WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

It’s all subjective. I happen to think both games do certain things better than the other, what really gets it for me (and it’s a form of bias) is that I have 13 years of experience with this game, and I don’t with that one. It got exasperating never knowing where anything was, how any of the classes played, etc. In a vacuum though both games are exceptionally good.

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I like how the classes play in FF14, but that’s about it. I don’t really like how the rest of the game is set up

Same with WoW. You have to get a guild or go to the big cities where everyone hangs out. FF14 actually has far more of a sense of community. People put on plays in cities, live music concerts, and host many other events. You don’t see that stuff in wow. Wow is just a lobby where people queue for mini games.

FF14 community is just far more mature, helpful, and friendly. Most people consider wow a garbage community and FF14 wonderful community, but if you’re a 15 year old who grew up with fortnite, I guess I could see why you like trash can communities.


FF14 is a perfectly balance game. Which is what something Wow cannot be, and when I mean perfectly balance they have made it a pattern you have to dance to in boss fights. Damage are exactly this or that range. There is no deviation pattern.

Wow is unbalance but that allows more flexibility.

Wow is for those face pace people who have limited time to play.

FF14 is a game that plays like a single player games at time or a social club and according to its lead dev. It’s okay for you to take a break from the game and come back when you want to.


Played both;

  • FFXIV has a pretty horrible starting experience and it doesn’t surprise me if you think it’s a bad game because of that.

  • The community in WoW tends to be more critical of the game, while in FFXIV there is an incredibly helpful community but there is a lot more defensiveness about the game which holds back criticism.

  • Skill/class complexity is higher in FFXIV and the story is better. The way the game is designed ensures queues for all dungeons going up (through duty finder roulette). The story, if you stick through it will genuinely capture your feelz. It’s definitely not something you can rush through though.

  • The overall gameplay in WoW is better. It feels like a real compared to FFXIV.

  • Character models are significantly worse in WoW but detail from a distance is better (have both set to max). I do love my FFXIV character. SENIX’s gotta give whichever team made character models a big paycheck.

Overall I’ve personally like WoW a lot more. I can see why someone would enjoy FFXIV based on my own experiences but for me personally I find the design of the world in it too limiting to enjoy.

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FF14 was fun for a few months.

The story and OST are great once you get past 50s, but the end game didn’t really have much to motivate me to keep playing.

This is the craziest, yet, most true statement I’ve seen in regards to wows community lol. I like it

I am also incredibly bitter over what they did to FFXIV healers. The AST and SCH changes are almost unforgivable.

Playing this restoration druid reminded me what an engaging and healthy DPS rotation feels like. And it’s not 2 buttons (one to apply a 30 second DoT, the other to spam incessantly.)

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I never got into Final Fantasy, and kinda against the art style and everything.

I make fun of my brother and call him a weeb for watching anime all the time, lol.

The only anime I liked was 90’s era Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragonball, and later on I enjoyed HunterXHunter, oh and KillLaKill. Pretty much only those I’ve enjoyed enough to rewatch at least once.

If I played Final Fantasy since the early days I’m sure I’d be playing the MMO.

It’s really dependent on the user base. WoW can really make some money if they found a way to teach their player base on all skills by giving all skills at early lvl. Arcane mage wrecks all the way until end game and people wonder why pugs are clueless.

When leveling a character from 1-120, everything you’ve learned is a waste of time besides basic rotation. Only to find out the spec youre playing hits like a wet noodle in the end.

I’m new and all on here, so I might not have any right to say anything as I’ve only been working on my 1st zone so far.

However, Wow seems to be more, zombified mind playing. Also I’m an old ffxiv player and it seems way more engaging so far than wow, and more brain power to play. This might change in later levels though on wow, but for now Its just the feeling I’m getting so far.

Ps I’m sorry if this is completely wrong and I got no right to say it just a base feeling so far.

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I prefer WoW myself. Its better than FFXIV is a lot of ways.
FFXIV has a few things it does better than WoW.

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Must be an FFXIV player to be apologizing here! LOL

That said, the leveling here is pretty “zombified”. What FFXIV encourages you to do in the beginning (positioning for example) most don’t do until end-game. Even then, if they consider it “lower tier” at max level they will still ignore them. For many here, the questing and low level dungeon motto is “you’re not the boss of me and I’ll play how I want” rather than a focus on the rest of the group’s enjoyment.

I think both communities do see LFG (or roulettes) as a bit of a chore, but I think I’ve only had a couple of poor grouping experiences in FFXIV and one was with a the 8-man at the end of ARR (it’s really long).

not really. It depends what you are into. WoW’s PvP is certainly better but I liked the storyline and character development way more in FF 14. I liked seeing certain NPCs more than once and NOT just the main characters. I also like no borrowed power bs going on and that every xpac doesn’t introduce a new villain who must die by the end of that Xpac. Some villains/threats are still around. I also like the player housing and the combat more, especially the animations. Community is nicer, even if its just nicer on the surface.

I’m going to have to stop you right there. If there’s anything you can’t fault FF on it’s the story. Literally SO much freaking dialogue and cutscenes to the point it’s actually annoying if you aren’t into story. SO many characters. So much attention to detail with the characters and how they play into the bigger picture and you are consistently with them from start to finish as the story progresses.

Meanwhile here we are in BFA where night elves get genocided and swept under the rug cause, “Hurrr durr, recycle MoP! Uh… bad warchief.” We are JUST NOW being able to see our characters in cutscenes more often. The biggest villain built since Warcraft (Sargeras) is turned into a gas cloud and locked away the moment he finally becomes active in the story. I mean the amount of flip flopping, and total lack of care for the story in the last few expansions, ESPECIALLY WoD, shows WoW has little to no care for their story. How the hell was WoD even explained? It just sort of happened. God forbid someone didn’t read Warcrimes.


I guess the gameplay gets better after 30+, but I def agree, even the aesthetics were bad IMO. I liked how the classes worked but that’s about it

wow what insight

Yeah FF 14 has a better storyline by far and character development is better. I actually care about those characters. In WoW I don’t care about or even like most of the NPCs save a few.


Well I’ll respect your opinion even though we’re just gonna disagree here.

I wouldn’t even try that game if I stopped WoW. I tried to pick up GW2 and Rift a bunch of times but both times failed.

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