WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

And? You are stuck doing dailies day after day how is that any different? Ffxiv has daily and weekly quests too that provide almost the exact same rewards as wow

That’s pretty deep. I had to think about it a bit but I have to say, you likely have a point here.


How do you measure an mmo as being the top mmo?

I don’t understand what you mean by, “ they will start becoming better, but ffxiv dev team.”

So “Their patches wreck wow?” Can you elaborate on this?

Honestly I find this a bit tiring. 14 is unmistakably Japanese but it is actually not as extremely “anime” or weeny as many assume.

Especially so with the english localization team and voice work. It’s much more generally palatable than something that is extremely geared towards otaku culture. There is actually a GREAT deal of bon japanese pop culture and easter egg nods in the game.

This is why people will complain constantly, but never take their money elsewhere (or even just away from Blizz). And it’s why Blizz knows they can ignore many requests and complaints.

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Part of the reason I keep playing is it took me two years to farm invincible I’ll be damned if I can’t show it off

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You just started playing FFXIV, so that means you haven’t even played remotely close to end game yet, but you now have enough experience in it to compare it to WOW? LOL, checks out.


Could you please level past 50 before rating? 50 is when it starts getting better. I don’t know about now, but when I played about 6 months ago I leveled WHM to 50 and got the WHM armor. I felt like I beat the game.

Never played it again after that.

I mean, WoW has, at any given time, one fully functioning tier of raid. For all other content, you can roflstomp it with world quest gear if it’s in the same expansion, or just roflstomp it solo if it’s from a previous. If you don’t do a raid when it’s current, yeah I would say you missed out on it.


But comparing your endgame WoW experience to your level 5 FFXIV experience is not a fair comparison. Low level FFXIV is literally the worst MMORPG experience I’ve ever had, and I play WoW, where leveling content is a total joke until right near the end.

Endgame FFXIV, IMO, is a decent game, but for my preferences, not better than WoW.

It has better Class Design (like, way better, but at the cost of not really being able to customize it in any way) and better Story content.

But IMO the graphics are worse (especially environments), the mismatch between castbars and animations and when the calculation for you getting hit is done is very awkward (although it used to be worse), and the pace of combat NEVER catches up to WoW, even with the GCD Changes in WoW and accounting for oGCD weaving in FFXIV.

WoW also just releases more mainline endgame content and offers a better selection of difficulty options. Too much of FFXIV focuses on repeating entry level content IMO (see: grind essentially Heroic dungeons for BiS gear unless you’re Savage (see: Mythic) Raiding.

There’s also the fact that I LIKE having multiple alts for different races/classes, but FFXIV expects you to do it all on a singular character. Leveling is like 10x more of a chore in FFXIV vs other games. It’s fun -once-. I really struggle if I want to play another character over there. It feels like actively wasting time, especially with how much of the questing is running from place to place for dialogue I’ve already seen.

I like both games. I have more time invested in WoW so I mostly play it. But if Shadowlands is not good I can play FFXIV. Would rather play WoW.

oh i already knew that from playing it a few months.

The focus of both games is way different. With FFXIV, the focus is storyline. You get currency for newer gear just to get further in the story, and the stats are not randomized. Materia does make them somewhat customizable though. In WoW, the focus is on higher numbers: the RNG determined gear system, the competitive PvE performance focus (Raider io), and the PVP E-Sports rankings. WoW is all about the numbers.

There’s fun to be had in both, and I play both depending on how I’m feeling day by day. Do I want to see what happens next, or do I want to hammer out a few mythics for bigger numbers.

Wow handles pvp better both in terms of content that facilitates pvp and also in the engine that the game runs on. It’s hard to explain but there is a rubber bandy looseness to ffxiv where you feel like you are almost running around on ice.

Boss fight encounters… wow doesnt hold a candle in terms of theatrics and energy.

Wow has a better dungeon design in terms of its mythic + system and facilitating meaningful end game content for 5 man groups. Xiv has no such equivalent, its dungeons are very much theme park rides that you quickly romp through and mostly grow tired off after the 3 or 4th time running them.

Wows raid environments are also more well designed, while not feeling as robust as in the past they are still much better then xiv raiding environments which are mainly just circle arenas / boss rooms that you queue into. There is no sense that you are exploring an actual location.

The 24 man alliance raids come a little closer to that vibe but they can be done half awake and there is no harder difficulty for organized FCs to try and tackle them on.

XIVs world design still drops a duece on wows. The zones are vibrant and the soundtrack that accompanies them are not matched.

My personal biggest grievance with XIV is how it handles its break neck vertical progression cadence. There is no mmo that I can think off that renders much of its content obsolete so soon as xiv does. Xiv deals in extremes, you are either doing 8 man savage raiding with a static 3 or 4 nights a week, or you are doing content that can be completed in your sleep. The item level grind is not as strong as other mmos and the proverbial carrot on the the stick is mainly fueled by glamour collecting and leveling other jobs.

Shadowbringers story delivery and its final 5 man dungeon envoked a feeling that wow has never. since its launch been able to deliver to me, I’ll just say that.

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I know I do :wink:

If not for my investment to the game, I would had outright quit in disgust when I came back in WoD after skipping MoP and saw all those guys in CM armors I can never get.

This was the point where WoW started becoming a mobile game in PC.


I missed out on something I wouldn’t have enjoyed? I stopped myself from stepping into a big fresh pile of dog poop. Even after I came back? I looked at a little of what I missed and realized my time off was a good decision for me since I missed nothing.


Wait, you’re serious?

Watching paint dry doesnt have any of those issues either.

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Have you gotten to Heavensward content yet? Nope didn’t think so.


I kind of have the feeling SE is using ARR to filter out potential FFXIV haters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: