WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

No, they are using it to spend money to skip it. Like Blizzard does.

Honestly, if you were to measure success I’d say WoW hands down. FFXIV release as atrocious, they had to scratch the game and remake it. Even vanilla wow didn’t have that much of an issue.

Well, since you skipped it when it was relevant you’ll have no way of knowing you wouldn’t have enjoyed it. The definition of missing out.

Right, I don’ t know myself. Maybe you “missed out” on the joys of skipping it! Perspective, eh?

I played it recently was fun up till 50 then you hit the brick wall that is the quest line between the base game and the first expac. 152 quests including over a dozen dungeons of unskippable content. It would be fine if you made any progress in that time but exp literally trickles down to nothing and it made me lose all interest.

FFXIV is a bit of a slogfest.

Supposedly FFXIV hits it’s stride when you get into Heavensward their first expansion. So I have heard.

Well… duh!!!

@Sinelius too. (I have no idea how to multi reply or even use quotes lol.)

Well I dunno, I mean I love anime games mostly and I played a bunch of JRPG’s with the same generic stuff that I get kinda tired of it and me playing Wow is different turn for me and I’m really enjoying. There’s a lot to learn and I only know very little about it but I have more fun learning about the races and culture and stuff than I did with XIV. I dunno, maybe because it’s something refreshing to me.

Though I’m surprised to see people like XIV’s story more than WoW’s lol.
Different strokes though.

FFXIV appeals to an entirely different niche in the MMO market. FF has vastly superior social and cosmetic systems, while WoW has vastly superior combat and raids/dungeons.

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That weird feeling you get when vulpera players are around is how I felt the entire time I played FF. I couldn’t figure out why so many people were running around with rabbit ears.

Apples and oranges two different devs teams and lead developers once toshi-p took over ffxiv skyrockets to the number two mmo in a matter of weeks

Btw op an everyone who stopped at level 20 or 50, the next patch to ffxiv will significantly cut the fodder quests of ARR so you can get to HW faster. I would strongly recommend trying it once it’s out then you Can say you truly tried the game

ok sure, the patches and content update the music, the amount of new systems and just plain patches FFxiv does are bigger, better, and faster than what wow gives in the content patches.

It is like comparing Diablo 3 seasons to path of exile.

It is actually a much better experience now.

Viera are damn sexy that is why. Au Ra are still the best.

i agree. i might change to one sometime…but im having a hard time changing from the master race.

it gets better once you put in more then a few hours of game play

I don’t think either is overall better. They both have good things going for them, and things that need improvement. WoW is my main game but when I need a break I play and really enjoy FF14.

Agreed. Both games have their strengths and weaknesses, but both are quite enjoyable. I will toss GW2 in there as well.


You know it’s a small thing, but I’m surprised I don’t hear more people talking about the weird, difficult to pronounce and sometimes culturally mismatched names in FFXIV…

Chief Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn comes to mind. :grimacing:

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