of objectivity. Science and mathematics require that kind of introspection and self-discipline. Some of us have learned to carry it over into other areas and activities.

A million and a half human beings live in the metropolitan area I reside in. I like to live here, but I have zero desire to interact with a single one of them unless it’s absolutely indispensable for me to do so. Same with this game. If there is a way around it, I’d like to be left alone. A more important question is why someone would want to force a crotchety old irascible malcontent like me to interact with them? Why not leave me to my own devices and go your way? Let me play alongside faceless heartless ruthless robots if I want to. Who will it hurt?


10char and such.

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The one that makes my head spin is where theyre screaming ‘ITS AN MMO’…WHILE…they behave in such a way as to make the rational mind not want anything to do with group content lmao

I used my wife as example in one of the threads here.
She lies. She cheats. She steals. She used drugs. She abandoned her own children and left emotional scars so deep with them that even today my step daughter is 40 years old and she calls me crying about how her mother behaved before I came into the picture and gave the kids a stable home.

When the youngest stepson turned 18 i told the ex it was over. i did my job protecting those children, keeping them from the harm she would have caused them otherwise.

she still doesnt get it. lmao.
20 years later and I think the woman STILL believes SHE was doing the right thing.
She has never apologized to her kids for being horrible to them.

I think its the same kind of thing here.
These players abuse fellow gamers…I KNOW they do because I used to run dozens of dungeons a day and saw it with my own eyes.
But they dont seem to have a clue how disgusting their behaving any more than my ex seemed to.

And then when we leave the marriage…when we tell them we dont want play in groups with them…they seem confused and toss fits trying to force us to, just like my ex tried to guilt me into staying, lol.

When they can learn to play well with and RESPECT other human beings, then maybe we can renegotiate the deal.
Till then, they have no business even suggesting we play the game with them.


I think the one that makes my headspin the most is the ones that say It’s an MMo, you need to group with people it’s the social aspect of the game thats important, but in a paradoxical statement also tell people that one should not care if they are disappointing their group.


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At no point did I tell you, or even suggest, that your way of playing is not the correct way. I said that your INTERPRETATION of what “mmorpg” means is not correct, and provided two quotes from outside sources that define what 'mmorpg" means. Your style of play is not excluded in those definitions; but neither is solo play.

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