WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

It really depends. WoW and FFXIV are catered to completely different kinds of players. I don’t think comparing them, at least gameplay wise, is at all fair. It’s like comparing CoD to Overwatch.

You have that reversed in FF14 it was very toxic early on and with new players used to tradition. No matter the forum FF14 players cant help but post in regards to healer/tank dps without taking into consideration the actual dps. As for wow healer dps isnt calculated it’s not laziness on the part of the healer but laziness on the part of toxic dps who cant fulfill their own role. They cant meet the mark so they blame heals. If anything its evidence we cant have hard content in MMOs because lazy people not up to the task will shift the blame. Though healer dps wont catch on in wow since we have meters the afk dps in the corner screaming about healer dps will have his laziness shown. Out of all the MMOs I’ve played the dps in FF14 is by far the laziest and least responsible they blame anyone but themselves.


This entire thread can be summed up by that single word.


The topic is of course that WoW is better than FF14. A topic of healers having to dps has been one made countless times since the game launched. Its understood at this point that the game is a soft trinity but the forums are still toxic on the subject. A tank/healer simply isnt given enough to manage in FF14 and the responsibility of dps is spread. For those that like to heal then WoW is the clear winner. Healers leave FF14 the game has only received a single new healing spec ast meanwhile they pump out new tanks and dps classes because they know what’s popular. The new tanks of course dont make sense either they lock the gunblade a popular iconic FF weapon to a tanking role just to bait people in. The que times in FF14 are longer even with people being able to swap classes and smaller party sizes. People praise FF14 for story everything else though WoW does better and in this instance healing feels so much better in WoW than FF14.

They’re both good games, but very different.

Only if you’re a teenager who is totally egocentric
does one have to be better than the other — it’s like kids who have a fav band and argue with other kids who disagree.

childish and stupid. they are two different things,
apples & oranges, and appeal to different crowds,

and you just started playing it, it’s lik esomeone playing
wow to 10th level and making the reverse comment.

oh wtf nevermind, I doubt you have the ability to see past the end of yoru own nose as to what anyone else thinks.

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While the majority of your post is just subjective nonsense, I don’t even remember the last time I waited for more than 15 minutes as DPS in FF14. I can queue up for something in WoW and hitting 20-30 minutes is extremely common.


I agree!

Also with how the job system works, you can switch to an in-demand role and get even faster queue times - which many classes in WoW don’t have the luxury of doing.

It helps with my altitis too, since I only need one character (and get a discount on my monthly subscription because of that) to play every job.

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I came from ffxiv to wow around Feb earlier this year. Ilike wow sooo much more.

Pros of ffxiv

  • good character customization
  • cool armor and mounts


  • for me, story, I know this will be controversial, but I got though to level 70 and the end of storm blood and the story is the most boring story I’ve ever had to play through. Even heavens ward, people say it’s supposed to be good there but it was so tedious and cliche to me.

-combat. Also boring. Animations are cool but not as responsive as wows combat. Also there’s pretty much no variety in your rotation but that is up to preference if you like wows procs vs a complex rotation. I prefer wows. But even without that, the combat is unresponsive and clunky even at higher levels.
-not coop friendly. The majority of the game is meant to be played solo. So if you want to play the entire game coop with a friend or SO then you won’t enjoy how much you Can’t do together.

Love it :heartbeat:

People are just mostly trying to reinforce their own cognitive dissonance either way.

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I know this is either bait or a easy way to get some likes, but FF14 really takes a bit to build up some steam. Classes start off incredibly bare, and around level 50 is when I found stuff started to get fun. The story too gets a lot better after the ARR stuff. Classes are hit and miss, but I was having a lot of fun with the samurai while I was playing. Dragoon was alright, but it was a bit too Demon Huntery for me.

Both games are fine. XIV blows WoW’s story out of the water ten times over. Then again bfa really didn’t have a story, more or less…

I like both games’ combat. WoW is a lot more laid back, XIV is a lot more technical. Both have their ups and downs. I prefer XIV’s endgame though, feels like there’s a lot more to do but then again I just really don’t care for WoW’s late-game raids and stuff personally.


Thats really dependent on the server you play and how you go about MSQ. For the love of god, dont say you level skipped.

Supposedly, next expac is a healer spec and caster spec due to the subtle hints dropped in the last patch.

Which makes both healers and Magic DPS now 4 classes at max level (Blue Mage doesnt count). Thats the same # of Tanks and Melee DPS.

go ahead and name one

Yeah, I don’t remember what the healer was but the dungeon has some pretty heavy Necromancer hints.

The medic person, due to that one quest. (Id be really surprised if Berserker or Thief were added, since they remind to much of Warrior and Ninja).

Oh yeah, that’s right, Chemist or whatever lol.

Chirurgeon. Couldnt remember how to spell it.

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So much fun doing rdm LB3, one of the best animations imo.

Ya he really is, the idea of FFXIV is something that isn’t going to consume all of your time and encourages players to go play other games and come back for new content.

Yoshida also loves WoW and would love to do a collaboration project.

Ya the 20-40 ranges for it did, but they did an overhaul removing alot of the pointless fetch quests and its alot better.

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