WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

I just downloaded and started playing FFXIV.

WoW is better.


That’s cool.


You’re cool.


Aww shucks.


Even if I stopped playing WoW idk if I could get into final fantasy.

The whole fantasy anime stick isn’t really for me.

Forum Moderator Note: Inappropriate comment removed.


I mean, you’ve only just downloaded, you haven’t really seen the endgame of FFXIV. You may as well compare the leveling experiences.


I’ll take this obvious bait. I’ve played both for a very long time, and while this whole conversation is pointless because it just comes down to personal preference, I will say each game serves a different purpose because they have different things they do well.


FF14 is… meh.


As someone who came from XIV to WoW. I like WoW better at least in story and classes, and dungeons. As someone who’s a huge dungeon crawler, the last two are very important to me. I quit XIV last year when they ruined my healing classes, especially AST. It’s so very fun standing in one spot pressing 3 buttons for 80 levels and the only difference between heals is the the aesthetics! :upside_down_face:
Maybe I’m just tired of the game, played it like 6 years anyways lol.

Edit: Also I like seeing the variety of races and not seeing Cat men and women all day, everyday lol.


My character in FF14 is beautiful.

But… the combat isn’t as responsive as WoW. And I love PVP. So, that means the PVP in FF14 is going to feel super sluggish. That’s a big deal for me.

Plus, yeah… I just started FF14, but there’s no sense of community when you first begin, and I did play some of the old Final Fantasy games. FF14 feels like those, but on a larger scale. And while I did enjoy watching cinematic scenes, I can just go watch some Netflix if I want to watch something all day long.

I’m guessing the community in FF14 is very beta, very passive, not very combative and realistic like what we have here in WoW. WoW’s community is alive, feisty, always fighting, complaining, arguing, debating, heated, raging, and passionate… very competitive, and I love that.


Here’s the thing. I’ve played XIV not long ago and you can’t really say that without experiencing the endgame, because XIV changes drastically by then, both the gameplay and storyline.


I watched a ton of videos of FF14 raids or dungeons whatever. I can’t even tell what the characters are doing in combat. They’re like spinning around with magical symbols all around them. Is that even an attack?

At least in WoW you can look at a character and watch them clearing attacking, sending magical fire at something, et cetera. It’s clear in WoW what’s happening on the screen.

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Again, you have to experience by yourself. I have the same impression before and it changed.

But yeah, if you main interest is PVP, XIV won’t cut for you. It’s pretty bad there.

I don’t think XIV is better than WoW or vice versa, their presentations are completely different… But one thing for sure, for me at least when I’m there, WoW (BfA) burned me out much faster.


Sort of depends what you want from your game. FF14 has better customization and better variety of clothes IMO. WoW has better PvP and actually has Oceanic servers, which is a big plus for me. Both have good, but different, PvE scenes. This doesn’t cover everything, obviously; they’re just some examples that come to my mind.

One thing I’d love to see is FF14’s apartment system introduced in WoW. I’d like a little space of my own to decorate with cute junk. A place like a home, not like a fortress.

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I’ve been a Final Fantasy fan since I was a kid. Many, many years ago. I’ve tried to get into FFXIV on three separate occasions and I just could not get into it for many different reasons.

I don’t like how combat feels. It feels clunky and slow to me. I don’t know, just doesn’t feel good to me.

The stories and questing is okay, but it’s pretty bland for the most part. Having many different load times to get to other areas, tons of invisible barriers and walls, just feels less like a world and more like a confined bubble space. Do not like how it feels at all.

There’s many other extensive reasons as to why I do not enjoy it, but I don’t feel like going over them all.

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depends what you’re looking for

there are things I like about both that the other doesn’t fulfill

I love chasing relic weapons in ffxiv, but wow doesn’t provide the same targeted grinds

I love the combat flow in wow, and ffxiv cannot redesign to be faster, as it also caters to a casual ps4 audience

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As someone who does end game in final fantasy compare to this game as you can see. Three things FFxiv does better.

  1. Community.
  2. Content. Much better and faster content than wow updates.
  3. All content matters and keeps being done by the community. So you don’t outgrow certain dungeons it comes in the cycle.

WoW is carried by the investment that the players already have in it


This is literally WoW’s community on retail.

The sorta people you find who’re pretty chill with whatever you say are on Classic WoW or are in OSRS.

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nah, mate

that just ain’t true

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