Make sure to report, it captures the offend text and if they try to edit, the mods still get it.
or just not say it at all.
I think this game needs all kinds of players.
But the important thing is to attract new players.
If using followers in dungeons is a way to attract new players then it is a necessary change.
Sooner or later these players are going to think something like “hey, there are other types of content… maybe I can join a guild and participate in other types of content”.
Solo players should not be told to go to another game.
Blizzard needs to be told that all kinds of players are important and all deserve quality content.
Don’t really care. If ppl are gonna discriminate each other no matter the criteria from race , enjoyment and playstyle that my way is the only way . Well the extreme side of that was witnessed by your Grandma and we shouldn’t have double standards
Will they?
That’s the key question.
Blizzard spends SO much effort driving people exclusively into solo and queue content, that I bet a lot of new players don’t even know that you can form groups with other people and play that way.
Which is why the “the game needs new players” thing falls short. If they never interact with others, it doesn’t matter if we get new players or not. So no, we don’t need new players, if all they do is keep to themselves.
Or they run the AI dungeon enough they feel confident to go and join the regular queue
There are a lot of really geared-out people who think they have that gear because of skill, when they really have that gear because of friends, and they are willfully blind to how much their social circumstances affect their in-game circumstances.
I can tell…
That’s what I am thinking, The devs never really explained the reasoning why behind the AI and what their goals are, just they are doing it. Leaving people to make up their own conclusions.
“massive(ly) multiplayer online role-playing game” ---- " an online role-playing video game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously"
No where in that description does it MANDATE players MUST group together to play the game “properly.” It only advises that there a LOT of other player in the game with you if you CHOOSE to group together. Interpreting “MMO” to mean that a player MUST group with other players, or join a guild, is an unsupported interpretation.
well he thinks, presuming the op is a he, that people who have a different opinion about solo content are schmoes that just want to be authoritarians about game play. now that old adage, do unto others as you’d have them do unto you, comes to mind because, sure enough, here comes someone pointing the same thing back at him. if we could state our case without resorting to hyperbole, that stage of the convo could be skipped and we’d get down to the problem, much quicker
If you want the fancy rewards from the Dungeons and Raids, you are gonna have to group. You can solo all you want, run delves and normal dungeons, doesn’t bother me.
They are giving you the tools to do stuff by yourself, but they are giving us tools to do group stuff too.
It is mandated. If it weren’t, you wouldn’t be here crying about how you want a single player mode in an mmo.
I rather say, “It’s Encouraged”.
this is so good, its like spring water in the desert.
From what i saw you should love them if they stay as they are.
VERY easy to run. The AI NPCs were pretty solid. It wasnt hard at all but if you overpull the healer can start struggling.
I saw her sit down at a point I think eating for mana, lol.
It was a fantastic experience compared to running with other players
I am slow at first so a few dungeons to warm up would be nice
just ignore that one. lmao.
IF it were mandated as claimed there would be NO solo content…period
This ISNT a first person shooter. This ISNT a pvp game. its a MULTI player RPG that has SOME group content in it IF one CHOOSES to play it.
I think this feature is awesome, and while I may not use it, I think having more play options is generally a good thing.
I hope it’s something you find enjoyable!
Turns out that when hyperfocusing min/max nerds like us grew up and got jobs/families/lives, we often prefer to have a cool fantasy world to unwind in (mmoRPG) rather than relax by cranking that sigma grindset even further past eleven lol
Having always played with an older crowd, it’s funny that so many people assume nobody had grown up responsibilities back then.