WoW Is Back!

oh dear god. You mean there will be something worse after SL’s?

Oh yeah baby. Its time for BFA 2! Hell yeah. This time with 10x more RNG. There is even RNG when you login to your account. You can no longer pick a character to login to. Everyday you have to roll the dice and pray you get your main! Perfect

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You are honor level 20, which means you don’t do PvP. PvP vendors will sell gear for conquest points only available through rated PvP. Most PvPers don’t do rated PvP.

I think Im going to need to see a therapist after all of this, lol

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Well that’s good to hear. Is there an artifact weapon/neck/other to grind, because I really need a break from that, especially with our weapon & neck grinds not carrying over into the next expansion.

Whats there not to like. 200 dailies instead of 100 this time! Perfect for player engagement. Now you cant blink without having to do more. The perfect sequel to the single worst expac in MMO history

What do you mean?
My main account has quite a bit of Pvp, but no rated PvP, but I was buying those pvp gear sets for mogs sets.
Not the same thing?

With them constantly trying to reinvent the wheel, and with what looks like a time management issue every other expansion (cata, wod, bfa) I’m almost sure we’ll see this issue again.

It’s got a “Timer” in Vitality. Basically Sanity with a different name.

Looks like a big NO on the AP grind…thank Odin

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Im sure we will see it again but WoW really needs to get at least two expansions without slamming into a mountain again. People are getting fed up with getting a new expac and just knowing the next will likely suck

Vitality has been removed.

Conquest can be earned through a variety activities now. In Shadowlands, the PvP vendor will sell gear to people who have earned conquest doing rated PvP. Not randoms.

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Every time I see the letters A and P together I get Vietnam flashback of how awful it was

Probably not the same thing then.

:+1: :laughing: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

BOOM …there goes the left leg.

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In rated PvP you form premades to fight other premades. This may be in a guild or using the group finder. You end up with a rating based on your win-loss record and the ratings of teams you have beaten.

Something I havent seen people mention and its something Im happy about. Im honestly glad there is only one single unified story this time in SL. It will feel good to be able to know everything and whos doing what instead of being kept in the dark 24/7… Looks slowly at Sylvanas

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But each covenant has its own story.