WoW Is Back!

I don’t know, man. I’m feeling more and more disenchanted by what I keep hearing about SL. That, and anything that has a chance to be good has a much bigger chance of getting worse — and we need beta to really determine the fate of those things because that’s probably what’s going to end up in the game. For example, PvP vendors. I highly doubt it will return to the simple system it was before because we just can’t have that.

They have no choice, but to do good in this expansion. They mess it up they lose it all.


Thankfully it seems Ion is waaaaay more leaning towards the sign of Player Agency then he has in a long time. Which is great

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Well that’s a depressing and inaccurate view of what we’ve seen so far from the Alpha, but okay.

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Inaccurate? It’s my opinion.

You’re completely right. I think they realized that they lit their a**es on fire, and they need to get out of this mess if WoW is gonna be any good.


I agree. They have shown a great sign they are listening to players already in alpha by modifying things and getting things like class changes into Alpha faster then ever before. Ive been more and more enchanted by what they have stated as opposed to disenchanted but it could just be Im a different player. Everyone has a right to an opinion though. Especially in an MMO

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And so, the darkest timeline was finally vanquished.


Your feeling of disenchantment is, but the whole “anything that has a chance to be good has a much bigger chance of getting worse” is statistical, and therefore is factual.

That, my friend, is not a fact.

Imagine once upon a time everyone thought WoD was the darkest timeline. Lmao


SL does sound more promising when looking at the issues at least I had with BfA; classes, story & gear were the big ones.

But across all their IPs for the past few years, I think its fair to say they’ve made me wary when it comes to their ability to execute on a game.


Ion was in an interview on stream. Go look it up.


It is MY OPINION of anything that sounds good TO ME. Is that so difficult to understand? Too good to be true, Blizz needs to walk the walk because talk doesn’t mean squat anymore… take your pick.

Is it wrong that when I saw the title of the thread in my mind I stared going .

Look who’s back again WoW is back tell a friend.

I liked emissaries… knowing blizzard they’ll replace it with something worse.

They are walking the walk though. We’ve seen how good the systems are even in the Alpha, and they’ve shown integral end-game systems very early on compared to any other expansion.

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That is YOUR OPINION. Guess you just don’t like the fact that someone isn’t excited for SL. I’m not trusting Blizz on this one. But you can. Feel free.

Its fair to point out for Wariya the stream was on Sloots channel. Fantastic interview by the way. No matter what you think of Sloot that was the best interview we have seen in years

I’m fine with that lol, chill

I’m completely chill. Just don’t come in here and tell me that my opinion is wrong. I’m pretty logical in my approach regarding how I feel about this expac.