Wow is dead lets all go play FF14 lets go bois until change

That is also a thing I feel like a lot of FFXIV sucess is not that game doing well but WoW doing so poorly… As said before “Only WoW can Kill WoW” it just seems wow is killing itself and FFXIV is leeching off the blood that falls off of it. However we will know for certain if the next x pack turns out of be good.

Rust was the first one who did that formula decent …it is like Everquest or PUBg.

Ark’s Big issue was the fact they keep putting out new content rather than fixing the old also the game kind of lost its identity.

Last Oasis had a lot of Balance issues and the idea of temporary servers make it difficult for rp to form.

Conan exiles is good but due to its ESRB rating it will always have a niche market.

Valheim seems to have done the formula right.

Yea but remember you are also racing against the clock preferably you want to get as far as you can before reset day especially if you are going for Ahead of the Curve so there is not a lot of time to get acquainted with boss mechanics.

Yes but none of them are offcial and from what I heard walk up is scarce, (unless you count the goldshire type rps) and if you want to join RP you either need a clique a guild or join 100+ discords in the hopes of finding one.

There was actually a Dev who was banning RPers and it took ages for Square Enix to get rid of them.

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Sounds like World of Warcraft to me.
If you decide to neglect the dailies. Which there also is in FFXIV.

But, that said, I couldn’t say… I started FFXIV about a year ago, some months after Shadowbringers released.

A big… muscular cat.

That is giving FFXIV too little credit. The game grew on it’s own even before WoW’s recent debacle. The only reason people stick to WoW is because they have invested a lot of time in it, unlike everyone else. It is like the same people who stick to a job they hate, they are afraid of something new, they are afraid of the unfamiliar, and that is the only reason people stick to something they already know.

That and something new can be quite overwhelming which also makes people quit.

Big agree. Me and a friend talked a lot about it. It started out a great concept, and then it just went too wild.

Easier with less difficulties in everything, really. Also, since there is no big-good gear to gather from the hardest, you are in there for the cosmetics and challenge alone.

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So what is FFXIV trying to attract furries?

Absolutely not, unless you’re just outright ignoring everything. I’ve been playing almost daily since 9.1 came out and I’m still not out of stuff to do, and I haven’t even been doing old stuff, nor the dailies (which were only like 5% of the patch to begin with? I stopped doing them ages ago).

If you’re new to XIV you of course won’t have the same problem as me. I’ve completed everything old in that game, so I’m relying on new content alone to keep me entertained, and WoW just releases a lot more of that per patch.

They already are changing…for the worse

Wow or FFXIV?


Honestly, this is probably why a lot of the playerbase here is jumping to that game and it’s saddening.

9.5.1 shows promise. A lot of things we wanted are being added.

Dog person said he wanted to be a big hairy beast!

One new raid you do once and then that is done.

A lot of things that should’ve been there at the start. 9.1.5 is Blizzard fixing their mistake nothing more, nothing less. Which is what they do every single expac since Legion.

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As opposed to 4 boss fights that skilled players complete within a week in XIV?

Most dedicated teams haven’t even beaten heroic/mythic sanctum yet. Raids are also made to be replayed on the various difficulties, if you’re only doing it once (assuming on LFR) you’re really missing the point.

We got far more than ‘just a raid’ in 9.1 as well.

Worgen are more tailored to the classic Victorian era werewolves.

Exactly why I am waiting to see what happens with the next X pack before I make my final judgement call. Do not mistake my optimism for blind devotion.

If you say so.

And the only reason they change it now is because a lot of people have left the game.

Which leads me to believe that blizzard have absolutely no intention of improving, at all.

Unlike FFXIV devs

“This plan actually started a while back as we had received much feedback from players who would like to have their minions roam free in their houses and others who had wanted to raise animals in the game,” Yoshida recalls. “We reached the conclusion that we’d need to prepare a new mode to achieve this, as it was impossible for our housing features to accommodate these requests.

“It was around two years ago that the idea for this mode surfaced. Although we had even expected to release it during the latter half of the Patch 5.X series as we made progress in the development, the scale of the content was still halfway and since we felt there were greater possibilities for this mode, we decided to expand the scope and release it during the 6.X series.

Oh, players mentioned they want this? Well, let us see if we can figure out and develop something for them.


Makes no difference. It is the same thing.

FFXIV have a much broader variety outside of its endgame and dailies scene though, and it is about to get more. That automatically makes it better.

A big, furry creature is a big furry creature regardless of it’s history.


I mean I hold no hope for the next expac. This has happened every single expac since Legion. They introduce a broken system, they attempt to fix that system while adding more systems and then end up having to fix those systems.

Yeah, dunno what to tell you man, seems like you’re just intentionally ignoring everything WoW has to do to me.

It’s very telling when a player can complete all of a major patches content in under 5 hours of casual play in XIV, but even after 100 hours in WoW they’re still not done. Glad you found a game that focuses more on what you’re into, but there’s a very large difference between a game having nothing to do, and it having nothing that you want to do, your issue with wow is the latter.

Yes, I did. I didn’t like it.

Well a lot the old team are gone and Jen and Mike both have very good credentials.