"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

seriously? lol
I bought some green DF gear on the AH. I had one new blue drop that was higher Ilvl but the stats were seriously trashed compared to the AH green I bought. lol.
Better stats are the only think Im usually watching for.

Isn’t how the game ended up right now?
Back then you had to tag a mob, and group to kill them. What happens to day you’re powerful enough to solo everything, you can tank things even though you’re not a tank, you can heal yourself, and even as a healer you can kill things (or as a tank for that matter).

The game leans toward independence out of others because over time people complained about having to group to do things. I do get this, I don’t have much time today to group for things either, especially world quests (or daily quests back then).

I always found wow more fun when I was playing with my friends, even though I can have fun playing it by myself or with strangers.

Having to concede to solo players wanting to be more independent is basically Blizzard being unable to leave the very same trap they setup for themselves.

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ilvl matters more at about 10 ilvl depending on class, some it’s even less

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Out of curiosity, I would not mind if for one full expansion it was made that in order to log into the game on any character, you first must have at least a 5 Player group. And should anyone leave to the point ya don’t have at least 5 players, the players cannot access any group content such as Dungeons, Raids, or PvP.

Would probably end very badly, and the game I imagine would actually die. Well, maybe, not sure since such a thing will never happen. (I don’t think so anyways)

Same here.

I’m fine with those that want to solo and all that jazz. I just don’t get when some of the solo players get huffy when they join a random group and expect (sometimes demand) the other players to play the same way they do.


i remember farming hyjal on an alt to get cata greens and then queueing for bgs. hehe

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Or spamming the forums about how they should get top-end rewards for doing solo content that will never be anything other than trivial in difficulty.

I’m not gonna comment on the gearing issue, that’s a whole can of worms I will not open. I’ll keep my own opinions to myself on that topic.

that might work if it were a side thing…say some servers/realms are like that so those who like it could participate.
Forcing any one kind of behavior from a large group of people is a sure fire way to screw the game up.
I mean, some people hate guns, like my mother, but are 100% pro gun rights.
She doesnt want one herself, but she’ll fight to make sure the right is protected.
very likely here it’d be the same thing.
Some players who are even for this kind of idea will certainly rebel against it being forced onto other players.

maybe set up a single server/realm/whatever for it and let those who like it do it. :+1::+1:

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as priest in vanilla, you had to wait till 40 to spec shadowpriest or the rest of the questing experience was really slow and painful, unless you found someone to quest with consistently

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Yeah but that changed later in TBC where all the healing gear also got spell power. But even then grouping was more effective, especially doing daily quests (Netherwing, Ogri’la, skettis, Quel’danas, etc).

If you look at it, some games do that a lot of the shooters out there force you into a team. Ever play Team Fortress 2?

I mean… wands were op in vanilla.

Dot, wand, dot, wand, I leveled priest, it wasn’t bad at all

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personally the only thing that ruins my game when i run 5 mans is foul mouths in the chat box screaming at others for literally nothing of import.
Or those juvenile…infantile…petulant vote kicks for the most minor thing ever…and the name calling and insults in the ‘reason’ box.

I’ll heal them if they stand in the bad without saying a word. Im ok with that as long as theyre doing their job.
But if theyre going to be obnoxious and say treat a new player like trash because they made a mistake…yeah…i’ll chew them out and leave them to find another healer.


the pain, the pain lol but i am now the proud owner of the very strange flying mounts from that rep. thankfully, i didnt have to do it at level. omygosh lol

OMG…when I played classic for a bit, I bought some arcane wand off the AH.
I used it more than i used my spells lol.
LOVED that part of classic.

Oh man, preaching to the Choir…

I even got a macro for that…

/e Nope!
/s I’m out of here suckers
/script LeaveParty()

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Why are you acting like you create WoW?

My sentiments exactly. It boils down to respect and how our digital world lacks any real consequences. Not just WoW look at the social media.

I have a rule I treat others as if I would treat them if we meet IRL.


I love it when people try to kick others for “low damage” in a timewalking dungeon… like… what?