Wow is dead lets all go play FF14 lets go bois until change

Not when it comes to rp sadly.

It has all the ingredients for a good Rp but the community has done nothing to cultivate it so basically it is nothing but MG goldshire which is a shame to me.

Now Valheim has some great Rp servers.

I think RP in FF14 would be tough for anyone who’s not into the anime or that type of aesthetic. Despite the story being very well done, it’s not really an open-ended type of environment with regards to RP. So I get ya there.

this guy isnt promoting it, he’s trolling. theres a difference

anyone who wants to actually promote another MMO is going to do a much better job than that

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The big thing that hurts FFXIV is the lack of addon support …things like TRP3 are very useful for us RPers.


I have no investments into the Final Fantasy series as a whole, why would I play it’s MMO? I honestly should only play ESO as my MMO since I have an investment into TES as a series.

I actually like the hard stance on add-ons. Makes me feel like everyone is equal. Also the lack of meter discussion in chat is awesome.


well aside from a couple sequels, none of the FF games are even connected to each other. so i dont see how that matters at all



/ ∞Char

Well yes but in a game where you can actually lose levels if you die too much having an addon like Deadly Boss Mods would be very useful.

Already play ff14 and i rarely log in

Played FF14 for about 10 months. Gave it a good try. Story was great, crafting sucks, combat clunky. Finally got bored and came back to WoW. Very happy I did so nope won’t be following you anywhere.

I swear Squenix has got these people on retainer.

Bye big fatty Koala , I sure you won’t have any problem moving :rofl:

I have all the healing and most of the DOH/DOL jobs in FFXIV leveled to 80 and I can still guarantee you that I’d still rather play WoW if I’m not completely burned out on it.

Exactly this exodus to FFXIV feels like a temporary thing to be honest.

That’s where we should throw Soft people who are easily intimidated by mature stuffs. Let them play a vegetable/fruit game. No toxicity in there as there is not much competitive stuffs. Why would it become toxic if Bosses die in there even if you dont perform? OP and these people should be thrown to that Weeb game.

Me, play FF14? Are you ridiculous? It cant beat the intricate challenge of Mythic+. It finds M+ toxic. It’s a game for soft people. Let the big bois handle WoW.

I would certainly hope so, I don’t know what kind of sad life you’d have to lead to spend you time shilling other games on WoW forums without getting paid for it.

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Well at least we know who here plays Dark Souls.

But seriously things like Mythic raiding are tailored for the hardcore gamer …the reason raid finder exists is for the more casual gamer to experience the story.

Tell that to soft people. They have never even attempted to play dungeons. All they do is plague the game with their whining… “oh, someone /spit me, oh i got intimidated with my toon forced to do NightElf dance by Piccolo of flaming fire, Mommy!!!”.

I tried FF14 for a couple of hours and it is something I may play once in a while but not with any frequency. I still log in WoW and do my weekly renown quests but that’s about it for now. I’ve mainly been playing SWTOR and occasionally ESO. I’ll see what happens when 9.1.5 goes live but for now SWTOR is the game that’s getting most of my attention.

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