Wow is dead lets all go play FF14 lets go bois until change

Eh… IDK about that. Most great writers are horrible people. Look at HP Lovecraft or JK Rowling. (Boy, isn’t that a spectrum) :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s almost as if the creative director was changed and now we’ve had 3 expansions of pretty much the same system over and over.

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Meh, what he was doing immaturely or unethically doesn’t mean his work was bad. I mean, some painters are deviants but they create very fine art.

There is no forcing, it’ll come naturally.

Come to FF, I’ll show you around.

It is dying.
We did not believe Wildstar was dying either, but oops.

Yeah, they are kinda annoying.


It has Hrothgar… although you need the Shadowbringers expansion to play them… that actually sucks a lot.

No you didn’t.

One thing is not wanting to play a “weeb game” but to play a korean grind-fest game? You are a brave but naive soul.

All aspects.

Well, not true. New World will bore you once you hit max level, trust me.


Me too. Took me a couple of tries to get into. Third try to be exact, had to buy the base game and all expansions again though because… wait, why did I do that again?


Remember to watch all of the cutscenes in the ‘The Parting Glass’ quest.

Agreed. FFXIV has a major combat/gameplay design flaw, should introduce OGCD abilities earlier on to get players a feeling of ‘weaving’ so to speak.

Most WoW players would feel at home with League of Legends, with all the toxicity and being bad at video games.


Oh you… stahp it

If I wanted vikings I will go play Valheim …oh BTW that game is gaining on FFXIV quite quickly, I would be worried if I were you.

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I have been told endgame is an issue.

Also, I cannot be a dapper werewolf. That’s another pretty big issue.

I have Valheim, fairly fun game. A little sad it does not have online servers.

Well, that is a lie. You won’t be able to complete Endgame anyway.

There is Hrothgar.

In Bronze, maybe

ff14 is a million year slog through single player content where your toon nods a lot

I heard that may change soon. They dev team seem to be adding more and more updates everyday and I have seen some people hosting public servers.

Another big issue is the lack of mod support …things like Deadly Boss mods and TRP3 are a must for me and I do not see myself able to perform as well without them.

Would be pretty cool to be honest, seeing the different villages that people would build and what not… I am a big fan.

Well, game mechanics are not designed with mods in mind like WoW mechanics are. Much of the FFXIV mechanics are based on base logic. It should be as simple as “do not stand in fire”

Then again, people even fail that so… eh… who am I to say what is simple and what is not.

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I agree I think RPGS like Valheim are the future of the MMORPG community.

You may think that but when you only have seconds to react in a difficult boss fight while still trying to fill your role to the best of your ability knowing exactly where to go can be the difference between a boss kill and a wipe.

Also as you know I am a very critical about RP and as such a game with no addon to put my character sheet is a bit of a hindrance.

I do not know I just feel like to the FFXIV Devs, RP is not seen as very important.

I’ve already been playing XIV for 7 years and it’s currently in the saddest state it’s ever been, with almost nothing to do at endgame and classes so easy a monkey could play them.

I’ll keep playing WoW for now.

I’ll play the new expansion for 1-2 months to finish the story and check out the new classes like I do every xpac if that helps OP.

Valheim is not exactly the first of its kind. We have had different games like it.

Rust, Ark: Survival Evolved, Conan Exiles, Last Oasis… so I do not think they are the future of the MMORPG community. I do not think there is much of a future for MMORPGs thus far until some company comes out and does something truly revolutionary.

Trial and error and learnig the early signs. EZ. Yes it is a challenge, but it should be a challenge without being unfair. If you have to rely on addons, then it is unfair and not a challenge.

It is a easier access. The best FFXIV has is the little ‘RP’ marker you can add… and the fact that entire Data Shards have different game-cultures. The Crystal Datashard, as an example, is largely an RP Data Shard, with Balmung being the largest RP world.

Depends how you want the Devs to make RP seem more important. The FFXIV devs have provided a lot to make RP a fairly big aspect in FFXIV. A large part of the emotes in FFXIV are animated, giving you visuals, you can put a ‘RP’ marker on your character to indicate that you RP, you can play an actual travelling bard who plays music here and there, you have a campfire minion that you can just place somewhere and it’ll stay there until you dismiss or move too far away.

It is also the first time it have had a drought lasting this long. Endwalker was supposed to have already been released, but due to covid they had to delay the release.

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I’ve been in this slump with the game for over a year personally , even when a new patch comes out I’ll finish the new stuff in under 2 days of casual play and be like “That’s it?”

I really don’t know why we get so much less content now compared to past expansions. Even 2.0 had more to do.

Sir, that is a cat.