"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

I’ve been around here for years, I’ve heard every “reason” in the book. It just boils down to the world has moved on.

Personally, if WoW ever goes VR, I’m living here.

(I love Dark Tower analogies.)

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I guess in that case, it’ really is no more nitpicky then the joe schmoe that comes in here and says Brrahhhh it’s an mmo can’t you just like ya know. get a group cause thats what mmo means.


I want to try FFXIV… but it’s keeps asking me for a product code, and this from a brand new account. I gave up on it.

Must have run with me on my tank. He probably must have said something uncouth and made me go into troll mode, and I had to pull everything while running the wrong way.

That’s not playing solo, it’s playing badly.

Edit - this is a great comparison.


“People come into normal and heroic and ruin others’ experience by zoom-zooming are toxic and should run the dungeons they way they’re supposed to be run”

Is the same thing. If you’re doing one and complaining about the other, the problem is in the mirror.


Well, somebody said it. :grin:

Certainly ESO doesnt ever feel forced to do anything BUT solo if thats what one likes.
WoW offers incentive to group up, but not enough for me to deal with the irritation of self serving, self aggrandizing clowns. The payout isnt worth it. lol.

Evidently they got no one to play with in game to yell at and post nasty crap in chat to so they come in here to get they daily fix of bitterness lmao

No, you are just trying to force YOUR interpretation of the meaning of 'MMO" on everyone, when the REAL definition of “MMORPG” is plainly and easily available and doesn’t mention your interpretation at all. You want to group up with others, that’s your choice … YOUR choice. You don’t get to make choices for everyone else unless you’re a Bliz developer. They OBVIOUSLY disagree with you since the game is structured such that solo play IS accommodated, and has been since November 23, 2004.

Agreed, nobody is saying thats the proper way to play with groups. I was just saying technically that is still multiplayer. We should consider also the point you made doesn’t really mean much in the grand argument, as dungeon play and pvp is but one aspect of the game. I even specifically noted that isn’t exactly the best way to play and i disagreed with doing so inside a team setting.

Typically i’m okay with people not using full quotes but the way you structured your argument made it look like you was trying to do so for rather nefarious reasons such as making me appear as someone that would behave in a poor manner.

Who’s forcing you too? Where did I say “You have to play this way or else?”

Your whole presentation in the subject screams “DO IT MY WAY OR YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG.” You can’t even bring yourself to admit that MMORPG does NOT mean group play.


Now you are telling me “interpretation” is wrong and I have to play your way… Kinda hypocritical?

Why should I admit to something I feel isn’t true? To me, MMORPGs is all about group play, and that is why I play them. I enjoy the social interaction and playing with others.

I never said soloing is wrong playstyle, you do you. I’m not gonna stop you from being anti-social. To me, it kind of a cold, lonely path to walk, makes me bit sad.

Trolling groups equals “playing a PvP MMO Solo” kinda seems like a disingenuous way to try and say it’s Solo content in an MMO.

It was a philosophical take, in a side discussion within the main discussion. It wasn’t to be applied to the full argument. The person I was responding to was speaking of how PvP can’t be played “Solo” and I was merely stating that from a philosophical stand point it can. But acknowledged how wrong it would be. Discuss enough with me you will find that I will on occasions go on the side and consider things from the abstract and philosophical view. Typically speaking I will give some notation in that sentence that it’s not something I practice, as I did in the pvp statement. An argument of technicality nothing more.

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Let me know when it becomes a sprpg. Until then, you should expect to play with other people.

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cant play solo, lmao.
Im about half way thru a second wing of Naxx and ive already got a dozen transmogs I didnt have lol.
Mog hunting IS my ‘end game’…100% soloable.

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I have a strong feeling that “this is a mmo” crowd are the toxic players who no one wants to group with so they try to prevent single player content so people are forced to play with them. If youre a nice person you should easily fit in with a guild and find people to content with if you are seeking a social experience.


yeah…that vibe is pretty strong in here.
You just know the SUCCESSFUL, SKILLED M+ and raid runners are playing their game right now, not wasting their evening foaming at some solo casual player to ‘git gud’ lmao


I think some would probably care if the game become too solo friendly, but probably not to the extent that those in this and other threads care. For the most part mythic raiders seem to be content so long as what they get remains relevant and updated.


I have a pretty strong feeling you’re just making stuff up based on literally nothing.

It’s simple. If you want to play a single player game, don’t play an MMO.

If you want to play an MMO, don’t expect it to be turned into a single player game.


That is where the logic becomes incorrect. People are not trying to turn a MMo into a single player game. All multiplayer content would still exist and so the game would still remain an MMo. You could still do your dungeons and raids with your friends. Only difference is nobody would feel like that was the only option available to them.