WoW Is Back!

Yeah but they stated the overall story regarding the Jailer and such will be unified in that everyone will know whats going down and all

I see.
Yeah, never did any of that. Just BGs and some wPvP that I usually died in right as Id think I might actually win, lol

Stupid rogue and that blasted trinket lol

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Anima Power says hi

I don’t think having an open ended expansion is a bad thing, it just has to be executed correctly. Having a linear story definitely does come with less risks though as BfA showed us. Listening to the interview where one of the devs talked about the main issue with BfA being ‘too many mysteries’ seemed kind of like they missed the point, as mysteris aren’t bad, hell its something open stories do well… but not knowing why we’re doing things because of split story telling, and a war campaign that seemed strung together with paper clips and rubber bands hurt it way more.

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ENEMA power. Say it right :wink:

I can agree with that. The single worst thing about BFA story in my opinion was NEVER knowing for a single second what Sylvanas was doing or what her plan was. I will say in my opinion at least I thought the Bwomsandi and Jaina arcs were well done at least to me personally

Anima isn’t AP.

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i thought he was joking, honestly.
What is Anima Power?

Essentially from what I have learnt Anima Power is a currency you use throughout the expansion. From what I have heard however there has been a lot of confusion about this the currency is from Torghast and you use it to gain abilities in Torghast or to give to the blacksmith who made the Helm of Domination for your legendaries. It also has a cap you can get to prevent just spamming for it

Well yes and no, if you die repeatedly it introduces a ‘timer’ in the form of a big unbeatable bad.

By and large, your failures in Torghast are measured in deaths, not with a timer. Dying repeatedly alerts the Tarragrue, a lumbering iron-clad creature that will appear at the level’s entrance and slowly move toward its end. If he sees any heroes, he will chase down and kill them. If he reaches the end of the level or kills all the players in the level, your run ends and you are thrown out of Torghast.

So if you die enough you need to reach the next floor before he gets to you or reaches the end of the floor before you.

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The problem wasn’t too many mysteries. It was too many improbable inscrutable plot twists intended to confuse us into buying books to understand what just happened.

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No, that’s a future expansion.

I swear I better not find out LARGE sections of lore or events are ripped out of SL just to be put in books again. It was infuriating finding out how much in BFA you had to find out by looking at the books. Its fine to do cross media stuff for your games/movies/etc but dont leave the original audience completely in the dark as to whats happening only to find out later in a one sentence explanation within a quest log

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so not AP but more like the legendary system end of Legion, it sounds closer to

Sort of but dont take my word as law. Like I said, lots of confusion at the moment so I could completely be wrong at the moment. It does sound like the good parts of the legendary system from Legion and less of a chore as there is a cap to how much you can get per day so you dont sit there all day farming it

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seriously who is writing the lore M. Night Shyamalan? :rofl:

Oh God lets not give them ideas. Last thing I need is to see After Earth ported into WoW or even worse. The Last Airbender movie. YUCK

hey Airbender was decent it made quite a haul in box office but yeah AE was actually worse than the reboot of ghostbusters

Maybe its just differing opinions but I despise Last Airbender. And we dont talk about the Ghostbusters reboot. Before anyone says it nothing against having an all female team. But my lord did they fail to recapture what made ghostbusters special to begin with. That and the jokes were horrendous

Only thing i really care about is class tier returning they do that then ill for sure play it 100%