Wow is dead lets all go play FF14 lets go bois until change

No, I am just trying to get into the real issue here.

Because essentially, WoW and FFXIV have the same type of endgame content. Repeatedl raids and dungeons.

The difference between the two, is that WoW’s endgame gear gives stats, but FFXIV’s does not. You feel that WoW’s is more rewarding, but that does not mean FFXIV has less.

Also, FFXIV has more content outside of raids and dungeons, as mentioned, that automatically makes it better - because it has focus outside of the small number of people who only do one thing and only play one single game in their life.

You did like it.

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Nah, I’m not gonna go play FFXIV. I am quitting WoW though. Blizzard can have their sinking ship. I want no more part in it.

Ion is still lead dev and has been since the start of Legion.

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He is not in charge of anything involving the plot or development of the game the lead dev is just a glorified title …he is a figurehead nothing more nothing less.

It absolutely does not though?

Have you seen shadowbringers?

The only thing it has to do outside of the pathetically small raid is Bozja, which is 2 zones with nothing to do in them but fate grind-something we’ve been doing as far back as 2.0 already. Sure, sometimes a dungeon run of castrum will spawn in them and that’s cool, but that’s all it has going for it-about 30 minutes of actually unique content.

The regular dungeons are also pathetically sad, they’re all the same thing with no variance between them. There’s more uniqueness in Tazavesh, a single dungeon, then any of the dungeons in shadowbringers, and the rewards in WoW dungeons are actually worth the time as well so that helps.

Also a weird jab-I play about a dozen games at the moment, not sure why you think raiding takes so much a time commitment that you can’t do anything else. Most people only raid 2 or 3 days a week, and only for a few hours on those days. Though with that same raiding schedule, I completed all the savage fights in XIV in 3 weeks, I’m still working on Sanctum after 2 months.

Trueee, let’s go with the creepy guys playing naked cat/bunny girls and the people I met on my 2 weeks in that game that wanted to force me into ERP and the nonexistent endgame content :partying_face:


That is another reason why I avoid FFXIV.

No it won’t. I got plenty to do. As I said New World is more my style than FF. If you like FF coolzies.

Yes, it will bore you.
Granted, New World has a lot of potential.
I hope the devs won’t be too discouraged by the release and will keep on improving it.
I am looking forward to seeing New World potentially being good a year from it’s release.

You meet them in FFXIV, others meet them in Goldshire in World of Warcraft.
Big deal, ignore/blacklist and get on with your life.

What am I writing to here, adults or children?

Hey you have called me out several times for what I said about FFXIV’s Rp community yet when someone else says the same thing I have been saying.

You stay silent.

You know how weird it is that some stranger on the internet is trying to tell me what I will and will not like right?


I won’t be bored… New World is my type of game and FF isn’t my style.

I know you, intimately.

It is a boring talking point. Boring, false and absolutely redundant.

I guess you are right … creepy people play both wow and FFXIV.

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4 bosses a tier (which is 6+ months in between) and no m+.

xiv becomes a raidlog game since if you do savage literally everything else, ultimate included is pointless.

Ok super creepy guy… moving along now. :sweat_smile:

Someone can’t take a disagreement and is being a key board warrior.

I’m gonna enjoy New World… you can enjoy FF. Have fun.

Any game that doesn’t have M+ is already off to a better start. M+ killed this game. Real shame.

If I never do another M+ again life is good.


That is quite typical of MMORPGs that have nothing to offer but raiding in it’s endgame content. Luckily FFXIV actually have things to do outside of raiding.

Serious talk though.

MMORPGs are nothing but raidlog games, which is the biggest problem with the genre. No company have tried to move the genre out of this constant repeat, which is very bothersome. It is why there is much talk about how the MMORPG genre have not at all improved, unlike the FPS genre or whatever, quite the contrary, the MMORPG genre have REGRESSED, which is equally seen with a upcoming game like New World.

Ashes of Creation, likewise, have potential but I just do not see their lofty promises amounting to anything or anything especially different that’ll put it on the map, it’ll mostly cater to a small niche of players.