"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

Blizzard in general does a pretty poor job with player behavior. People act the way they do because there is hardly any real consequences for their actions. Other mmorpgs handle it much better.

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People meme on FF and sometimes they do go overboard, but no one is OPENLY toxic, they’re just passive aggressive because of how hard SE goes on them

The fun part, those cheeseheads don’t read the VtK notice, just click yes. Just a simple “Bad Tank or Bad Healer” in the note field, boom, offending DPS is gone.

M+ are even more entertaining (for honesty, I don’t do them much). Just leaving will tank a key, but don’t do it with out cause though, I stress. If you run across a toxic M+ group, wait til they clear a boss, then leave.

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The only way to change a players behavior is the players themselves. Blizzard does give us the tools to assist.

I did kick someone from a M+ once, but we were doing +2s and didn’t need them, was being nice by inviting undergeared people to 2s back in season 1 of DF when there was a lot of issues with 2s being overrun by overgeareds so people weren’t taking freshish 70s, he was running around pulling a bunch of extra crap and wouldn’t stop

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Why are you acting like I don’t… ?

i didnt understand why they went away from that in subsequent expacs

Good for you! I like that. The only reason I don’t do M+ much is I don’t know the routes a whole lot.

There are legitimate reasons to remove someone for sure. I think griefing can be done many ways. Crazy peeps needing attention and trying to wipe a group for one.

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Well, if there is a public event there and you want to enjoy it, you’ll have to mingle.

I take umbrage with the concentration camp comment though, not appropriate. My grandmother was a survivor.

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LOL…I’ll have to do something like that

Tag a group before you do it though, makes thing spicey!

and with the way M+ works these type of people have an insane amount of power. Normally you just kick/block and move on but in m+ (if its your key) you get punished for their behavior. It’s really dumb.

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oh yeah…there have been some real turdballs who got kicked in runs Ive been in where the deserved to be kicked.
Those ones are no brainers.
Its the one where the tank takes a left turn in a big, confusing dungeon, quickly corrects…and I mean like within 3 seconds, but the jerkclown dps players vote kick him anyway.
I was healing that one.
I told them to find another healer while they were at it and bailed.


I can’t wait for Microsoft to add an NPC named Clippy that runs with you.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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Only if you define the word “enjoyment” as not being subjective can you make this statement .

Its referred it to as my way or highway , and you clearly demonstrated that .My waay of enjoyment is the only waay to enjoy anything else is not enjoyment.

I made this when Korthia was current, and people kept complaining they weren’t getting Archivist rep, while continuously doing things that didn’t get Archivist rep…

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No it doesn’t, It’s still inappropriate, and I hope you get tagged for it.

(off topic, the german variety werent the only authoritarians who employed the use of such camps. i think the whole of siberia was a gigantic soviet camp and seems china is still employing them) but i agree it is an over the top comparison. perhaps better stated would be the op is approaching the issue like an authoritarian

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You are not being funny with this… What is wrong with you?

Another one added to my ignore list…