WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

I mean, hell I like FFXIV, but let’s be real. It’s not nearly as good as WOW and never will be, that’s just facts.


Well that is kinda hinging on Shadowlands right now. :slight_smile:

The only reason the FFXIV community is so friendly is because they’re forced to walk on eggshells CONSTANTLY, lest they say one single thing that offends some low life liberal snowflake loser and get one out of three LIFETIME strikes on their account (three strikes in a LIFETIME = PERMANENT ban). And GET THIS, squenix has NO obligation to tell you what you got banned for.

Seriously, go read their TOS which was updated a little over a year ago with the most infantiluzation bull crap reasons for I have EVER seen in ANY online community EVER.


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They’re both good in their own ways, and they both have their flaws.

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Opinion has been noted. Thank you for your time.

To be fair, insulting that poster doesn’t really make you sound like you know what “friendly” means, or value it… :upside_down_face:

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the gearing is boring, and so are the encounters

I also tried Final Fantasy for their month long free trial and it was one of the most dull experiences I have ever had. I’d rather install Project 99 and play classic EQ again then play that mess of a game.

Lemme guess, didn’t even make it passed level 30 and you call it a bad game lmao. I don’t know what i expected clicking on this thread, but this post is about the quality i expected out of it.

“Me not get far in game but me call it bad hurr durr”

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Why are we even comparing WoW to some game named ffix where characters are copy pasted from 1 character and look same? also don’t have forums in 2020.

i didnt like the combat feeling at all over there. ppl told me it got better past lvl 50 but im not sticking around 50 levels of ResidentSleeper just to check if its true.

I could have never guessed that I get flag bombed in this thread by people switching to alts with things better to do, but here we are.

I suppose I must have been right for people to get that angry, case closed.

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Which is better by content:

End Game PvE Content: WoW
Story: FFXIV
Housing: FFXIV
Transmog: Tie (WoW is easier to use and less of a hassle but FFXIV has more options).
PvP content: Tie (FFXIV is alot more balanced in PvP but WoW just has alot more maps for PvP)

Pretty much both games have their ups and downs. BUT 1 Thing which is amazing with FFXIV: Epic Boss Music.

I mean its so good. Just have a listen:

(music is the 5.3 Trial Boss theme and you get to see all of the LB3’s).


Imagine spoiling 5.3 SMH

Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

The 8 year old looking fairy creature built like a buxom adult women isn’t something I’m in to. So, FFXIV isn’t for me.

Which fairy creature?

I’d sure hope people playing WoW thought WoW was better than FFxiv, otherwise why in god’s name are you here?

Some people like me enjoy both FFXIV and WoW. FFXIV has a leg up on WoW in the story department as well as housings. WoW has better end game content though.

The ones that are in just about every Asian MMOs.