"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

lmao…i blocked that time wasting sort…not worth my time investment.
Adding solo content is BLIZZARD DECIDING that the MAJORITY of PAYING customers are playing less and less group content.
If we were all flocking to his precious dungeons and raids, lmao…Ion wouldnt waste the man hours making AI dungeons.

G above is gonna have to come to terms with the cold hard reality that the base HAS changed…and the game WILL change…and there is NOTHING he can do about it but toss fits on forum that will have ZERO effect. lol.

IF he had maybe learned to behave himself in group environments then maybe we’d WANT to play the game with him.
As it is, hes made VERY clear the reasons why we dont.


I doubt anyone wants to play with him otherwise he’d be doing that instead of here all day railing at casual solo players lmao

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It hasn’t been the only option since Wrath of the lich king came out.

There have always been solo options and small group options to do.


Only on technicality, it existed in the smallest measures of the word. What is happening, and what people are wanting is it to not just be a technicality but an actuality as a viable method of play. This doesn’t remove, or reduce the capacity of the game as an MMo as your options of group play still remains, and will continue to be viable.


You haven’t blocked me, if you did, this wouldn’t be showing up for me to see.

Also, you have no idea what you’re talking about and are just making stuff up for no reason.

I’ve made like, 5 posts all day.

No need to be so offended that someone has a different opinion. Grow up.

If it becomes more solo friendly, as you say, that has no bearing on group content…or doesnt need to.
But IF the trend is that hateful sorts like a few in this thread are making group content unlikeable, then WHY WOULD we want to subject ourselves to their incessant whining and hateful behavior and not just play the game solo so we can enjoy our game time?

if the game changes THEY are partially responsible because THEY decided to behave poorly with other players and those players decided they want nothing to do with them.
Happened to me. I love 5 man runs. Did them all day long in Legion.
Couldnt pay me to do more than a couple a month right now given how many of them behave, even in leveling dungeons anymore.

Hes upset no one wants to play with him evidently…and based on his attitude its clear its his own fault.


Not fully correct, a measure of too much solo friendliness could lead to the point where the most optimal measure of play is to play solo versus a group. At this point there becomes a problem because it could make the group aspect feel unviable just as how today solo play feels unviable as it is not really near the optimal capacity in comparison to other styles of play.

That’s not how the forum ignore works. You can still make posts, just when he ignore a post, he won’t see it. Unless he clicks “view hidden post” and replys, but that defeats the purpose of ignoring someone.

In reality, you will have no idea when someone ignoring you, unless they flat out tell you, and that is iffy.

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Yeah I hate that…

I ignore sooo many people but its so pointless because i OCD and clickt he button anyways. oof. Wish it would just completely hide it, but probably a technical issue.

not at all.
Go check out ESO. You NEVER have to actually interact or even play ‘with’ anyone over there to enjoy the game. And my experience as been its a MUCH nicer group over there.

Even this game could conceiveably go 90% solo and IF the content is good, the game will be just fine.

How you just gonna sit there and put me on blast based with literally no evidence of anything relating to the sort? This is Libel, and I’ll have you disbarred for this, this is harassment at the most literal meaning of the word.

the only thing of his I see is your/coppers quotes of his.
I can see that he’s railing at me, hanging on my every post, though, which is pathetic.

That is because ESO is a balanced approach, but too much of something is not a good thing. Right now the game is extremely raid and group friendly which is why it’s so solo unfriendly. The goal should be balance as ESO has but if you push too far in solo friendly methods. Let’s say you can get the same gear as solo but also because it’s solo and wants to respect your capabilities it becomes easier to do as solo as well. Solo becomes the optimal choice of play. This renders Multiplayer less optimal and less used.

Im not reading his posts. just see his ridiculous quotes in your posts or can tell youve responded to the absurdities he posts by what youre responding with.
Hes pretty predictable…ie hes HERE railing still instead of playing his game. lol.
REAL raiders…REAL M+ players…are doing THAT right now…not in here whining at some casual players cuz Ion added AI dungeons to the game :joy::joy:

It’s safe to say your internet forum reputation is intact.

Do you know what disbarment means?

over a forum disagreement?

I would so love to see this go to court… Judge Harry Stone would probably roll his eyes.


Agreed. ive been playing since Legion and so far the game driven by Ion seems to have been overly focused on trying to get us all corralled into raids and M+…something I WAS interested in UNTIL …well…that sort of obnoxious player made me hate group content when I was moving to normal raids back then.
Spent a lot of time gearing up for it, then get high enough to start running normal raiding and yeah…childish foaming hate in the chat box every other run over some petty garbage that someone did.

I play to enjoy myself, not deal with loud children screeching at each other.
Mog hunting is plenty to keep me busy

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They need to just make a single player Warcraft open world RPG already.

sorry…I dozed off reading this. lmao. Dude has no idea with libel is. lmao.
when his livelihood is affected and what I say is 100% FALSE, THEN he MIGHT have a case lmaoe

Why? Would of Warcraft is pretty much close to that. The amount of content this game has to offer is HUGE for single play.


could you imagine a game THIS huge for solo play offline?
Id pay a few hundred bucks if they ever did it and never play online again lol