WoW Is Back!

I went into BFA to farm a bit a few days ago. 15 minutes. Thats all I lasted before I started feeling ill.
Went down to Uldum instead and started grinding for the Camel mount.
Doing the grind again on another character just for fun.
Might do the mists farm tiller rep thing again just for craps and giggles.
Anything to stay out of BFA, lol

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But if you’re getting Anima Power for abilities or crafting legendaries or whatnot, that doesn’t seem all that different to me.

Have they explained it yet or still too early?


I think personally the reason BFA was so bad comes down to the fact that these problems had been slowly growing since Legion and before that and they didnt really realize how much of an issue they were making some of these issues such as SOOOO much RNG on gear until it was way too late to stop the plane from hitting the mountain

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Duck faces for blood elves. Let’s face it they would be the only ones on Azeroth making them. :upside_down_face:

Eh… I do like “seeing” the reasoning behind it, I still don’t agree.

They create these artificial problems then bend over backwards to solve them.

  • Water-walking is a problem - that no one but them agrees with.
  • Flying at cap is a problem - that they made up starting in WoD.
  • PvP vendors was an issue - that no one said ever.
  • Loot is uninteresting - so let’s remove easy to understand stats and add a bunch of nebulous ones that require a site to understand/sim.
  • ML is a problem - …maybe in pugs? if that.
  • Current meta is pulling everything and AOE - … maybe make mobs hit harder or you know that timer of yours encourages speed over caution … also tank/healer should control survivability?
  • First Aid is useless - maybe because no encounter permits 2 seconds of standing still to channel.

The list goes on and on.


You guys are so hyped for this content. I hope it doesn’t back fire like the island expeditions and Warfronts.
Also, Torghast exist only in SL after that it will get tossed to the fire.

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It’s too early to say. You’re probably right about using it to craft legendaries though. That’s something I wouldn’t mind though, especially since it has a weekly cap.

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Please! Playable ducks.

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Well I wouldn’t go that far.

Wouldn’t want Horde bias… :slight_smile:

Besides there’s nothing sadder than seeing people making duck faces/lips. Just no.

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Well the difference between Torghast and the others comes down to the amount of info they are giving us at such an early point in alpha. They clearly want to prevent another BFA scenario and honestly Torghast only being in SL is fine as long as they make something to either replace it if its good or make something even better then Torghast for the following expac

lol I can just see it now, a Vulpera and it’s best friend, A duck.

Keep it up and we will be playing a version of Old McDonald had a Farm.

I still haven’t figured out why anyone believes that’s an attractive pose.


I did listen to the interview - I heard a lot of “we’re thinking about that, we’re looking at that”, etc. I did not hear the word “Yes” very often.
So - wait and see for me - I am not convinced.


if you smash your head against a wall until blood comes out of your ears it’ll make sense due to the precipitous IQ drop


Nor can I.

I’d say many of the ones who do it don’t think so either. But it’s the “in” thing to do.

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duck mounts


looks at title

People said the same thing about WoD. There seems to be a lot of promise for this one but after being slung through the mud for 3 expansions now I’m gonna sit out the prelaunch festivities and see what the feedback is for the game.


That’s where your wrong. The Devs have to literally push themselves everly 2 yrs by bringing something new to the table and deleting the old, like how they did to Mage tower.

Ppl wanted that content in BFA and now its gone for good and what we get to replace that Warfronts…lol.

That’s why we get contents that are copy paste and inferior to its original design.

Look at other mmorogs, they try and make the old content fresh compared to what wow is doing…

But who knows, SL might change that…

I do think that they thought because most players loved the Artifact weapon that it would be a good concept to carry over.
Problem was that the Artifact weapon, as annoying as I found it, had real personality.
I dont like building up a weapon I have to give up, I want to work on my character, but the weapon did at least make the game fun to play.
that neck. just 8 shades of ugh.


I don’t mind these. If I was going to change them I’d reduce the points from 10,000 to maybe 8000 so it doesn’t drag out. Maybe reduce even further down to 5000 points when more factions get added. And also add in multiple toys/mounts that you can get a chance getting when opening the chest.

Anyway, will be interesting to see what replaces them.

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