WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

For me yeah, never understood the appeal of that game .

I have tried it two times out of curiosity and never got into it …zzzzzzzz

Again, FFXIV has boob sliders. They aren’t afraid of the Karens of the world.

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they just need the butt slider now

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Did they just do that for the ARR section or the expansions too?

Just ARR, there wasn’t that many in the expansions.

Yes, that is correct

I like both XIV and WoW but for different reasons.

I feel the story aspect of things, character development/growth as well as other niceties such as different idle/combat poses, player housing, a more interactive profession system, XIV takes the cake by miles with no contest. Or at least it does for me anyways.

WoW on the other hand has fun PVP and PVE settings that I enjoy far more than XIV. With all the flashing spells and abilities its easy to get lost in whats even going on (And yes I’ve done plenty of endgame in XIV to experience myself)

So depends on what you’re interest is and what you want out of your MMO.

I’d be curious to know how many people who say wow is superior to ff14, have actually made it through shadowbringers and got to the end game. The only thing wow does better is the combat (that is subjective). Everything else puts wow to absolute shame. If shadowlands pans out to be the disappointment it is shaping up to be, I am going to make a permanent shift to that game. Activision and mismanagement has ruined wow

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Just ARR. Here’s a video series on youtube that goes into more detail about the changes


Oh god you made a mistake

In FFXIV you have to level up into the max levels and go through all the story to find the glorious community.

In WoW you can just make a Level 1 human and run to Goldshire and party ALL NIGHT LONG for 15 years nonstop.

They’re 95% competent. Biggest gripe is that on occasion the healers will just eat dirt for no reason.

I think Yoshi P’s willingness to engage with the community and be honest about the state of the game is refreshing. He was willing to tell someone who was talking about dealing with burn out that it was completely OK to just take a break from the game, which I don’t think I’d ever hear coming from someone at Blizzard. Yoshi P freely admitted that the game’s designed specifically for the person who picks it up for a month, plays the content, takes a break, and then maybe doesn’t come back for a year.

Of course each game has it’s strengths and flaws- WoW feels like it resents player agency and customization, FF14 embraces it. Both games have wishy-washy leveling experiences. FF14 rewards systems knowledge and system skill, WoW rewards reaction times.

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OMG THE MSQ! Way worse than I imagined.

So I got into it a bit, finally getting the Casteum/whatever dungeon done with people (was fast, once the duty finder found people.) Then I get in another one to kill the boss head guy thing!

Then there is this HUGE credits thing, “OH, first thing finally over so at level 56 I can go on to Heavensward/whatever!” NOPE!!!

Instead, I’m doing a bunch of other MSQ after that, some also with mandatory dungeons. So I do a BUNCH, then look and i still have TONS left! I’m going to be level 60 before I even get in the first expansion!

At least the XP seems super slow, probably because I’m now in the middle of 56 doing this stuff.

The one thing I’m liking is that it appears no borrowed power, like in Wow, besides just getting better gear? At least so far, in the earlier content.
Ah, yeah:

Generally, FFXIV gearing is much simpler and streamlined since there aren’t set bonuses, corruption, azerite traits and so on.

Found nice page that has posts where people compare. But again, some complain about the MSQ (like me :wink: )

My main problem, with FFXIV MSQ, was that FFXIV doesn’t really explain a lot. So I did not really know that the MSQ was “main story quest” that you HAD to keep up with (or I would have mainly just done MSQ, like I am now :wink: )

I also don’t really want to “cheese” it, just boosting to 70/skipping scenarios to the next expansion. The difference between Wow and FFIXV is that I FEEL the most powerful, for what I’m doing now (especially since by fishing and mining, on the same character with those “jobs” and outfits, I bought level 55 gear off their “auction house” thing which is better than all the stuff I’m getting from dungeons.) It is like the other content/higher level players don’t even exist, though I’m sure they are doing the “duties” with me, with their gear/level scaled down.

Whoa, that reddit mmorg link is actually pretty good for general talk on mmorpgs.

I love ff14 and go back to it when I’m bored with wow. But the cat people are getting annoying. And the armor for Bard is terrible.

I might give FF14 a second shot, but my heart is on Azeroth.

The story of Azeroth is more relatable than the craziness in FF14.

So there’ve been too many weeks in wow where i just couldn’t take it anymore, so i tried the trial for ff14 after hearing of si many people leaving wow for it and loving it.
The beginning was one of the worst beginnings I’ve ever experienced in a game. I reflected on my beginning with wow and how slow it was to start and decided to stick it out.

I maxed out the trial because literally couldn’t even make groups for keys cus nobody is playing, then just bought first subscription and the box. I haven’t had any feelings like I had when I first started playing wow yet , and I’m certainly not at endgame yet.
My question is, when does it get WAY better. I am lvl 60 and it’s just so much freaking questing

Yes, you’re playing a JRPG, what do you expect? This isn’t WoW where story from 3 years ago means literally nothing. Stuff from the beginning of the game matters in the story all the way up until the end of it.

FFXIV was always a bit too dramatic for me.

Spells and abilities are so flashy that it feels silly how little damage they do.

It’s like you’re summoning the 3rd Prince of Hell to hit an overgrown frog for 20 damage.

Like… okay.

It was an okay game overall. But I think the jRPG style just doesn’t jive with me.

I can understand people liking it though.


I skip every single cut scene I can. I just want to know if the endgame hearing process is fun.


The only way to get the best gear is by doing the hardest content, or spending weeks upon weeks spending tokens for upgradable vendor gear and only being able to upgrade 1 or 2 pieces a week.