"WoW is not a solo RPG" takes are why we need soloization

They have referred to LFR as “story mode”.

But if you’re asking “what is the point of LFR” that’s easy. Cata saw their first massive drop in current net subscribers, and at the time raiding was “the most cost-effective method of player retention we’d ever found” (that’s from Ghostcrawler), so Blizzard’s thinking was that if they could get people who don’t raid into raiding, that could help with retention of those players.

LFR was a knee-jerk panic move by Blizzard, basically.

They’ve had to dumb it down more and more over the years, though. Determination wasn’t added until Throne of Thunder, for example.

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TBF there was some bosses in there that were not conducive to random groupings lol. I still remember finishing Durumu with like 4 people alive.

Funny thing is, you don’t NEED to dumb it down a crazy amount, FFXIV has one shots and group wipes in their LFR, its just wow lfr players that cry if they can’t one shot the boss

A lot of people just jumped over the edge when Durumu started.

I saw a quote before pull during one run, “Let the nerds who know the maze do the fight.”

(The funniest part being that the “maze” was 3 lines that never even crossed.)

My problem with “socialization” is that I play at odd times. Today, I might play at 6am. Tomorrow it might be at 4pm. And another day it might not be until 11pm.

I don’t mind being in Guilds to socialize with different people. My problem is with the elitists who don’t allow people like me to join raids and dungeons. Their argument is either my gear isn’t high enough, or we don’t know you well enough to play with you.

So occasionally I’ll use LFG or LFR to get into the Dungeons I need to finish, but that is only if I have more than 3 hours to play. Sometimes it can take up to 45 minutes to get into a specific dungeon, and I don’t have time to do the random dungeon, hoping to pop the one I need.


Oh yea, it was super easy, some people just… well, they’re something special.

Ok so if there is so much to do outside of dungeons then why do you have to be able to solo them with NPCs? Maybe you should go do all that other stuff you are talking about and stop trying to replace people with NPCs in an area of the game that is, has and always will be multiplayer in it’s truest form.

Or you know, get over yourself and not post in threads like this if you don’t like what people have to say. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM.


Because I LIKE dungeons…I just HATE players anymore
Not rocket science here guy…lmao.

and yet ESO has dungeons I can run into SOLO…so like it or not you are WRONG


This post nails what is wrong with WoW currently. I guess putting a bunch of hardcore raiders in charge of your MMO wasn’t the best idea.

This hardcore raider DNA hand prints are all over the modern game. I know the game was raid or die in the past, but raiding was way more accessible in the past, so wasn’t that bad say vanilla through MoP, but these days, the game is so much harder and the community has just turned into a toxic cesspool.

The current development team drove out a lot of the normal folks that played WoW in favor of catering the game around esport junkies and world first raiders. It is like they shaped the entire game from getting ideas from world first raiders and M+ junkies.

Edit: I think they’re in panic mode, because I think the game is losing a ton of players. The lackluster story, the increased focus on pushing players into rated arena, M+ and the harder raid modes has alienated a ton of players.


Does anyone working on the dev team even raid?

maybe YOU should just mind YOUR own BUSINESS and stop worrying yourself awake at night whining about how I choose to play MY game. lmao

You LITERALLY PROVE our case against you son…good job.


So go play that game.

Im playing it right now son…YOU go play YOURS and STOP foaming at us for what is clearly your own failings.


I’m going to to ahead and ignore the first part of your post because they hypocrisy is too much to not be troll.

What online multi-player game allows new players to quickly step into competitive content? What game does that without issue? CoD? League? Counterstrike?

“Go PlAy tHaT gAmE”. Nah. I think I’ll be playing this game when all the juicy new solo stuff hits and watch your ilk foam at the mouth when suddenly your LFD pool has dwindled to nothingness because people don’t want to play with toxic, cancerous people like yourself. Again. YOU. ARE. THE. PROBLEM.


Most of them were players first, that got jobs from making raid guides, running websites dedicated to the game. There are very few original devs left on the WoW team, most of the replacements are WoW players, aka the most hardcore of the hardcore WoW player.

Theyre adding AI dungeons for a reason, thats for certain.
The ‘MUH MMO’z’ crowd in here can whine all they want about it…its clearly coming soon.
Nothing they can do about it.
And their bad behavior is a huge part of why so many players HATE group content.


You can think it’s a troll all you want. I am deadly serious.


i must be an anomalie because i like both types of game play. i look forward to solo dungeons, but i also look forward to group dungeons lol

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You have evidence of this?

Can you actually NAME the developers that you’re talking about?

Or are these just figments of your imagination that hide under your bed?