This is the part that needs to change. Finding a guild or a group of like minded players is too hard. They need to invest in more tools to make finding guilds easier.
The in game guild finder is still showing me guilds that haven’t existed for years.
Now to get into the actual point of the thread, I remember hearing something in a video I watched, I can’t remember what but it was relevant and kinda funny when related to this whole overarching topic.
The people who are worried about the rise of solo play as it ruined communities and the like, likely missed the days Gear Score came out and players were reduced to their Gear Score number, which would make or break your dungeon runs.
When you reduce players to just a number, you eventually end up questioning “why do I need players at all”.
The current iteration of LFR was kind of mistake. LFR should be 1 tier behind the main raid, and in the last tier, make the current tier available at the very end of the expansion.
Gear is a terrible carrot to get players into group content. The content should be the carrot. The old formula worked well before LFR.
Could be.
They clearly sit around OBSESSING about everyone elses game, which is disturbing on a personal level, if ask me. Not healthy to be so CONSUMED with someone elses details.
They should go play THEIR games and shut up about ours.
The last one there is pretending hes ‘concerned’ about AI NPCs replacing whatever L M A O.
No…hes not. Thats just his lame illogical argument distraction to be able to keep foaming at us without admitting he has his nose up our games when he shouldnt have.
Like I said I dont think they actually are high end M+ players.
GOOD raiders…GOOD M+ players seem to just go play their game and dont worry about anyone else.
its the ones who are abject failure wannabes who are in here soothing that bruised self esteem by attacking those they deem as ‘lesser’ lmao.
Which again, is why they react so rabidly when they are corrected, lol
Are you serious? Ion, the director of the stinking game was the main contributed to Elistjerks website. I’ve listened to countless interviews over the years from a lot of the WoW developers. Most of them working on the current game, came on as players or they were from the Diablo 3 team.
Those people also have to explain why solo content works so well for games like ESO which has public dungeons / delves you can just run into and if no one is there, you just clean up shop alone.
The game is fine with no one else around.
They act in a way to run players off from wanting to play with them…then they whine that no one wants to play with them. lmao.
Feels like living with my ex wife lol
I remember the devs talking about LFR when they first introduced it, yes they did say it was designed for those wanting to see the story completed, and initially was gonna make it where it didn’t drop loot. People made a big stink about that, I mean a BIG honking stink about it. So the devs changed the design scope of LFR and made it like an introduction for raiding.
Honestly, while I think they’d have a MUCH larger community hurdle to overcome )since there are a lot of folks who only have LFR for their raiding experience, so they might not like the idea of losing it) I wouldn’t be opposed to this at all. Do it just like Normal dungeons where you can queue for a group or go the NPC route.
Maybe if AI dungeons go over well enough as a more tutorialized mode where you can check out the story going on, they’ll actually wind up doing it in future expansions.
I mean hell, you can’t tell me that Normal pug raid leaders would be against their applicants having already seen the raid and have some familiarity with the mechanics in a more isolated, learning-friendly environment than current LFR.
Not exactly sure im willing to poke that ex-wife bear, but yes. That’s basically it.
At this point honestly, I’d say it’s a cultural thing unique to WoW and its community.
Maybe if Follower Dungeons and Delves become the new normal for the community, things can shift a bit in how content is just developed to you know, not encourage reducing the randoms around you into numbers.
implied…eh…Id personally go with ‘encouraged’ given they do offer us perks to do group content with the better gear drops, bonus gold, etc.
I dont think they imply that we’re gonna play group content necessarily or they wouldnt have put so much to do solo in the game. STuff like questing would very likely require groups a lot more if that were the case in my honest opinion.
well i like both playstyles and look forward to delves. i’m very social, so i like group content also, the dynamic of different types of people problem solving together is interesting to me. but i just wanna run this by ya:
solo dungeons are rational as they solve problems present in group content, minimize downtime, maximize uptime and do so efficiently. so i think both styles of gameplay and styles of players, are legit.