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Im REALLY interested in World Quests 2.0 they keep talking about. I just hope it doesnt turn into chore simulator 2020 like BFA whereas there are about 100 things you need to do everyday to keep up to date with everything


I would guess Mage Tower was removed because of the unavoidable power creep, making its challenge meaningless, and the fact it was designed around the classes as they were in Legion with full artifacts.

They would’ve had to keep redesigning the Tower whenever classes changed. Seems like a waste of time that could be dedicated elsewhere.

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They said a little something about this earlier in the Slootbag interview. Emissaries are being replaced by something called Callings, and they come from your Covenant.

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I totally agree. The weapons, in my opinion, was one of the better ideas they had. At least we had a weapon, that yes we had to upgrade, but we had one.

Now we are back to hoping for a weapon to drop that’s good for us.

I didn’t mind leveling my weapons, like we had to. It took longer but we upgraded it ourselves.


Ill be honest. A calling literally sounds like an emissary but a different word. But who knows I just hope to God it doenst end up being a cesspool like BFA. I logged in today and checked to see just how much I need to do to keep up with everything and let me be honest. The amount they intend for people to do every day is simply infeasible. There is WAY to much they want you to grind out and funnily enough I thought FFXIV had bad grinding. Oh boy was I wrong


Maybe for you. But others wanted it…
And it’s a unquie feature, by which one was willing to collect skins or reward.

True. I hope it gives you more of an option to do what you want to do.

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I think it comes down to what type of player you are and what you enjoy. We all have different visions for what the game should do and I hope we can all get a middle ground with SL


For sure. It’s all about balancing things while maintaining the idea of allowing player agency as much as possible!

I sure hope it does that. They have put alot of coins in the “player agency”. If you want to give us emissaries but different name then at least let us have some semblance of choice to narrow down how much we have to do

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Torghast not being timed is a really good thing to hear. :slight_smile:


From what I’ve read Anima Power is something used in Torghast.

“With every floor, enemies will become stronger but you’ll also become more powerful by using temporary skills called Anima Powers.”

Thats what I thought I read but some people have stated its not just for Torghast. Seems to be some confusion for everyone on exactly where Anima Power can be used

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Yeah. They haven’t said specifically what it applies to yet. I’m sure we’ll see more info down the line.

Well, they did warn us it was going away, months in advance, same as when they told us they were removing Challenge Dungeons and their xmog sets, and as I said before, the whole challenge of it was designed around how were in Legion. The devs feel you shouldn’t be rewarded without the challenge, in those particular cases.

Hope, is what made me pre-order SL. But if this hope is crushed, again…it’s the end. I tell ya.

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Same for me. Im tired of getting into an MMO getting hyped, let down heavily, hyped again, let down again and over and over it goes. I think if SL is bad I may be done with MMOs for awhile at least until another major MMO comes out like AoC, Amazons Lord of the Rings

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world quests and bosses mean less when the map is so dense imo

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I think Ion dies inside just a little bit every time he hears those two horrible, terrible words…player…agency…lol

You do realize they will do everything to duck the issue starting with .

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