WoW Is Better Than FFXIV

Go smn. Because if it doesn’t turn out to well you at least have sch to fall back on.

When I was taking breaks from WoW here and there, I tried to play other MMO’s (most of them were Korean tbh) and they seem like scuffed WoW mostly.
Most of them will have an almost dead player base and a lot of in-game donations that are related to player customization. (and indirect influence on your in-game performance, such as crafting materials and other things.)
WoW started it and probably there will not be anything close to World of Warcraft anywhere soon.

Not a healing guy, but might go smn because bahamut and phoenix is bae


Also sharing this for anyone that care

it speeds up at max level…

Such and adorable Lalafell.

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thx :grin:

FF14 doesn’t have a traditional trinity it leans to heavily on DPS as in the Tank and Healer aren’t dedicated to the roles the player base is very toxic in this regard. To make matters worse the devs only push the narrative to the point one has to wonder why design a game with healers at all if the healers have to dps to make ends meet. In addition FF14 has the seventh astral era a horrible story section that mandatory like all story bits in that game to proceed. Its and extreme chore and blight on the game its been in place for expansions with a paid method to skip it. Recently after the previous expacs they did say they would address the issue I just haven’t kept track to see what they did. On top of all that people say FF14 has topped wow however unlike WoW the free trial accounts are a separate entity its not tied to your main account. So when they total accounts in FF14 a person who would only appear as one in WoW will appear as two since some people have a main account and a trail account when the sub lapses in FF14 thus bloating their numbers.

It doesn’t even take until endgame. By like 50-60 it speeds up quite a lot, and feels like a more complete spec/class than WoW does - because you don’t need to grind a borrowed power system to feel complete.

Plus if you play MNK you literally have no free GCDs, and even between GCDs you have filled oGCD slots.

It’s not being toxic, it’s that the community at large in XIV understands that healing and tanking isn’t hard and you may as well fill time by doing damage - it’s not hard to DPS as either role, and the class is given the tools to DPS at max capacity whilst keeping everyone healthy and alive.

For some reason in WoW, people defend lazy gameplay.

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FF14 doesn’t get good until HW.

Base game is a real drag.

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Your evidence is impeccable and flawless. Your analysis would make research scholars from all the ages weep at its sheer perfection. Clearly you took ample time to thoroughly compare every facet in excruciating and completely unbiased detail.


Both games are great for different reasons but final fantasy wins In the story department. Especially with shadowbringers wow can’t compete. Classes feel much better in ff14 at max level but horrible when leveling.

Wow is carried by the amount of time we have put into it.

If final fantasy had a mythic plus system and open world events like eso and gw2 it would stomp wow

This was the most incomprehensible thing i’ve read all day, but 14 bosses are not balanced around healers maximizing their dps. I’ve played in PuGS where a healer did absolutely no dps and we still killed it. The reason healers are expected to heal is because a lot of damage in 14 fights is 100% avoidable. If you can get people high enough to where they won’t die to a raid wide, or a targeted spell, why would you not dps? You’d be doing literally nothing. Being a good healer in 14 is knowing when you need to heal, and when you can get away with doing DPS.

Also WHM has one of the hardest hitting abilities in game lol

Ya its alot better after the overhaul.

Also the Free Trial accounts can now go up to 60 and do all Heavensward content so the only thing you can lose is time if you don’t enjoy it.

Yup, if you have a good group who knows what they are doing healing is easy and breeze where your only using your heals on damage which predictably happens to the tank or unavoidable damage. Rest of the time its DPS or shielding when unavoidable damage is about to happen.

What’s it like trying to inject politics into a video game where there are none? Is it like…you wake up in the morning and just putting on clothes is oppression? Is life just one oppression Olympic game after another? Most people that complain about SJW’s, are in fact SJW’s.

I need to ask you a question about this, I ended up giving up on FFXIV because I was having a terrible time finding groups to complete dungeon story line events that allowed your character to progress.

What did they do with the mandatory story line dungeon’s you had to do to progress your character forward.

/thanks in advance.

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Duty Finder, its LFG. Select the dungeon and queue for it. Its been there for a long time.

A feeling is a feeling. How you’re finding the game sounds about right. Classes themselves are significantly less complex but you’ll find raiding IMO to be more intense at high levels.

I’d definitely agree on the whole that I’m not having to say think as much when playing in WoW.

FFXIV is ok but the engine sucks and feels super clunky compared to how fluid WoW is, also the story isn’t as amazing as everyone makes it out to be. I played through the entire thing and was fairly let down after everyone hyped it up so much.

My favourite part of the game is probably fishing.